75 Green Supply Chain Partners

Inbound Logistics features its annual G75— a carefully curated list of 75 companies that go above and beyond to ensure their global supply chains are sustainable, and that their operations are socially and environmentally friendly. These companies have spent years developing and implementing best practices to ensure the footprint they leave on the world is a positive one.
AAA Cooper
Over the past few years, AAA Cooper has enhanced dock lighting with t5 high-output bulbs in most facilities; designed gap reduction devices for pup trailers; and updated its existing trailer skirt package to further direct airflow more efficiently. AAA Cooper is directly involved with manufacturers on prototype testing of products and equipment to understand leading-edge product availability and incorporate it early after release.
- Energy-efficient lighting
Expansion of skirting to close the gap in pup trailers for more efficient direct airflow.
Alliance Shippers
The Alliance Shippers sustainability initiative is using what means it has to reduce negative impacts on the environment. Building its fleet of 53-foot refrigerated containers with the most current technology enables Alliance Shippers to move refrigerated goods via the nation’s railroad system. As a SmartWay participant/partner, Alliance Shippers continuously strives to improve fuel efficiencies within its own refrigerated fleet.
- Use alternative fuel/energy sources
Using rail transportation resulted in reducing CO2 emissions by 67.7 percent as compared to the same goods moved via trucks.
American Global Logistics
At American Global Logistics (AGL) headquarters, sustainability initiatives include practicing energy conservation by not turning on lights in offices and depending on natural lighting when possible, reducing waste, and utilizing a recycling program. The 3PL leases office space that has earned Energy Star and LEED awards.
- Use alternative fuel/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
AGL successfully converted two offices to a paperless program; a third office is approximately 75 percent paperless and will be 100 percent paperless by end of 2017.
APL Logistics
Using its carbon footprint calculator and green supply chain analysis, APL Logistics engineers can identify more sustainable practices and savings for shippers. The 3PL’s analysis tools estimate the amount of greenhouse gases produced by using fossil fuels for electricity, heat, transportation, and other purposes at each warehouse. Simulation tools help explore different warehouse configurations to reduce movements and double handling.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
APL is able to avoid about 430,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions each year by shipping intermodal instead of truck, and through its OceanGuaranteed service instead of air.
Through ABF Freight, ArcBest has been an active participant in the conservation movement for decades. In 1976, the carrier began voluntarily limiting its trucks’ top speeds to conserve fuel and reduce emissions. In 1994, the company incorporated new trucks with computerized engine shut-offs, which reduced idling and minimized fuel consumption while limiting emissions. ABF Freight also purchased 800 new 28-foot trailers with aerodynamic skirts to add to its fleet of 15,000 trailers (already retrofitted with that feature) to improve fuel economy and reduce wind resistance.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient equipment
ABF Freight has been a SmartWay partner since 2006, and won the 2014 SmartWay Excellence Award.
Averitt Express
Averitt was one of the 52 partners to launch the EPA SmartWay program in 2004. Through SmartWay, Averitt voluntarily commits to meeting specific environmental and energy-saving goals and sharing its progress annually with the EPA. With the help of this program, Averitt established a systematic approach to emissions reduction and fuel conservation.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Since 2004, Averitt has lowered its CO2 emissions by an estimated 27.05 percent.
Americold uses power efficiently to get the most out of each kilowatt hour. The 3PL works with waste management and local recycling organizations to take old materials handling equipment batteries, waste packaging, pallets, cardboard, plastics, and other materials. Americold is targeting a reduction in waste that heads to landfills each year, based on a year-over-year goal.
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycle program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
Americold saved 320 metric kilowatt hours of electricity since 2010—enough to power 29,000+ homes for one year, and the equivalent of keeping 264 metric lbs. of CO2 from being released.
BDP International
As a steering committee member of the Clean Cargo Working Group, BDP works with industry peers, measures carbon emissions, and accesses carrier environmental data. BDP was named a Responsible Care Partner of the Year for 2016 and 2017. In 2017, Ecovadis gave BDP a silver CSR Rating. Further achievements include: distributing the second-annual Green Leaf Award for innovation in sustainability; establishing the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) program; and creating a network of EHS ambassadors around the globe.
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Sustainable office planning
The BDP Green Leaf Award for innovation in sustainability identified an opportunity for digitization in the 3PL’s Netherlands office. Digitizing files reduced costs by 25 percent overall and costs per file by 36 percent.
BNSF Railway
BNSF continued or implemented the following initiatives to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions: fleet replacement with lower emission locomotives, installation of locomotive energy management systems, installation of automatic engine stop-start devices (anti-idling), top of rail lubrication, fuel-efficient operations training and reward program for train crew, capital investments to improve network fluidity, and horsepower optimization per trailing ton.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuel/energy sources
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Shippers using BNSF avoided 34 million metric tons of emissions in 2015, and over the past 10 years, the rail has cut average locomotive particulate matter emissions nearly in half.
Cargo Transporters
Cargo Transporters continues to find new ways to reduce emissions and electricity consumption, increase recycling at all facilities, and cut on-highway fuel consumption.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Shorepower for waiting trucks
Cargo Transporters equips all trucks in its fleet with a renewable power source (battery pack).
A Clean Cargo Working Group member, Crowley has switched its vessels, tankers, and equipment to LED lights; chooses reusable bottles over disposables; and leverages technology to cut paper usage. In 2016, 97 Crowley vessels received Certificates of Environmental Achievement from the Chamber of Shipping of America. And, the ocean liner’s headquarters is Silver LEED-certified, with recycling as well as water- and energy-efficiency features.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Sustainably source materials
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Reduce water and plastics usage in facilities
Commitment Class ships launching in 2017 reduce emissions of sulphur oxide and particulates by 100 percent, nitrogen oxide by 92 percent, and CO2 by 35 percent per container compared with current fossil fuels.
Crown Equipment Corporation
In 2016, Crown became the first two-time recipient of the gold-level award in Ohio EPA’s Encouraging Environmental Excellence program, which recognizes companies that demonstrate a high level of sustainability. Crown delivers high-quality, energy-efficient lift trucks that use fewer parts, require less maintenance, and produce less waste, while enhancing the customer experience through longer usable life and greater productivity.
- Use alternative fuel/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
Crown has received three State of Ohio Governors awards and four U.S. EPA awards, and was the first to have two facilities receive the Ohio EPA’s Encouraging Environmental Excellence Gold Award.
Celadon Trucking
A long-time member of SmartWay, Celadon keeps a current fleet of tractors, and relies on the latest technology to help reduce emissions and fuel consumption. The trucker outfits its fleet of tractors with speed limiters and equips its trailers with skirting. Celadon regularly maintains its tractors to run at optimum efficiency, and its cabs have auxiliary power units to eliminate the need for engine idle to maintain temperatures.
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
The roof of Celadon’s administration building contains more than 400 solar panels. The carrier sells the harnessed energy to a local energy company.
CaseStack’s retail consolidation programs help conserve natural resources by reducing dock congestion, improving warehouse efficiencies, and decreasing the number of trucks on the highway. The resulting supply chain consumes less energy and produces lower amounts of carbon emissions. CaseStack has been a SmartWay partner for the past eight consecutive years.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
CaseStack’s consolidated truckloads reduce carbon emissions by 58 million pounds of CO2 each year.
CSX Transportation
Rail is the most environmentally friendly way to move freight over land. In recent years, CSX has been recognized for sustainability and corporate social responsibility by Dow Jones Sustainability Index, CDP, CR Magazine, and others.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
CSX can pull one ton of freight 474 miles on a single gallon of fuel.
CT Logistics
CT has invested in software to provide shippers the tools to make greener choices in their supply chains. The software helps shippers drive energy efficiency with supply chain routing analysis technologies, and helps identify ways to consolidate small shipments into truckloads with stop-offs to reduce costs and fuel. These systems enable shippers to choose environmentally conscious routings, modes, and carriers with the shortest transit times to reduce fuel consumption and lower CO2 emissions.
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
CT Logistics saved more than 200,000 kilowatt hours of electricity over the past year by replacing all facility lighting with LED lamps and bulbs.
C.H. Robinson
C.H. Robinson helps contract carriers leverage backhaul capacity to reduce empty miles; optimizes loads and modes to reduce miles and more effectively utilize transportation equipment; and provides network analysis to help minimize inventory and transportation miles. The 3PL also consolidates smaller loads into larger trailers and containers to reduce the total number of shipments.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
C.H. Robinson helps shorten the distance from farm to table, and strengthen local economies through legacy and regional farming programs.
DHL Supply Chain
DHL’s environmental protection program, GoGreen, focuses on improving carbon efficiency and reducing air and noise pollution—including direct fleet emissions and indirect emissions from transportation subcontractors. DHL continues to implement measures to improve efficiency, optimize networks and routes, and improve energy efficiency in its buildings.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Composting program
- Waste to energy from DC materials
DHL has set a climate protection target to reduce all logistics-related emissions to zero by 2050.
Crane Worldwide Logistics
The 3PL’s Crane Cares initiative is composed of three specific branches through which it demonstrates environmental commitment: Green Worldwide, Give Worldwide, and Live Well Worldwide. Through Crane Cares, the Crane Worldwide Logistics team undertakes hundreds of campaigns and events each year to impact change in local communities around the world, and to support global causes.
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
As part of its 2017 Save Water initiative, the Crane Cares program to date has conserved more than 4,043 liters of water, and recycled 1,625 liters.
Dupré Logistics
Dupré’s fleet has fuel-efficient specifications and a top speed of 62 mph, and utilizes fuel-efficient tires as part of an overall fuel conservation and emissions reduction strategy. The 3PL utilizes Omnitracs and Green Road technologies to monitor safety and fuel economy supporting continuous improvement. In 2015, the EPA honored Dupré with a SmartWay Excellence Award for freight carbon efficiency—a top 20-percent designation.
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
A company-wide recycling effort is underway.
DSC Logistics
DSC’s sustainability programs include Logistics Center Management, which tracks electricity, water, and waste tonnage usage, and Transportation Management, which consolidates shipping and enforces a strict “no idle” policy. A SmartWay partner, DSC has received multiple sustainability awards.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
DSC’s Network Modeling and Design helps companies implement more efficient supply chain networks, reducing carbon footprints.
Echo Global Logistics
As a SmartWay partner since 2010, Echo helps clients improve supply chain efficiency and reduce transportation-related emissions by advising on efficiencies that improve both the supply chain and carbon footprint. For example, Echo noted one food and beverage client moved freight from overseas to California and then to Chicago. The client broke down the freight in Chicago, then returned half of it to California, incurring an environmentally wasteful expense. Echo advised the client to transition the breakdown procedures to the California location, thereby saving time and resources.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
SmartWay’s annual report tells shippers how environmentally efficient a firm is. In 2015, Echo listed at 13.5 grams/mile of nitrogen—well below the 19.8 grams/mile average of 600 logistics firms.
England Logistics
The England Logistics team safeguards food and beverage shipments by utilizing its network stocked with temperature-controlled facilities and equipment, resulting in fewer transportation risks. Using optimization software also allows England to build an economic strategy for each shipment, resulting in reduced miles. These practices ensure that England transports each shipment in the most resourceful way, with a minimized environmental impact.
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
England Logistics’ sustainability initiatives are designed to reduce paper waste and decrease personal emissions through carpool incentives.
Expeditors International
Expeditors creates efficient value chains, including carbon emissions reporting for all customers. Green teams at all Expeditors locations measure, monitor, and reduce carbon emissions and water and energy usage. The 3PL released its first Corporate Responsibility Report, became a member of the Clean Cargo Working Group, and achieved ISO 14001 certification.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Expeditors saved 8.5 million pages of paper since October 2015, diverted 60 tons of waste from the landfill via food waste and composting programs at its headquarters, and converted 20+ facilities to LED lighting.
G&D Integrated
As an inaugural member of the B20 Club, which recognizes Illinois-based fleets running on blends of B20 biodiesel fuel, G&D Integrated has made a commitment to using this renewable, clean-burning fuel because more shippers are asking for it. Using biodiesel reduces carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter—all of which impact air quality.
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
Through the use of biodiesel in its fleet, G&D Integrated’s annual reduction in CO2 emissions in 2016 equaled 229,711 fewer gallons of gasoline consumed.
FedEx integrates environmental practices into its daily operations, and works to increase efficiencies and reduce waste and emissions. The company has set the following goals to reduce its footprint: reduce aircraft emissions 30 percent by 2020; increase FedEx Express vehicle efficiency by 30 percent by 2020; get 30 percent of its jet fuel from alternative fuels by 2030; and expand on-site renewable energy generation and procurement of renewable energy credits.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
The company operates 118 all-electric trucks and 364 commercial hybrid trucks, and is adding 87 all-electric trucks, bringing its all-electric global vehicle count to 130.
Georgia Ports Authority
By electrifying ship-to-shore cranes and refrigerated container racks, the Port of Savannah avoids the use of more than 5.4 million gallons of diesel annually. The port has also retrofitted 11 locomotives with automatic engine stop-start devices, and reduced truck idling time through automated gates, extended hours, and the Cross Terminal Roadway, along with last-mile road projects completed in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Transportation.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Electric rubber-tired gantry cranes reduce fuel consumption by more than 95 percent per crane. The GPA’s program, which received an EPA Clean Air Excellence Award, virtually eliminates diesel emissions.
Gulf Winds International
Gulf Winds’ Port Houston warehouse model of 2 million+ square feet of space consolidates ocean containers to domestic truckload, eliminating empty container miles and associated carbon emissions. The company’s 350 power units in the Texas intermodal market use technology that matches available import and export equipment in real time, creating sustainability for shippers and steamship line partners. Gulf Winds invests in best-in-class equipment, including the largest and newest fleet of owned chassis in the region along with the most fuel-efficient tractors.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Through its transload program, Gulf Winds eliminates empty truck miles, resulting in 20,000+ metric tons of CO2 emissions saved annually.
Hub Group
Hub Group has been a member of SmartWay since 2004 and has received multiple SmartWay Environmental Excellence Awards. The intermodal service provider encourages the use of day cab tractors, which save approximately 4,056 gallons of diesel fuel per day/cab annually. Hub Group’s corporate office received LEED Gold Certified in 2014, and includes natural habitat landscaping, energy-efficient lighting, rainwater harvesting, and electric vehicle charging stations.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
By shipping intermodal vs. over-the-road, Hub Group saved 143 million gallons of fuel and 3.2 billion pounds of CO2—a 68.9 percent savings versus truck in 2016.
ITS Logistics
ITS’s SmartWay-endorsed tractor/trailer fleet averages 7.8 MPG, one of the most efficient in the industry. ITS equips its tractors with complete wind fairing packages for reduced drag, lightweight aluminum wheels, and “super single” tires with auto-inflation systems that last 300,000+ miles. The trailers feature side skirts, translucent roofs, and e-track systems for load bars to improve cube utilization.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Annually, ITS uses 673,000 fewer gallons of gas than the industry average.
J.B. Hunt Transport
J.B. Hunt is a partner in the EPA’s SmartWay program and has won the SmartWay Excellence Award every year since 2008. The 3PL provides transparency for all carbon emissions and sustainability information to customers and investors through surveys including the Carbon Disclosure Project, EcoVadis, and company-specific surveys. Other green initiatives include LTL consolidation and network optimization, MPG tracking and improvement maintenance, lightweight and aerodynamic equipment, driver training, and alternative fuel options such as natural gas and biodiesel.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
- MPG reduction
In 2016, J.B. Hunt converted product shipments to energy-efficient intermodal, reducing carbon emissions equivalent to removing 750,000+ passenger cars from America’s highways for one year.
Kane Is Able
Kane Is Able is committed to reducing pollution and congestion with smarter trucks and delivery methods. KANE facilities couple energy-efficient T5 lighting with motion sensors and all are engaged in recycling programs. Additionally, KANE’s sophisticated contract packaging capabilities enable companies to integrate final packaging into distribution operations, eliminating freight runs to and from outside packagers, and reducing time, cost, and carbon emissions in the overall supply chain.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Energy-efficient lighting
KANE saves 3.5 million kilowatt-hours and 343,000 gallons of diesel annually. Its retail consolidation program reduces distribution costs as much as 35 percent while reducing carbon emissions.
Kenco continuously works to reduce its carbon footprint. Creating green initiatives in logistics is an important part of every budget planning, and goals and objectives meeting.
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Sustainable packaging
- Energy-efficient lighting
Kenco completed lighting upgrades at three facilities, and expects them to produce an annual savings of $227,000.
Lufthansa Cargo AG
Lufthansa Cargo constantly works to reduce CO2 emissions and aims to reduce its specific CO2 emissions by 25 percent by 2020, in comparison to 2005. In 2016, Lufthansa Cargo achieved 16.2 percent of this target. The carrier has its own environmental strategy for continuous improvement focusing on: green flying, green ground, environmental management system, innovation, partnerships, data transparency, public relations, and green solutions. Lufthansa Cargo invested in five new Boeing 777F—the most efficient freighter in its class. A dedicated Fuel Efficiency Team constantly searches for improvements in flight-related processes by using the new big data tool OMEGA (Ops Monitoring and Efficiency Gap Analyser), for which Lufthansa Cargo garnered the DQS German Excellence Award in 2017.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
OMEGA is a big data tool that collects flight data and provides information to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. With it, Lufthansa can reduce 10,000 tons of CO2 per year.
Lynden is the first Alaska-based transportation company to be recognized by SmartWay and the first trucking company to earn the Green Star Award for Alaskan businesses. Lynden’s super-efficient reefer units, shore-side plug-in technology, and electric forklifts save fuel and reduce emissions. LED lighting has improved safety and reduced energy use, and stormwater pollution prevention exceeds local requirements. Lynden’s fleets consistently score among the most efficient in the nation in terms of CO2 per ton mile as measured by the SmartWay Transport Partnership.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
Facility upgrades have saved 2,350 megawatt hours of electricity and nearly 7 million BTUs of heating fuel/natural gas annually. This equals the average energy used in 167 homes or 335 passenger vehicles annually.
In 1993, Matson’s Zero Solid Waste Discharge policy, developed with Ocean Conservancy, set the industry standard for environmental protection at sea. Its Greentainer program uses a revenue slot on every sailing to collect all solid waste for transfer to recycling and waste-to-energy facilities on shore.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Matson recently installed engine exhaust cleaning systems on its Alaska fleet and will outfit its two new Aloha Class vessels, currently under construction, with dual-fuel, LNG-capable engines.
Murphy Warehouse Company
Murphy Warehouse sustainably upgraded its logistics campuses with energy savings and power generation, pollution abatement, and resource management. The 3PL’s comprehensive annual corporate sustainability report follows Global Reporting Initiative standards.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Responsibly disperse stormwater
Murphy’s 2016 goals were to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and emit less than 50 percent of the national average for similar facilities; it emitted only 30 percent.
Norfolk Southern Corporation
In 2016, Norfolk Southern (NS) achieved record locomotive fuel economy, improving fuel efficiency by 1.5 percent. Through its innovative locomotive rebuild program, NS recycles old units, reducing business costs and environmental impacts by equipping them with cleaner-burning, more fuel-efficient engines. Through community partnerships, NS helps urban locales improve air quality by equipping rail yards with custom idle-reduction technologies and introducing its “Eco” locomotives—rebuilt 1980s units outfitted with low-emission engines.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Capturing stormwater
Through improved energy management and operational practices, NS reduced locomotive greenhouse gas emissions by 8 percent per revenue ton mile since 2010, and invested $5.6 million to reforest 10,000 acres in a carbon-mitigation partnership.
Trucks across NFI’s 2,300+ dedicated fleet use airtabs, trailer skirts, battery-powered auxiliary powered units, and speed limiters to improve fuel usage. The 3PL’s headquarters and many warehouses operate on solar power. NFI recently won the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo Fleet Award for Shippers & Carriers.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Solar panels
NFI’s 100-percent low emission, late-model tractor fleet has increased miles per gallon by at least 2 percent per year for the past seven years.
Old Dominion Freight Line
In 2018, Old Dominion Freight Line will invest in a new fuel-efficient fleet. Every new service center is equipped with LED lights, and all 226 existing service centers are being retro fitted with LEDs. Other green initiatives include adding skirts to every trailer along with fully equipped technology, like onboard computers that track MPG and tire inflation systems that increase fuel mileage and reduce emissions. Service center shops are converting to sole recycling water, where 1,000+ gallons of water are consistently on reserve. Old Dominion is EPA SmartWay certified.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Recycle oils, filters and scrap steel
ODFL’s fleet is 100 percent low rolling resistance, which increases fuel mileage and reduces emissions.
Northwest Seaport Alliance
The Northwest Seaport Alliance, a partnership between the ports of Tacoma and Seattle, reduces port-related emissions through clean truck programs, shore power at terminals, retrofitted cargo-handling equipment, and cleaner-burning ship fuels.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
The alliance achieved a 95-percent reduction in zinc and copper at terminal operations; and reduced emissions 58 percent from trucks, 25 percent from trains and 17 percent from ships.
ORBIS Corporation
ORBIS manufactures reusable plastic packaging, which can be recovered, recycled, and reprocessed into new packaging products at the end of its lifespan without entering the solid waste stream. The company provides services and plastic offerings that can help customers reduce and measure their overall environmental impact. ORBIS has partnered with Franklin Associates to create an environmental calculator that helps customers see what their environmental footprint is and what it could be when switching to reusable packaging, by evaluating cost per trip, savings over packaging life, solid waste, energy and greenhouse gas emission.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Sustainable packaging
ORBIS’ new Silao, Mexico, plant was designed around a streamlined operational footprint to reduce fork truck movement and environmentally friendly features—including ample skylight—to decrease carbon footprint.
Penske Logistics
Penske’s ClearChain Technology Suite converts data into useful information to increase visibility and enhance supply chain optimization. The system optimizes driver management by monitoring performance while a truck is moving, captures proof of delivery electronically, and identifies the best places to purchase fuel along the driver’s route.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
Penske reduced CO2 emissions by 27 percent, NOX emissions by 65 percent, and particulate matter emissions by 86 percent on a gram/ton-mile basis.
Performance Team
Performance Team (PT) maintains a “clean” truck fleet that uses SmartWay-approved tires, and trailer skirts and under trays to improve fuel efficiency. PT utilizes on-demand packaging and recycles and reduces obsolete hardware in its facilities.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Sustainably source materials
PT has transloaded more than 300,000 containers in the past six years. Using a 3:2 compression standard, this translates to approximately 200,000 outbound trailers and a 30-percent reduction in carbon footprint.
Port of Long Beach
The Green Port Policy, which the port adopted in 2005, is an aggressive, comprehensive, and coordinated approach to reduce the negative impacts of port operations. Some examples of sustainable practices at the port include the development of a Sustainability Task Force, an environmental management system to establish sustainable stormwater practices during construction projects, and a wastepaper and container recycling program conducted in partnership with the Conservation Corps Long Beach.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
The Port of Long Beach holds a 20-year record of environmental protection programs.
PECO Pallet
PECO was founded on the sustainable principle of reusing pallets to conserve resources. The company builds its wood block pallets from responsibly forested timber. The pallets are continually repaired, reused, and recycled and no harmful chemicals are used. PECO’s block pallets offer structural rigidity, and can be stacked and transported efficiently. By efficiently managing a controlled pallet pool, PECO turns its pallets an average of 4 times per year. Strict maintenance standards extend pallet life to 10+ years.
- Reuse/recycling program
- Sustainable packaging
At PECO Pallet, zero materials go to the landfill. All retired pallet components—even the nails—are reused or recycled.
Port of Portland
Port of Portland’s energy management program identifies actions and projects that make port operations as efficient as possible, reducing carbon emissions and often saving money. The port became a founding reporter to The Climate Registry, and developed a comprehensive carbon footprint reduction and energy management strategy to identify projects that can lead to significantly reducing energy use.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
The Port of Portland set a target to reduce port direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions 15 percent below 1990 baseline levels by 2020. The port continues to meet this target through the purchase of certified renewable energy credits equal to 100 percent of port-wide electric energy usage and completing planned energy efficiency improvements.
In 2015, 45 of Prologis’ new development projects, totaling 15 million square feet across 15 countries, received sustainable building certifications, bringing its total certified projects to 68 million square feet globally since 2006. In addition, the company partners with colleagues to reduce energy, water, and waste in its operations; collaborates with community organizations to support environmental causes; and engages with suppliers around its Supplier Code of Conduct.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Solar panels
Prologis upgraded approximately 73 percent of its facilities with energy-efficient lighting, and developed 149+ megawatts of rooftop solar energy installations in nine countries since 2007.
Propak Logistics
In 2016, Propak Logistics improved total operational wood waste recycling to 96 percent across its network. It implemented LED conversion initiatives in its facilities, reducing electrical consumption by 51 percent. Propak invests in trailer tracking, aerodynamic skirting, and logistics optimization.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Energy-efficient lighting
Since joining SmartWay in 2010, Propak achieved 137 percent growth in total miles driven, 12 percent yearly reduction in CO2 g/mile.
Port of Baltimore
The Port of Baltimore’s environmental strategy includes establishing programs to evaluate emission control technologies for its ports, reviewing and updating existing water quality programs, and reducing energy consumption and diesel fuel use. The port also continues to support helping applicants replace older dray trucks with newer vehicles with engines that meet stricter emissions standards. The goal is to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases associated with transporting goods to and from the Port of Baltimore.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
A diesel equipment upgrade program provides funds to retrofit, repower, or replace older vehicles and equipment with more emission-efficient engines or technologies.
Port of Los Angeles
Port of Los Angeles continues to reduce the share of emissions its activity contributes to the South Coast Air Basin. Currently, only 2 percent of all SOX emissions in the South Coast Air Basin are attributable to port operations compared with 23.2 percent in 2005.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Solar panels
The port demonstrated the world’s first marine terminal able to generate all energy needs from renewable sources. It is expected to reduce 3,200 tons of greenhouse gases and 28 tons of harmful emissions annually.
Raymond Corporation
Raymond sorts scrap metal to be recycled, and has cut the amount contributed to the landfill per truck by more than half since 2008. The lift truck manufacturer also condenses polyethylene foam and bales bubble wrap so they can be recycled. Internal programs focus on reusing packaging and wood pallets. Raymond has invested time for preparing and recycling of its byproducts, and has 5 employees solely responsible for minimizing the waste stream. In less than 2 years, Raymond saw an ROI on purchasing and regularly maintaining machinery used for these processes.
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Sustainable packaging
- Sustainably source materials
Raymond achieved a nearly 56-percent reduction in landfill contribution/truck since 2010, and recycled 97.6 percent of its byproducts. Polyethylene foam volume was compacted by 98.8 percent and recycled, and 100 percent of wood/pallets were recycled or reused.
Three-time SmartWay Excellence Award winner Ruan utilizes lightweight trucks and trailers, proven aerodynamic solutions, auto-inflation tire systems, onboard monitoring, and auto-shift power units. Ruan also participates in the Carbon Disclosure Project, through which it contributes to the Clean Cities annual study on diesel reduction. Ruan also joined the National Clean Fleets Partnership.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
- On-farm methane digester produces CNG for fleet
Ruan has run 62 million miles on CNG since 2011, and reduced total CO2 emissions by 100 million pounds.
SAIA LTL Freight
Five years into a progressive shifting program, Saia’s fleet increased to 6.9 MPG, which reduces the volume of diesel fuel consumed by more than 775,000 gallons. In addition, Saia enforces a no-idling policy, installs trailer skirts, and aggressively maintains truck equipment. Other operational changes: testing battery-powered lifts to reduce propane usage and installing LED lighting in terminals.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Through a partnership with Brightery, Saia designed and implemented a solar panel system at its Charlotte, N.C.,location that exceeds the entire annual energy consumption requirement for that facility.
South Carolina Ports Authority
In 2015, South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) donated $5 million to local land conservation efforts, and is three years into fully implementing a program requiring all trucks entering terminals to have a 1994 or newer engine. With fully electrified ship-to-shore and rubber-tired gantry cranes, SCPA purchases the cleanest equipment available and has reduced gate turn times, truck idling, and fuel consumption. It meets air quality standards 100 percent of the time.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
Low truck turn times (avg. 25-26 minutes for single mission) and high crane moves (40-50 moves/hour) significantly reduce emissions.
Rinchem Company
All Rinchem facilities are temperature controlled to exacting specifications. Its late-model facility designs are constructed for the least amount of energy consumption possible. The chemical 3PL uses electronic forklifts/turret trucks with zero emissions in all operations and LED lighting in its DCs. Rinchem has also invested in aerodynamic skirts and tails for its trailer fleet to increase fuel efficiency.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Each year, Rinchem manages the return of 62,500+ drums and totes that are delivered back to semiconductor chemical manufacturers for reconditioning and reuse.
Ryder helps companies improve fuel economy and reduce emissions by deploying into its commercial fleets thousands of natural gas vehicles and diesel tractors that include the latest technologies to meet EPA emissions standard. Ryder also partnered with Nikola to be the sole maintenance and distribution provider in North America for their hydrogen fuel cell semi-truck.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Ryder has achieved 150 million+ miles with its natural gas fleet operations, eliminating 52,904+ MTCO2e of GHG emissions, displacing approximately 23.1 million gallons of diesel with lower emission domestically produced natural gas.
Among Schneider’s recent green accomplishments, it improved fuel efficiency 11.85 percent since 2008, reduced fuel consumption 4.283 million gallons between 2015 and 2016, reduced CO2 emissions by 8 percent year over year, and reduced NOX by 1 percent year over year. Schneider is a charter member of the SmartWay program and has been a SmartWay Excellence Award winner in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2015 and 2016.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
Schneider is transitioning to the latest clean-diesel emission compliant engines: 95.2 percent of the fleet meets 2010 emissions standards or newer, 65.9 percent meets 2014 standards, 14.2 percent meets 2017 standards.
Schenker sets aggressive carbon emission reduction targets for all transport modes. It uses green energies and technologies, as well as natural gas and electric vehicles.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Sustainably source materials
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Hydro cell forklifts in certain areas
Schenker offers an online tool that lets shippers calculate emissions based on transportation service.
The Shippers Group
The Shippers Group has been part of the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan since 2007. The Shippers Group runs a recycle program for dunnage and shrinkwrap. As a SmartWay-certified carrier, The Shippers Group restricts idle times on its trucks to 3 minutes, maximizes cargo space utilization in trailers, and works to eliminate moving empty trailers, which increases carbon emissions.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Energy-efficient lighting
The Shippers Group moved high-emissions forklifts out of its fleet, and removed 206 metric tons of non-greenhouse gas emissions.
Saddle Creek Logistics Services
Since 2012, Saddle Creek has expanded its CNG fleet by nearly 400 percent. Each truck saves about 120,000 lbs. of carbon per year, totaling 21 million+ lbs. annually. The 3PL has replaced more than 13.6 million gallons of diesel with natural gas. Saddle Creek is converting older diesel tractors into dual CNG-diesel fuel vehicles, which will replace as much as 70 percent of the diesel used with natural gas.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Automatic tire inflation systems, trailer skirts, aerodynamic mud flaps, and wheel covers
In FY 2016, Saddle Creek’s fleet of 200 eco-friendly CNG trucks reduced total greenhouse gas emissions by 311 metric tons—equivalent to planting nearly 8,000 trees.
Southeastern Freight Lines
SEFL utilizes aerodynamics on its linehaul operations fleet. The carrier purchased automatic and automated manual transmissions in all trucks for the past three years, installed 7+ acres of solar panels at its facilities, and uses motion sensors for facility lighting.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
SEFL improved fuel economy .25 tenths of a gallon based on aerodynamics and other equipment specifications, and avoided 452 metric tons of GHG emissions via recycling.
Swift Transportation
Swift received a SmartWay Excellence Award for improving freight efficiency and contributing to cleaner air within the supply chain.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Swift Transportation has a long-term record of substantially reducing C02 emissions, while at the same time reducing criteria emissions.
TransGroup Global Logistics
TransGroup’s external and internal sustainability activities are encompassed in its TransNeutral green program. The 3PL limits greenhouse gas emissions, and offers asset recovery, reverse logistics and end-of-product lifecycle disposition services. Internal company sustainability initiatives include energy conservation, recycling, waste reduction, and paperless operations.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Company-wide paperless initiative
TransGroup was the first forwarder to become a SmartWay member in 2007.
Transplace is committed to helping customers achieve their sustainability goals. The 3PL implemented several supply chain improvement initiatives to help customers reduce their emissions through use of more fuel-efficient transportation modes and the overall reduction in number of shipments needed through consolidation and co-loading arrangements.
- Mode conversion and consolidation
- Use of alternative fuels/energy sources
Transplace executed 12.8 billion ton miles on carriers registered with the Smartway program in 2016 and procured 96 percent of ton miles for managed transportation business through SmartWay-registered carriers.
Union Pacific Railroad
Railroad is the first asset companies should turn to for optimizing supply chain sustainability. Union Pacific is an integral partner to many industries striving to optimize supply chains, lower costs, achieve significant environmental impact, and accomplish sustainability goals.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
Moving freight by rail instead of trucks reduces greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 75 percent.
Since 2000, UPS has driven 505 million miles in its alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles, and is on pace to achieve its goal of 1 billion miles by 2017. In 2015, UPS scored among the top marks for voluntary carbon disclosure by the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index S&P 500. The EPA recognized UPS with the 2015 SmartWay Excellence Award for leadership in environmental and energy efficiency.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
The Dow Jones Sustainability World Index selected UPS as a constituent for the third year in a row and included UPS on the North America Index for the 11th year in a row.
Transportation Insight
Transportation Insight’s technology underpins services that optimize supply chain networks through “what-if” scenarios, historical data and key performance indicators to reduce energy costs, carbon emissions and mileage. The company’s Extended LEAN continuous improvement methodology helps companies eliminate waste, and then improve and maintain operational efficiency.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Dozens of associates are Green-Belt Certified and/or certified in Lean Six Sigma for Service.
Transportation Insight was a 2016 U.S. EPA SmartWay Excellence Awardee.
U.S. Xpress Enterprises
U.S. Xpress has a 31-year history of consistent innovation, safety, and efficiency in operating its fleet. The carrier has been a SmartWay member since the program’s inception and received two SmartWay Excellence Awards. U.S. Xpress worked collaboratively with Freightliner to test and develop the Next Generation Cascadia tractors that are now in its fleet, and is currently working with Nikola Motor Company to test and develop the Nikola One hydrogen/electric Class 8 tractor.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
U.S. Xpress was awarded its second U.S. EPA SmartWay Excellence award in 2016. Year-over-year, 2016 CO2 emissions decreased approximately 5 percent over 2015 levels.
VersaCold Logistics Services
VersaCold installed rainwater and defrost condensation collection systems, and reduced flow faucets. The cold chain company improved management and monitoring of storm water, implemented comprehensive recycling programs, and expanded its use of environmentally friendly refrigerants. It replaced standard efficiency motors with premium efficiency motors, and is transitioning toward a paperless office.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
VersaCold retrofitted existing facilities with high-efficiency lighting, roofing and charging systems for its materials handling equipment.
Werner Enterprises/Werner Logistics
Since becoming the first motor carrier to implement electronic logging devices in 1998, Werner Enterprises has driven more than 17 billion miles with technology that reduces out-of-route miles, saves fuel, and reduces emissions. Werner was selected three times as a SmartWay Excellence Award Winner for its sustainability achievements.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Energy-efficient lighting
Since 2007, Werner has saved 180 million+ gallons of diesel fuel and reduced CO2 emissions by more than 2 million tons.
XPO Logistics
XPO Logistics’ global practices and technologies seek to maximize energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and manage trucking and warehousing operations in an environmentally responsible manner. Highlights of the 3PL’s green initiatives include a SmarWay-compliant U.S. truck fleet; a European truck fleet that is the largest natural gas fleet in Europe and more than 97 percent compliant with Euro V, EEV, and Euro VI standards; and deployment of advanced packaging technologies to reduce waste and use renewable resources.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainable packaging
- Sustainably source materials
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Network optimization to reduce miles and fuel use
XPO continues to expand sustainability efforts, making meaningful progress toward sustainability goals. The French government designated XPO as an “Objectif CO2” company for outstanding transport environmental performance.
WSI (Warehouse Specialists, LLC)
WSI recycles large amounts of cardboard and dunnage materials, recently installed energy-efficient lighting, and increasingly uses electric forklifts in its facilities. Additionally, green landscaping outside WSI warehouses helps reduce the effects of stormwater runoff and eliminates the need for lawn mowing.
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reuse/recycling program
- Use wastewater
- Reduce energy usage
- Sustainably source materials
- Energy-efficient lighting
WSI recycles, reuses, or repurposes nearly 100 percent of its top three facilities’ recyclable waste. At its Chicago/Central Wisconsin facilities, WSI reuses nearly 100 percent of pallets.
Yale Materials Handling Corporation
Forklift provider Yale’s lithium-ion battery pack lasts up to five times longer than lead acid options, reducing replacements and landfill waste. Its hydrogen-powered lift trucks offer a 33-percent savings in greenhouse gas emissions compared to lead-acid battery systems. Both technologies produce zero emissions and offer faster, flexible refueling/charging and increased uptime.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Use alternative fuels/energy sources
- Reduce energy usage
Yale is one of the largest volume producers of zero-emissions electric lift trucks in North America.
Yusen Logistics (Americas)
In the past five years, Yusen Logistics’ green initiatives have eliminated 890+ pounds of CO2 annually. The 3PL installed LED lights in its Carson, Calif., and Port Murray, N.J., warehouse, which also runs on a solar power generation system. Yusen Logistics utilizes goats instead of gas-consuming machinery to clear brush at its Sumner, Wash., warehouse.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Reuse/recycling program
- Reduce energy usage
- Solar panels
- Energy-efficient lighting
LED lights in Yusen’s Carson, Calif., facility will reduce energy use by 1 million kilowatt hours per year and eliminate 309 tons of CO2 annually.
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