How to Outsource Freight Bill Payment
As transportation costs continue to soar, some businesses are looking to reduce operational spend by outsourcing freight payment audit and reconciliation to third-party companies. An estimated 65 percent of major corporations currently outsource their freight payment function as a result of prohibitive labor, processing, and technology costs, as well as the complexities of coordinating internal […]
Read MoreHow to Ship Expedited Oversized Cargo
Problem: You need to ship an oversized, irregularly shaped piece of equipment expedited to Shanghai. Now what? Step 1: Build the shipment and prepare it for tendering to the carrier. The key question in building your shipment is: how will the carrier handle it? Forklift handling is ideal, so the cargo should be palletized. If […]
Read MoreHow to Construct Build-to-Suit Projects
Increasingly, U.S. companies are embracing build-to-suit (BTS) development projects to leverage the capital, resources, and expertise of commercial real estate developers, while dictating the design, construction, and management of new facilities themselves. Consider, for example, a company that wants to locate a distribution facility on the West Coast to accommodate growing inbound volume from Asia. […]
Read MoreOptimizing Your Forklift Fleet
Purchasing a new forklift can be expensive, but that’s just a fraction of what it costs to operate it efficiently—or inefficiently. Getting the most bang for your forklift buck means understanding the products you move and establishing baseline costs as a start. Here are 10 tips for optimizing your forklift fleet, from Joseph Lafergola, manager, […]
Read MoreImproving Picking Practices
Companies often think their picking operation is efficient as long as products roll out on time and customers are happy. But most picking operations in warehouses across America could use a re-organization, says John Giangrande, senior account executive with distribution software provider Fortna Inc. He offers these 10 tips to improve picking practices. 1. Profile […]
Read MoreFinding Capacity When None Exists
Shippers everywhere are having trouble finding capacity, thanks to the driver shortage, fewer trucks, and rising fuel and insurance costs. These challenges are likely here to stay for awhile, so shippers need to plan ahead. Here are 10 tips on finding capacity, from John N. Roberts III, executive vice president, enterprise solutions, and Gary L. […]
Read MoreSelecting a Regional LTL Carrier
Partnering with the right regional less-than-truckload (LTL) carrier can be challenging, especially for companies that utilize just-in-time delivery. LTL carriers that provide expert technology capabilities and service flexibility make ideal partners, according to Richard Low, president of Cle Elum, Wash.-based Shoemaker Manufacturing. Shoemaker provides residential and commercial heating grills, registers, and diffusers for just-in-time delivery […]
Read MoreSelecting RFID Middleware
Middleware for RFID applications sits between the RFID reader and conventional middleware, facilitating communication between enterprise systems and automatic identification devices. Some RFID middleware includes full track-and-trace reporting, device and network diagnostics utilities, and an open development platform, while other solutions focus solely on data consolidation and translation. How do you choose the RFID middleware […]
Read MoreSelecting the Right Cargo Security Seals
Between terrorist threats and criminals looking to swindle goods, cargo security seals have grown increasingly more important—and more sophisticated. Companies can now choose from a variety of mechanical and electronic seal options to protect their freight. To help narrow the choices, Erik Hoffer of CGM Applied Security Technologies Inc., a unit of New Jersey-based Digital […]
Read MoreEvaluating Inland Ports
Are you considering using an inland port instead of the usual coastal port? That’s a decision many companies are analyzing as they face high fuel and transportation costs, as well as congestion at larger ports. Choosing an inland port may not work for every company, but it can help achieve greater supply chain management success […]
Read MoreDevising a Logistics Budget
A logistics budget that is off the mark can cause problems, as well as lost profits. If you don’t plan properly, logistics costs can spiral, leading to an end-of-fiscal-year disaster. Here are 10 tips for devising your logistics budget, from Michael Bravo, senior director of finance, APL Logistics America. 1. Watch the calendar. When it […]
Read MoreSpeeding Warehouse Operations
If speeding warehouse operations was one of your New Year’s resolutions, obtaining more accurate inventory information should be your first step. It is easier to quickly move orders out of the warehouse if you have accurate, high-quality data on inbound shipments, according to Steve Sensing, group director of customer logistics, Ryder System Inc. Sensing offers […]
Read MoreSetting Data Standards
The purpose of any automatic identification and data collection (AIDC) system is to provide a quick and accurate way to enter data into an IT system. But the old maxim, garbage in, garbage out still applies. Without a consistent means to represent data within a bar code, RFID tag, XML, or other form of data […]
Read MoreGetting Started With RFID
While bar codes took more than 25 years to evolve, RFID is being adopted quickly in the marketplace. By 2007, RFID technology budgets will double, RFID tag purchases will reach 1.6 billion, and 83 percent of today’s pilots will convert to full-scale implementations, predicts Accenture’s global management consulting and technology team. In a 2005 interview […]
Read MoreSelecting an International Air Carrier
When you ship by air, you need to look at the global picture. With world boundaries changing so frequently, and the European Economic Community continuing to emerge and develop, air cargo customs clearance and shipment tracking have become more challenging. You can simplify these challenges, however, by selecting the right air carrier/forwarder partner. Here’s how, […]
Read MoreLocating a European Distribution Hub
It’s official. You’ve decided to take your company global, and because it is no longer cost-effective to reach international customers from your U.S. operation, you need to open a European distribution center. Finding the best place to locate that hub is key. The European Union is made up of 25 countries, all with their own […]
Read MoreMonitoring LTL Carrier Performance
If you don’t evaluate your less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers monthly, start now. The only product an LTL carrier has to offer is service, so monitoring is crucial. Every aspect of your evaluation should reflect on how the carrier provides—or fails to provide—the service you require and expect. Joe Heilig, senior transportation specialist for EnVista, a logistics […]
Read MoreGetting ROI from RFID
With so many companies providing RFID systems, and so many expensive choices, how do you buy smart? Here are 10 tips on selecting an RFID system that provides a return on investment, according to a customer survey by Waltham, Mass.-based OAT Systems Inc., an RFID software and services provider. 1. Get educated. Learn best practices […]
Read MoreBoosting Loading Dock Safety and Productivity
The loading dock is a critical component of the Material Transfer Zone (MTZ), whic. reaches from the drive approach into the shipping/receiving/staging area. The MTZ covers a broad range of concerns including: dock positioning and design, trailer design, load configuration, dock equipment systems, and the interaction between material handling vehicles and product shipments. A smooth-flowing […]
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