What’s the first thing you would do to address the truck driver shortage?

The first thing that needs to be addressed is driver pay. Other industries offer higher wages for workers with similar skillsets, so we need to ensure that driving is economically competitive in the marketplace. Secondly, we need to tap into the next generation and let them know that transportation is a viable profession.
Steve Pitt
Director of Driver Recruiting
Penske Logistics
First, utilizing transportation optimization technology, I would address the efficiency of routes to decrease empty miles. Then, with scenario-based simulation analysis, I would improve container utilization, better utilize assets, and collaborate with network partners to reduce the overall number of drivers required to deliver current freight loads.
Toby Brzoznowski
Executive Vice President, LLamasoft
Reduce turnover by creating a respectful environment where drivers feel valued and appreciated, are fairly compensated, and are able to achieve a work/life balance.
Jamie Overley
CEO, East Coast Warehouse
Equip drivers with technology that helps them do their job more efficiently, leading to higher job satisfaction. Satisfied drivers are more likely to be retained.
Jimmy Fortuna
Vice President, Product Management, Omnitracs
Start a “shipper of choice” program. Implement ways to reduce wait times at your facility to turn carrier assets more quickly. Identify collaboration tools to automate dispute resolution and driver paperwork.
Cindi Hane
Vice President,
Product Management, Logistics, Elemica
Truck drivers are the basic unit of transportation capacity and the glue that holds supply chains together. We need to stop looking at drivers as drivers and start looking at them as our front line of sales, customer service, and brand.
Erik Malin
Executive Vice President, CarrierDirect
Train companies how to recruit and retain drivers. For instance, recruitment could encompass marketing to younger generations, focus on advantages such as benefits and guaranteed time home, and improve the image of the trucking industry. During the recruitment process, companies should provide a realistic job preview, so new drivers know exactly what to expect regarding the demands of the job.
Stacey Little
Program Director, Transportation & Logistics Management
American Public University
Consider using a slip seat driving program to allow for a change of drivers in key cities around the country. It could increase the pool of available drivers by offering more quality time in the evenings with their families and reducing overnight travel. It would also benefit by reducing the risk of driving accidents due to extended hours on the road.
Robert Clesi
Vice President of Marketing & Partners, Precision Software