
Legislation, Public Policy, Regulations

Global Logistics—December 2016

Global Logistics—December 2016

TPP is Dead. Is NAFTA Next? A number of important policy issues are still up in the air for the United States, but President-elect Donald Trump has made one thing clear: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is done. The TPP—a proposed free trade agreement between the United States and 11 Pacific Rim countries—became a target during […]

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Global Logistics—November 2016

Global Logistics—November 2016

Shippers Hesitant to Plunge Into Global Trade Expanding internationally might seem like a no-brainer in a world where consumers are connected to global businesses through the internet and myriad global shipping options. Yet, a number of obstacles keep companies from taking the plunge into international waters, or from expanding existing global operations. Many shippers say […]

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Rick Erickson

Optimizing Your Supply Chain

Q: How can today’s manufacturers deal with increasing regulations, demand volatility, and shifting global trade currents? A: While supply chain managers work diligently to design and oversee extended supply chains, one aspect that often falls through the "operational cracks" is supporting the corresponding financial supply chain. Orchestrating the end-to-end cash flow velocity and supporting transactions […]

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Ken Harris

Who Are You Doing Business With?

In our ever-connected and increasingly global economy, aggregated, real-time global trade data—such as denied party screening results—helps businesses ensure protection and compliance. Denied party screening is critical in shipping and international trade, and essential for minimizing business risk today. Country governments and international organizations maintain lists of people, organizations, and countries they are prohibited from […]

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Trends—June 2016

Trends—June 2016

The Name’s the Same, But It’s a Different Game There’s a new player in the electric vehicle market. By its name, Nikola Motor Company may seem a carbon copy of rival Tesla Motors (both are named after engineer, physicist, and inventor Nikola Tesla), but the vehicles Nikola wants to make are bigger in scope. Literally. […]

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Rob Kriewaldt

It’s Chemistry: Globally Harmonized System Facilitates Trade

Prior to December 1, 2015, a chemical material handler could approach a tank of a hazardous substance and see as many as three different hazard symbols, depending on the product’s country of origin, transportation mode, and labeling agency. “Is the skull-and-crossbones image the symbol for acute toxicity?” he would think. “Or is it a carcinogenic […]

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Thomas Griffin

Addressing Vendor Management and Shifting Global Trade Currents

Q: What are the most important aspects of good vendor management? A: Fairness is the first element that always comes to mind when this subject arises. Both parties need to be satisfied and gain benefits in each deal that is agreed upon. If not, deals tend to end faster than planned and turn into a […]

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Chris Cotter

Lifting the Fog on Extreme Caution Driving

Inclement weather such as rain, snow, and fog is a constant feature of motor vehicle travel. During poor conditions, commercial truck drivers and their dispatchers must use discretion when deciding whether travel should continue and in what manner. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (49 C.F.R. § 392.14) specifically address driving in adverse weather conditions and […]

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Suzanne Richer

CBP’s ACE Reporting Will Reduce Global Trade Risks

Even though the rollout of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) has had a bevy of delays, quicker and easier data access will benefit government agencies and the trading industry. As the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) continues to roll out the ACE Single Window program throughout 2016, the goal remains the same: to eliminate […]

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Chris Cotter

The Trials and Errors of Preventability Determinations

After a motor vehicle accident, it is common for motor carriers to determine whether their driver could have prevented the accident. This positive, safety-oriented process is known as a preventability determination. Carriers make this assessment for several reasons: to evaluate and possibly change company policies and procedures to prevent similar accidents, to determine whether it […]

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Kirsten Wallerstedt

Europe Raises the Compliance Bar. Is Your Supply Chain Prepared?

Sweeping regulatory changes in the European Union (EU)are raising complex questions for businesses and introducing new tensions along the world’s supply chains. Manufacturers and importers will soon be tasked with reporting the origin of some metals and materials used in their products. They also will be responsible for disclosing aspects of their suppliers’ human rights […]

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Keith Biondo

Global Trade: The Certainty of Uncertainty

During times of economic growth and prosperity, global trade impacts the supply chain and how you match demand to supply. But what is the impact on the practice of supply chain management in today’s uncertain world? One thing is certain: Many government policies are disruptive to global supply chains and to the businesses and consumers […]

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Simplifying the CFR Shipping Rules

Even Einstein would have trouble understanding hazardous materials or dangerous goods (DG) regulations, agree 56 percent of respondents to a recent Labelmaster survey. And simply keeping pace with the changes in regulations is an inherent challenge, say 59 percent of respondents. With their daunting appearance, and massive word count, regulations can seem intimidating. They aren’t. […]

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Mark White

Crossborder E-commerce Into the U.S. Just Got A Lot Easier, U.S. Retailers Should Take Note and Plan Accordingly

E-commerce retailers worldwide are celebrating the passing of a new bill, which sees the U.S. de minimis rate increase from $200 to $800. Below the new threshold, the U.S. does not require any formal customs procedures, and no duties or taxes need to be paid by the consumer. This creates a huge opportunity for e-commerce […]

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