GOOD QUESTION | What part of working in supply chain do you find the most rewarding?

We have a material impact on the experience our clients deliver for their customers. The convergence of technology and physical movement makes supply chain automation exciting and rewarding. The ability of leaders in the space to use logistics as a competitive differentiator has made it even more interesting.
Chris Lingamfelter
President, White Systems
For me, it’s effective and efficient collaboration with suppliers and customers to obtain or provide key information. Whether this information concerns inventory levels, the accuracy of forecasts, or any other type of logistical updates—the quicker the exchange occurs, the better the decision process.
Bob Combs
Principal Consultant
Exact, Macola division
Being amazed every week by the diversity of challenges within the supply chain that people overcome, which shows not only the complexity of the area we work in but also the ingenuity of those who work in supply chain.
Andrew Nichols
Head of Procurement
Tungsten Network
Trade is the most powerful force for peace and prosperity. But the complexity of international logistics locks out billions of people from the global market. I work to make trade easier, and easier trade makes a better world.
Sanne Manders
COO, Flexport
I love the unexpectedness of each day on the job. As a 3PL, every job brings a new challenge to navigate around, a new obstacle, new regulations, a new opportunity to keep our clients’ world turning. I can’t imagine working in any other industry.
Angela Eliacostas
President and Founder
AGT Global Logistics
Being able to fundamentally improve how products reach markets in a more consistent, higher-quality manner through the combination of proven optimization tools and innovative, cutting-edge technologies.
Sean Riley
Global Industry Director
Supply Chain & Manufacturing
Software AG
My greatest satisfaction comes from helping people be successful. Whether it’s providing the best possible solution and service for our customers or helping a teammate achieve his/her goals, nothing compares with winning together.
Mark Peterson
Senior Vice President
Business Development, Trinity Logistics
Assisting my clients in reaching their goals and objectives is what I find the most rewarding. When I offer solutions to their challenges with our supply chain innovations and improvements, it elevates the value proposition and moves the relationship upward. Achieving an exceptional satisfaction rating for helping a client meet or exceed their expectations makes it all worthwhile.
Tom Harris
Director, Global Accounts
Building relationships through value. Anyone can deliver basic expectations—great relationships happen when true value is delivered. The key is establishing a foundation of early wins to create momentum and creditability. Once the foundation is laid, important elements then include listening, being proactive, having a sense of urgency, and partnering on value-driven initiatives.
Mark McEntire
Senior Vice President, Operations
After spending five years at Google and seeing how powerful data can be, it’s thrilling to equip supply chain professionals with the data intelligence they need to make their jobs easier, their decisions better, and their companies more profitable. It’s rewarding to help usher in the cutting edge of logistics technology with our partners and deliver millions in profitability potential.
Adam Compain
Have a great answer to a good question?
Be sure to participate next month. We want to know:
What movie/TV show/song title best describes your job?
We’ll publish some answers.
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