What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self About Supply Chain Management?
Sometimes improving on the establishment is right and sometimes disrupting it is. When people have pain using the leader’s solution, improve. Otherwise, disrupt. Stay on the pulse of the supply chain. There is always an opportunity to improve and innovate.
Evan Garber
I would encourage my younger self to embrace a forward-thinking attitude, strategic planning, and change management. I’ve learned broader, long-term business goals, and focusing your time and efforts on planning for those goals, are the real foundation of a successful supply chain.
Mick McGrory
VP Strategic Accounts
Sunset Transportation
Don’t get distracted by flashy analytics, business intelligence, and control tower systems, which provide rear-view-mirror information on what has happened. Instead, focus on forward-looking planning and scheduling solutions that calculate and optimize your plan KPIs before you execute them.
Robert Oliver
Solutions Architect
Three things: First, never operate in a silo. Collaborate with other departments, suppliers, and service providers. Second, learn all you can about available technology solutions and never stop investing in tech. Third, always build contingency plans.
Bill Goodgion
Ascent Global Logistics
I would tell myself that supply chain management touches all parts of the business and should be led at the executive level first to ensure synchronization across the organization. SCM is no longer just a cost of doing business; it can be a competitive advantage.
Mike Rader
Vice President & Partner
To treat each of my suppliers like my most important customers and understand their needs to make their lives easier. Steps like automating manual processes to save their time can make for a happier relationship and healthier business.
Stanley Chia
Global Head of Sales
Tungsten Network
Get as much knowledge from a senior supply chain manager as you can; hands on is the best knowledge ever.
John Williams
Outbound Logistics Manager
I would advise my younger self to never be afraid of questioning what you doubt even a bit.
Anwaar ul Haq
Air Freight, Land Transport
Courier & Logistics Sales
Be open to opportunities
Ekene Brian Dungor MCMI, MBA
Supply Chain/Transport Manager
GMT Nigeria Limited
Embrace technology and push for change.
Dan Allen
Regional Sales Manager
DHL eCommerce Americas
Keep learning. Never stop.
Alexandra Mathias
Senior Demand Planner
Medicameta Ecuatoriana