IL Guest Editorial Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in Inbound Logistics. We welcome editorial submissions on supply chain topics—one submission per company per year.
Top 5 Editorial Guidelines
1. Please keep the article non-promotional. Your company name will be in your byline, not in the main body of the article.
2. Please watch the word count: approximately 650 words.
3. Please provide an author photo (color, high-res).
4. Please submit author contact info (name, title, company, phone number, and email address).
5. Know the audience angle: You are talking to supply chain professionals buying transportation, logistics, and technology solutions (i.e. manufacturers, distributors, and retailers).
3 Helpful Tips
[ ] Provide takeaways for supply chain best practices in the article and sum them up in the closing paragraph. [ ] Expect our editors to do some tinkering. No surprise here: Your submission will be edited for space, style, and clarity. [ ] Please take a minute to review past guest editorials here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a deadline?
There is NO deadline. We accept guest editorials on a rolling basis. We try to publish guest editorials in the order we receive them, while remaining flexible for time-sensitive topics.
When should I expect it to get published?
In about three to six months. Sorry for the long wait; we receive a large number of submissions.
Can I submit more than one article at a time?
Pace yourself! We don’t publish multiple submissions from any author/organization in the same 12-month period.
Can I request a specific issue placement or format (print, online, etc.)?
While we try our best to accommodate, unfortunately, the answer is no. We don’t make promises we can’t keep.
Please submit all materials to:
Katrina Arabe
[email protected]
Senior Editor, Inbound Logistics