Do "Favored Shippers" Really Receive Better Pricing and Service?
Anecdotal evidence and some qualitative research suggests that "favored shippers"—companies for which carriers prefer to haul freight—obtain better pricing and service. But do they? In this paper, Iowa State University researchers explain h, ow they sought to understand the voice of U.S. truckload carriers, how they quantitatively measured the effects of "favored shipper" characteristics on […]
Read MoreStrategies to Build a More Efficient Automotive Supply Chain in China
China represents tremendous opportunities for automakers and the companies that serve them. There are specific qualities that companies should seek in a qualified logistics provider to grasp their best opportunities. This whitepaper explains the top logistics challenges for the automotive industry in China, and how logistics providers can support automotive companies in China.
Read MoreGlobal Forwarding: Biggest, Fastest Savings
It’s mission critical to optimize efficiencies and savings while moving freight around the world. Where can you get the biggest savings in international shipping with the least effort? Start here, by reading this new white paper detailing: How to get more use out of available space with cargo consolidation; How to estimate exposure and manage […]
Read MoreWide Open: How the Panama Canal Expansion is Redrawing the Logistics Map
How will the Panama Canal expansion in 2016 impact logistics? You’ll find the answers in this new whitepaper, published by C.H. Robinson in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group. Among the paper’s conclusions: The expansion could shift 10 percent of container traffic between East Asia and the United States from West Coast ports to East Coast […]
Read MoreIdentifying Opportunities With Your Inbound Transportation
An efficient inbound transportation program can reduce costs, improve service, minimize delays, reduce confusion, and raise performance. Get the whitepaper today and learn where you can find savings and eliminate gaps in your inbound program.
Read MoreAdd Resilience to Supply Chains
Natural disasters and other events can disrupt connections between you, suppliers, and customers. You can circumvent disruptions or minimize their impact on the supply chain. This whitepaper explores which companies face the greatest risk for disruption, what supply chain mapping can reveal about risk, and how you can build resilience into your supply chain.
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