Production Resources for Advertisers

To make creating and delivering ads for Inbound Logistics as simple and error-free a process as possible, we’ve assembled a number of production resources, instructions, and tutorial videos for advertisers and their agencies or designers. These resources include downloadable ad templates in all of our print ad sizes for Adobe InDesign (CS4 through CS6, and CC), an InDesign Preflight Profile created to check for out-of-spec elements in your layout, and a PDF Export Preset for Adobe InDesign that will create a press-ready PDF to our exact specifications. Unfortunately, we cannot offer similar resources for users of QuarkXPress or other page layout applications.



Using Our Ad Templates

To assist you in the preparation of your ads, Inbound Logistics offers downloadable InDesign templates for all of our ad sizes that include the proper bleed settings, margin guides, and more. Watch the video below or read the instructions for downloading and using these tempates.

To use our ad templates:

  1. Download the template file for the ad size you’re designing. Each template file is named based on the specific size of the ad unit. You can also download all of our ad size templates as a single zip archive.
  2. Decompress the downloaded file. All templates are saved in the “.idml” (InDesign Markup Language) format and are fully compatible with InDesign CS4, CS5, CS5.5, and CS6.
  3. Double click the .idml file to open it. A new, untitled document will open in your version of InDesign.

Each template file includes a bleed area (even those intended for non-bleed ads) and a quarter-inch margin guide to indicate the “safe area” in which all critical text and content should reside. The files also include separate layers for background elements, transparent elements, text, and images, to help you organize your layout’s elements if you choose to take advantage of them.

Using the Preflight Profile in Our Templates

All Inbound Logistics ad template files include a built-in preflight profile that will automatically display an error alert if some aspect of the ad file’s content does not conform to our specifications.

To take advantage of the Preflight preset:

  1. Make sure InDesign’s built-in Preflight feature is enabled by checking the bottom left of your document window (see images below). If Preflight is off, go to Window > Output > Preflight, and check the On box in the Preflight panel.
  2. In the Preflight Panel’s Profile menu, the “Inbound Logistics Ads (embedded)” profile should be selected by default.
  3. As you work, the Preflight feature will continually check the document for errors. Review any errors listed in the Preflight panel to make the necessary adjustments and corrections prior to exporting.

If you prefer to use your own templates, you may still download our InDesign Preflight Profile and load it into your document. From InDesign’s Preflight panel menu, choose Define Profiles, then choose Load Profile from the options menu in the Preflight Profiles dialog (see below). Navigate to where you downloaded the “inbound_logistics_ads.idpp” file and click Open.

Installing Our PDF Export Preset

For your convenience, and to ensure accurate output, Inbound Logistics offers a PDF Export Preset with all of our settings pre-established.

To download and install the preset:

  1. Downloaded the PDF output preset (a “.joboptions” file) and save it to a location on your computer.
  2. Launch Adobe InDesign.
  3. From the File menu, choose Adobe PDF Presets > Define…
  4. In the Adobe PDF Presets dialog, click Load.
  5. Navigate to the place where you downloaded the PDF preset.
  6. Select the “inbound_logistics_pressready_2015.joboptions” file.
  7. Click Open. The preset is added to your list of presets in the Adobe PDF Presets dialog.
  8. Click Done.

Exporting with Our PDF Preset

When you’re ready to export your finished ad layout for Inbound Logistics, use the PDF Preset to ensure accurate output to our specifications. To export a PDF using the preset:

  1. Go to File > Adobe PDF Presets and choose “inbound_logistics_pressready_2015” from the submenu.
  2. In the resulting dialog, give the PDF an appropriate name (please include your company name and the issue date in the filename).
  3. In the export dialog, check “View PDF After Exporting” if you want to automatically open the PDF for review after exporting. Leave all other settings unchanged.*
  4. Click Export.

*NOTE: Be sure that your ad layout includes 1/8” bleed on all sides as required. If you’re using the Inbound Logistics ad templates, this bleed area is already defined.