eNewsletter Specs

Inbound Logistics offers ad unit placements in its scheduled Dialog and Supply Chain Insights newsletters. We also offer custom newsletter campaigns such as 10 Tips and Custom eBlasts to our audience on behalf of advertisers. Contact your sales representative for availability.

Please find the technical specifications below:


Dialog – an Inbound Logistics content newsletter – is distributed weekly.  An example can be found here with ad specs below:

  • Premium Top Banner (600×60)
  • Middle & Bottom Banners (600×60)
  • Skyscraper (120×600)
  • Half-Skyscraper (120×240)

Materials: Static banners (60K max) or animated GIFs (160K max) only. All ads must have a working click-through URL and up to 60 characters of ALT text.

If providing an animated GIF file, be sure to include all vital information within the first frame. Various email clients do not allow for animation.

Materials are due two weeks prior to the newsletter’s release date.

No tracking, opens, or metrics will be provided by Inbound Logistics. Client is responsible for implementation and use of their own tracking URLs.


10 Tips allows you the opportunity to share valuable tips and expertise with the Inbound Logistics audience. You’ll find an example here and specs below:



  • Subject Line
  • Headline
  • Introduction – 65 to 75 word introduction on the topic and who the tips are being offered by.
  • Ten brief tips on the desired topic – approximately 450 words.


  • Top Banner (600×60)
  • Skyscraper (120×600)
  • Static banners (60K max) or animated GIFs (160K max) only.
  • All ads must have a working click-through URL and up to 60 characters of ALT text.
  • If providing an animated GIF file, please include all vital information within the first frame as various email clients do not allow for animation.

Materials are due two weeks prior to the newsletter’s release date.

No tracking, opens, or metrics will be provided by Inbound Logistics. Client is responsible for implementation and use of their own tracking URLs.


Supply Chain Insights provides access to whitepapers, eBooks, videos, podcasts, on-demand webinars and more via a monthly newsletter sent the last week of each month.  You’ll find an example here  and specs below:

Materials: JPG of whitepaper cover or PDF of whitepaper, ebook; video, etc., title, 65- to 75-word description; click-through URL for item access..

Materials are due two weeks prior to the direct newsletter’s release date.

No tracking, opens, or metrics will be provided by Inbound Logistics. Client is responsible for implementation and use of their own tracking URLs.


Please follow these guidelines when preparing a custom e-Newsletter for distribution by Inbound Logistics.

  1. HTML only, provided by advertiser. E-mail newsletters cannot contain Javascript, Flash, or any other rich media code. Inbound Logistics does not offer direct e-newsletter creation services.
  2. Use tables for page layout and structure, specifying exact width in each TD tag.
  3. Floats, DIV tags, and HEAD-level CSS cannot be used. DIVs are only permitted within a nested HTML table structure
  4. Use the “display:block” style attribute within IMG tags to allow for Outlook’s behavior of adding space at the bottom of all images.
  5. Image tag paths must be absolute, and the client must host all images.
  6. Avoid using spacer images as they are likely to be tagged as spam.
  7. All styling must be inline (within each individual tags using the “style” attribute) as HEAD elements are removed by most e-mail clients.
  8. Limit the use of P tags, as some mail clients often add extra spacing to both P and DIV tags.
  9. Use the padding attribute instead of margins to control spacing in style declarations; some e-mail clients do not recognize the margin attribute
  10. No tracking, opens, or metrics will be provided by Inbound Logistics. Client is responsible for implementation and use of their own tracking URLs.
  11. Full distribution of the e-mail newsletter to the entire list takes approximately 24 hours. We recommend avoiding campaigns with any same-day or next-day references or deadlines.
  12. Materials are due two weeks prior to the custom eBlast’s release date. This allows for any necessary material corrections, proof generation, approval and an early morning start time on the distribution date.
  13. We recommend you review online resources for e-mail newsletter best practices before preparing and submitting your e-mail newsletter. Two resources we recommend are Campaign Monitor’s Email Design Guidlines, and Dialect’s Premailer utility.