Crossdocking: A New Vision for an Old Idea
Manufacturers and distributors know crossdocking—the practice of immediately converting inbound deliveries to outbound shipments—can help create more efficient supply chains. But there’s an obstacle to crossdocking that can undermine those efforts: the need for continuous, real-time shipment visibility. Without the shipper’s ability to track and trace individual parcels, shipments may be delayed, misplaced, or duplicated. […]

Jason Ballard: Distributing Ammo and Hot Chow
NAME: Jason Ballard TITLE: Major, student in the Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, since 2010 COMPANY: U.S. Army PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: U.S. Army Reserve: field artilery. U.S. Marine Corps: ammunition technician. U.S. Army: second lieutenant (recruiter, later cargo transfer company platoon leader); first lieutenant (assistant battalion operations officer); captain (battalion logistics officer, later assistant division […]

Sharing Efficiencies Through Collaboration
Q: How can value chain partners cooperate to create and share efficiencies? Timmer: In today’s challenging economic environment, transportation professionals need to take advantage of every opportunity for collaboration with trading partners to increase efficiencies across their supply chain. As one of the largest networks in the U.S. transportation industry, LeanLogistics On-Demand TMS® attracts more […]

GTM Software: Read This Before You Buy
Q: How can a logistics operation contribute to a company’s overall profit margin in a meaningful way? Mabry: Recent research studies confirm transportation and handling fees, insurance, duties, and taxes make up more than 40 percent of an imported item’s cost. Additional costs often hidden within operating accounts can include quote administration, sourcing, and quality […]

Keep Partners In the Loop
Q: How can value chain partners cooperate to create and share efficiencies? Caudill: Efficiencies can be gained by increasing the fidelity, transparency, and velocity of data that value chain partners share about inventories, shipments, capacities, and sales. Everyone wins when you get all partners on the same page and today there is no reason this information […]

Drilling Down Into Supply Chain Data
Q: How can today’s manufacturers deal with increasing regulations, demand volatility, and shifting global trade currents? Hazen: First, recognize that complying with increasing and changing regulations is a requirement. Second, allow longer lead times in holding inventory and making shipments; use expedited service when necessary. Third, placing inventory nearer the customer’s location may be needed […]

Strong Relationships Net Long-Term Value
Q: From your perspective as a sourcing technology provider, what trends and challenges do you anticipate shippers will encounter in 2010? Wilson: 2010 will be an interesting year for shippers and carriers alike. Some reports show that spot rates have been rising since last fall, and most analysts believe they will continue to rise as […]

Ditch the Spreadsheets, Implement a TMS
Q: How can value chain partners cooperate to create and share efficiencies? Vanselous: It amazes me that so many shippers and carriers still rely heavily on manual processes in daily transport operations; only 38 percent of companies currently use transportation management software, says AMR Research. Ongoing cooperation with value chain partners is possible with integrated […]

Be the Captain of Your Fleet
Q: How would a business interested in optimizing its fleet operations decide where to start in evaluating technology? Brown: Most companies decide by asking those they know—relying on word-of-mouth from friends, colleagues, sometimes even competitors. Of the few companies offering solutions in this space, some will claim they are the best, so assessing credibility and […]

Free TMS Software: The Price is Right
Q: What will be the biggest change to Transportation Management Systems (TMS) technology in the next three to five years? Higham: The leading TMS technologies will be offered at no charge to customers in the next few years. True innovators offer free TMS technology as a means to an end; to move more freight for […]

Global Trade Compliance: See it All, Know it All
Q: What do you see as the key changes on the horizon in managing regulatory compliance globally? Barnes: As different countries implement both security and trade-led initiatives around the world, it is critical to improve global regulatory knowledge and visibility. Global trade is growing and so are the associated regulations. The only way for regulatory […]

FTZ Solutions: Zoning in on the Right Fit
Q: Are companies missing a great opportunity by not using Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs), given the market advantage they can provide? Slossberg: The simple answer is ‘maybe.’ The best way to identify whether the ROI justifies the investment is to engage an FTZ consultant. This professional can walk you through the process and make a […]

Trends—April 2010
Logistics IT: Keying Into Shipper Demand Inbound Logistics’ annual Top 100 Logistics IT Providers survey and outreach canvasses solutions providers to understand the challenges and opportunities their customers confront as they navigate the global supply chain. How and where shippers direct logistics technology spend exposes broader trends in the transportation and logistics space. Companies invest […]

Reducing Risk with Trade Disruption Insurance
Because doing business in the global marketplace has become more risky, U.S. companies need to be their own best advocates. Exporters and importers should take precautions to minimize risks to profitability and viability in world trade. One step is investing in trade disruption insurance (TDI). SMART PROTECTION First written for the London Market in the […]

Growing Together: Promoting Government and Industry Collaboration
In Michigan, a state that’s undergoing an unprecedented shift in its economy, Governor Jennifer Granholm established a new committee to create opportunities for the logistics and transportation sector. The group, comprised of politicians, business leaders, community organizers, and supply chain professionals, advises the governor and state agencies on supply chain management initiatives to help the […]
Growing a Greener Warehouse
If plans for your warehouse/distribution center include becoming more green, consider these tips from Rajiv Saxena, vice president of supply chain solutions, APL Logistics. 1. Focus on site. If you can do only one thing to make your DC operations greener, select the most accessible, well-connected facility possible – one that’s optimally located in terms […]

Retail Week at a Glance
Ispent one week last month immersed in retail logistics. After attending Fashion Week in New York, I headed straight to the Retail Industry Logistics Association meeting. Retailers are adapting and evolving at an ever-quickening pace. Here’s the latest: Monday: Emerging Markets. Some global fashion and apparel brands expect emerging markets to drive 70 percent of […]

Let’s Go Europe: Touring Transportation Best Practices
U.S. companies exploring uncharted markets to expand their global presence might consider taking a second pass through Europe for a fresh perspective on transportation best practices.

Wind Logistics: A Mighty Wind
Rapid change follows rapid growth in the wind power industry. Here’s how logistics providers are working to go any way the wind blows.

Prime Location for Logistics: Nebraska
Centrally located and boasting a highly trained workforce and low industrial power rates, Nebraska offers an ideal site for logistics operations.

Global Logistics—March 2010
CEVA Goes Zoom Zoom Mazda has signed a three-year agreement with Dutch 3PL CEVA Logistics to manage spare parts distribution throughout Italy. CEVA collects parts daily from the automobile manufacturer’s warehouse in Klagenfurt, Austria, and transports them to its DC outside Bologna. The 3PL sorts and distributes an estimated 120,000 packages to 140 Mazda dealers […]

Hold Everything: Adopting Protective Packaging Practices
Evaluating a company’s distribution and fulfillment processes can play a major role in reducing its environmental impact while enhancing its corporate image and reducing overall costs. Protective packaging is an important part of this analysis. Packaging supports and balances a company’s broader sustainability goals and initiatives for reducing carbon emissions, creating operational efficiencies, conserving resources, […]
I Brake for Quality
When a network news anchor said Toyota’s problems were good news for U.S. automakers, it was irresponsible. And it missed the point.

Getting Off the Bench and Into Benchmarking
While watching the Cubs battle the White Sox last summer at at Wrigley Field, I realized that baseball players and supply chain professionals have a few things in common. For instance, veteran ballplayers might try to get through a game by relying on experience and talent. But, by studying strategies, statistics, and individual players, they […]

William Cossey Jr.: Happy in the Middle of the Action
NAME: William Cossey Jr. TITLE: Executive director of supply chain integration, since 2009 COMPANY: Cox Communications PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Transportation and logistics sergeant, U.S. Army National Guard; staff accountant, PricewatershouseCoopers; assistant senior auditor, senior auditor, Cox Enterprises; business manager, Gulf Coast Market, Cox Communications; director of business operations, Middle Georgia Market, Cox Communications; state director of […]

Want a Promotion? Get an Education
Success in any career is often measured by advancement, and logistics and supply chain management is no exception. Advancing to a C-suite job will likely require an MBA or a specialized master’s degree. To earn a degree, you don’t have to quit your job, sacrifice your life, and go away to school. If you have […]

Trends–March 2010
Alaska Gambles on Arctic ‘Pipeline’ America’s Last Frontier could be on the edge of a new front for global trade if Congressman Don Young’s (R-AK) vision for an arctic port becomes reality. Alaska, which is wild by nature, also has a reputation for bringing impetuous infrastructure projects to the table—for example, the much-maligned “Bridge to […]
Implementing an RFID Solution
Proper management and execution are key to a successful RFID implementation project. Santa Clara, Calif.-based semiconductor company Intel Corporation experienced this firsthand when it deployed RFID at its factory’s receiving docks to track inbound chemicals. Scott Thomas, senior engineer at Intel, shares what he learned to help ensure your smooth RFID implementation. 1. Evaluate tracking […]

Web-Based WMS Solutions Drive Automotive Supply Chain Efficiency
The U.S. auto industry is facing the greatest adversity in its history. One segment of the industry, however, has thrived—aftermarket auto parts. This segment has grown exponentially during the economic downturn, as consumers have been forced to repair their aging vehicles instead of buying new ones. In an industry where specialization and customer service are […]

Building Better 3PL Relationships
Third-party logistics (3PL) providers are tremendously popular with shippers for surface transportation in North America. Freight brokers, forwarders, and intermodal marketing companies offer capacity, expertise, technology, and buying power on a scale no shipper can replicate on its own. Not all 3PLs are the same, however. Here are a few tips to help you get […]

E-fulfillment: Finding the Perfect Fit
Online haberdasher Bonobos focuses on details to guarantee pants that fit. Naturally, it demands the same diligence from its third-party fulfillment partner.

America’s Got Supply Chain Talent
Every state says it wants to attract logistics business that can keep its workforce employed. Florida is actually doing something about it. The state has gotten behind the Talent Supply Chain, an association of state, local, education, and business organizations whose goal is to boost Florida’s economy by encouraging and expanding workforce development, training, and […]

Logistics Education: More Is Better
Evolving to meet changing industry needs, logistics and supply chain education helps students hone their skills, gain a broader perspective, and bring bottom-line benefits to employers.

ISF Compliance: Solving 10+2
Importers and exporters must make sure CBP’s new 10+2 equation adds up. Here’s the formula for successful compliance.

Global Logistics—February 2010
Middle East Logistics Heads North The Middle East’s express, freight forwarding, and logistics sectors are expected to weather a global depression and experience considerable growth during the coming years, according to Middle East Transport and Logistics 2010, a new report from Transport Intelligence, a Wiltshire, U.K.-based research firm. Despite recent problems in Dubai, foundations are […]
Assemble the Fragments
A national transportation policy could help link some good fragments into a coherent plan.

Kathy Zepaltas: Doing Fine, Moving Wine
NAME: Kathy Zepaltas TITLE: Director of logistics, since 2001 COMPANY: Jackson Family Wines, Santa Rosa, Calif. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Inventory control coordinator, Apperson Business Forms; accounting assistant, BIW Connector Systems; recruiting specialist, S.L. Drown Associates Professional Placements; operations manager, Regal Wine Company; director of distribution, Jackson Family Wines EDUCATION: BA, business management, Sonoma State University of […]

Trends—February 2010
The Little Railroad That Did Small railroad communities used to be widespread across the United States. Rural transportation and commerce were railroad-tied, each dependent on the other. In western New York towns such as Livonia, the past was very much aligned with the tracks. So is its future, thanks to a little foresight and determination. […]

Today’s Warehouse Plays a New Role
Warehouses are no longer just for storage. In today’s cost-conscious, efficiency-driven environment, many manufacturers are reevaluating their definition of warehousing. Anything that doesn’t lend itself to a high-speed, highly mechanized, low-labor environment is being sent to the warehouse. Driving this evolution is a desire to take links out of the supply chain and make sure […]
Using Social Networking for Logistics
Many companies are tapping into the power of Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other sites to promote their products and services, talk directly to customers, and educate the industry. If you are ready to delve into the world of Web 2.0, consider these tips, compiled with help from social networking guru Tim Richards, operations manager at […]

SIN Centers: An Investment in Ideas
Today’s entrepreneurs are developing new ideas, patents, systems, and technologies that could have a profound and sustainable impact on our ability to promote the next generation of green supply chains. For many of them, however, progress is slowed or halted by a lack of reliable funding and effective economic development programs. Every day, more foreign […]

Warehouse Metrics: Measure What Matters
Today’s warehouse managers often accrue massive amounts of performance data, but sometimes find they can apply little of it toward making productivity gains or customer service improvements. Instead of becoming overwhelmed with data, managers should identify and focus on the most useful metrics to gather, report, and apply. Tools or modules often found in warehouse […]

Using Distribution and Fulfillment as Strategic Weapons
Distribution center (DC) assets in the supply chain are often relegated to cost center, necessary evil, or even non-value-added status. But focusing only on costs overlooks distribution and fulfillment’s value to the corporation. In Web retailing, for example, price comparison shopping has neutralized cost advantages to the point where consumers make online buying decisions based […]

Healthcare Logistics: A New Prescription for Medical Distribution
Linking bar-coded pharmaceuticals and electronic patient records using Zebra Technologies solutions helps the Sisters of Mercy Health System streamline supply chain operations.

In tough times, logistics managers react to demand and respond to adversity. Every day, your customers and CEOs raise new questions and challenges, which you meet through creativity, innovation, and a "bring-it" attitude. A logistician’s resilience is valuable when opportunities are ripe, but it’s invaluable when problems persist. This indomitable bring-it attitude was pushed to […]

Bring It!
Last weekend, I went through a stack of newspaper clippings of economic and industry news from the past year, and made two piles: good news and bad news. Guess which pile was larger? In an ostrich moment, I went to the shredder and irrationally fed the bad news in, sheet by sheet. As I fed […]

Learning by Example
Acquiring a warehouse and implementing a warehouse management system from Cambar Solutions helped The School Box earn top grades for its distribution operation.

On the Road | Introduction: Off the Beaten Path
Cluttering pages with supply chain strategies, logistics lexicon, elusive acronyms, and, periodically, run-on sentences, is habit forming. But it comes with my job. So does reverie. In between pulling and parsing source information, then writing, the mind wanders. There’s no shortage of distractions. Press releases, phone conversations, e-mails, RSS feeds, and Google have a way […]

On the Road | Belen, New Mexico: The Land of Enchantment and 10,000-foot Trains
BNSF Railway’s Belen, N.M., rail yard serves as a regional maintenance and fueling facility for trains up to 10,000 feet long. Inbound Logistics Senior Writer Joseph O’Reilly offers a behind-the-scenes look.

On the Road | Elizabeth, New Jersey: On the Waterfront
Inbound Logistics Senior Writer Joseph O’Reilly visits New Jersey’s Port Elizabeth, one of the East Coast’s busiest ports.

On the Road | Piedmont Triad, North Carolina: Visions of an Aerotropolis
Inbound Logistics Senior Writer Joseph O’Reilly tours North Carolina’s Piedmont Triad, home to a new FedEx hub and growing Aerotropolis.

On the Road | Nashua, New Hampshire: The King of Beer Distribution
Inbound Logistics Senior Writer Joseph O’Reilly visits Bellavance Beverage Company, a Nashua, N.H. beer distributor.

On the Road | Morris, Illinois: Plastics, Pellets, and Pallets
A&R Logistics’ Morris, Ill., dry bulk intermodal facility specializes in hauling plastics. Inbound Logistics Senior Writer Joseph O’Reilly tours the operation.

On the Road | Conclusion: Anything But Uncommon
Inbound Logistics Senior Writer Joseph O’Reilly reflects on his travels for the On the Road series.

Containing Ocean Costs
Shippers use overseas consolidation, strategic loading tactics, and container sharing to cast off ocean transportation’s financial burden.

Healthcare Logistics: Under Pressure
Healthcare leaders diagnose their biggest supply chain pains and write a prescription for the Obama administration.

Green Reverse Logistics Brings Many Happy Returns
Companies that combine the “reduce, reuse, recycle” mantra with the supply chain wisdom of managing costs and stamping out inefficiencies are developing reverse supply chains that help the Earth, the customer, and the bottom line.

Paving The Path To Progress
Can public-private partnerships transform America’s ailing transportation infrastructure?

Ask The (M)experts
For an update on customs, infrastructure, and manufacturing, IL went straight to the supply chain leaders and economic development experts who make Mexico their business.

Logistics Goes To Hollywood
The supply chain plays a starring role in popular entertainment.

What’s the Difference?
Does an LLP perform the same service as a 4PL? Can you run a just-in-time operation without being lean? When push comes to pull, are logistics and supply chain management interchangeable? Industry experts explain the source of some common misperceptions regarding supply chain and logistics lexicon.

Snapshot: Cosmetics And Skin Care
Cosmetics and skin care manufacturers look in the corporate mirror and smooth logistics and supply chain wrinkles.

The Cargo Theft Threat
A thriving black market keeps cargo thieves in business — to the detriment of the global economy.

Double Trouble: Avoiding Excess Freight Charge Liability Risk
In cases of double payment liability, innocent shippers and consignees find themselves ordered to pay for services twice. Contracting with a reputable broker can protect you from ending up in this situation.

Global Logistics—January 2010
Dutch Centrism: If the Clog Fits… Given its accessible location and proximity to two of the world’s great port cities—Amsterdam and Rotterdam—the Netherlands has historically been a center of commerce and trade. A new study, High Quality, Competitive Costs: Benchmarking the Netherlands as a Gateway to Europe, suggests the country’s reputation for cargo distribution—in terms […]
Shaken and Stirred
Let’s ensure infrastructure development is used for long-term economic growth, not short-term political gain.

It’s Time to Start Looking at the Future and Preparing for the Long Haul
The challenges of the current economy and the availability of capacity have driven truckload prices to their lowest point since 2005. While most shippers have seen great opportunities with the decline in pricing, the market is changing. As recent research from Noel Perry and FTR Associates indicates, market pricing bottomed out in the second quarter […]

Ready for the Rebound
One good thing about difficult times is they drive people to take action. It’s easy to be nonchalant about counting pennies when dollar bills are everywhere. But when things get tight, lip service surrounding efficiency and automation just won’t do. Tomorrow’s leaders are using the recession to address manual processes, paper and other inefficiencies. Using […]

Immediate Steps Toward Supply Chain And Transportation Integration
Finally! Now, there is much more action toward integrating the transportation function into the Supply Chain. For years, there has been the realization of the high volume of money being wasted associated with transportation expenses—inbound, outbound and "plant-to-plant." Let’s look at some industry numbers: Overall inbound, production-related and outbound transportation is often the 3rd highest […]

Scott Kingsley: The Personal Connection
NAME: Scott Kingsley TITLE: Logistics manager COMPANY: The Food Source International, Frazer, Penn., since 2009 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Philadelphia Flyers archives intern, Comcast-Spectacor; account services representative, production planner, Transcontinental Direct; logistics planner/international freight management, Penske Logistics EDUCATION: B.S., business management and marketing, Pennsylvania State University, 2002 Scott Kingsley is as tech-savvy as any young logistics professional. […]

New Year, New Insurance Review
The start of the new year is the time to make resolutions, and risk managers should resolve to review their operations to ensure that risk and insurance programs are in order. Your risk review should address several key questions: Are you planning to offer new services? If so, consider your insurance obligations before the transaction […]

Gearing Up for 100% Air Cargo Screening
A complex shift in the air cargo industry begins in August 2010, when the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will require 100-percent screening of all air cargo carried in passenger planes departing from or arriving at U.S. airports. In response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the TSA created a security mandate with an initial step […]

Bar Codes Rev Up Auto Supplier Operations
An end-to-end scanning solution helps Trelleborg Automotive Americas improve efficiency and accuracy, while providing real-time production data and lot traceability.

Trends—January 2010
Guaging the Future of Marine Rail Rail intermodal solutions have become an important component of the U.S. supply chain as capacity, cost, and sustainability concerns warrant more transportation flexibility. The hitch for shippers is the time it takes to re-handle cargo, switch modes, and turn assets and inventory. Rail intermodal requires better forecasts, greater visibility, […]

ISF Regulation: 10+2 Much?
Effective Jan. 26, 2010, U.S. ocean freight importers must complete a properly executed Importer Security Filing (ISF) before loading cargo onto a vessel at a foreign port. Also known as 10+2, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulation, intended to ensure the safety of ocean containers entering U.S. ports, requires U.S. importers or agents to […]
Selecting the Right Port for Your Transport Needs
Ports around the country vie to be the first choice for shippers’ supply chains by providing a wealth of intermodal connections, capacity, and distribution facilities. Various member seaports of the American Association of Port Authorities offer the following strategies for selecting a port to fit your specific shipping needs. 1. Consider proximity.You can cut transportation […]
On the Road to Recovery: Strengthening Our Transportation Infrastructure
Although the Dow was recently flirting with 10,000, there is no celebration on Main Street. This is a jobless economic recovery, and without job growth there will be no sustainable economic recovery on either Main or Wall Street. Compounding the loss of jobs is the explosive economic growth of China and its ominous effect on […]

Less Lip Service, More Customer Service
When times are good, everyone says they are focused on customer service, but admittedly some of that is lip service. When times are bad, are carriers and service providers truly focused on providing you good customer service, or are they cutting customer service corners? Are you as concerned about customer service these days, or is […]
Snapshot: Footwear
Dealing with shifts in global manufacturing, limited product lifecycles, and inventory complexity keeps the footwear supply chain on its toes.By Cindy H. Dubin Apparel trends change rapidly, and each season spawns a new look. This is particularly true for footwear, a category of seemingly endless variety. From shearling-lined suede boots and bejeweled strappy sandals to […]
Where Are They Now? A Reader Profile Reunion
Time flies, and careers evolve quickly. Since 2002, Inbound Logistics’ Reader Profile column has introduced readers to more than 90 colleagues who work in logistics and supply chain management. Many of those professionals have since moved on from the jobs they held when we visited with them. Others still hold the same positions but have seen significant changes in their work. Let’s catch up.
Global Logistics—December 2009
Electronics Manufacturing Switches Current Outsourcing manufacturing to China remains a viable strategy for many global companies. But the country’s developing economy, expanding consumer base, rising labor costs—and increasing global competition—has some industries reconsidering where they source product. Labor costs, total landed costs, and insourcing by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are slowing the migration of high-tech […]

Eco-operation in Action: Collaborating to Achieve Green Goals
As a company with tens of thousands of suppliers around the globe, Walmart’s bold move to promote a sustainability index has planted new seeds across entire industries. It’s a significant event for manufacturers, and has caused many businesses to take notice of new customer aspirations and re-think their supply chain designs. Walmart’s efforts to reduce […]
Terri Sheely: Ready for Ignition
One tricky aspect of Terri Sheely’s work is the way her company, Altronic, manages inventory. “We don’t carry a lot of finished products,” says Sheely, purchasing and traffic manager at the Girard, Ohio, firm that makes ignition systems and digital instrumentation used in large engines that pump natural gas. But when a customer places an […]
Pacer International and Union Pacific (UP) have entered a multi-year arrangement that allows the intermodal company continued access to the railroad’s network. That’s welcome news to some rail users. Foremost, the announcement puts to rest speculation about the company’s tenuous financial position. Pacer will use the $30-million cash infusion received as part of the deal […]
Selecting a Voice-Directed Picking System
If you want to reduce errors, improve productivity, and increase accuracy in the warehouse, a voice-directed picking system may help. Choosing the right product to meet your company’s needs, however, can be a challenge. Donal Mac Daid, vice president of product marketing at Atlanta-based logistics software provider Aldata Solution Inc., offers advice on selecting voice-directed […]
Selecting Pallet Types: One Size Does Not Fit All
At any given time, nearly 1.5 billion pallets transport products of all shapes and sizes throughout the United States. The majority are wood pallets, which have remained popular with supply chain and logistics managers for decades because they cost less than alternative pallets made of plastic or steel. Because pallets are used across several diverse […]
Just Say No to Slow-Mo
When the economy slows, so does the pace of shipments. To cut costs, some companies shift to less-expensive deferred delivery services. But there are cases where speed helps reduce overall costs, even when economic activity is flat. Here’s one example that bucks the slow-mo shipment trend line. Acoording to press reports, an Australian retailer, Coles […]
Uncommon Ground
Ground carriers redefine expedited services to meet new delivery and security demands in a down economy.
Relieving The Holiday Hangover
Retail madness doesn’t stop at year’s end—it just reverses direction. A medicine chest of reverse logistics remedies helps alleviate retailers’ inventory headaches.
Wind Power Logistics: Tilting Toward Wind Turbines
Wind machines have been spinning imagination and innovation for centuries, but only now is past fancy and contemporary fabrication melding into a composite reality for U.S. industry. Where wind blows, economic promise follows. The wind energy industry is taking over the world and the United States is center stage in an unfolding drama.
Global Logistics—November 2009
Wagons West Chinas New Reckoning Sometimes adversity yields opportunity. When a major earthquake struck China’s Sichuan Province in May 2008, its magnitude was incomprehensible: 70,000 people killed, many more displaced, and widespread annihilation of infrastructure and socio-economic wellbeing. But a landscape literally wasted by nature is now quaking and awakening with the tremors of a […]
Software Tools Optimize Green Logistics
By now most third-party logistics (3PL) service providers, big and small, have jumped on the sustainability bandwagon. They’re reducing ship and truck speeds, designing and restructuring warehouses to cut power consumption, implementing bio-fuels, packing products with reusable and environmentally friendly packaging, and consolidating freight for full truckload runs. But they could be doing more. Maybe […]
Cliff Hooper: X-Ray Image
Cliff Hooper has been managing inventories since high school. He started out working for a firm that installed and serviced jukeboxes, pinball games, and slot machines. Later, he applied his logistics smarts to aircraft and war planning functions for the U.S. Air Force, and to missile and radar systems for Hughes Aircraft Company. More recently, […]
The Intellectual Risk of Complexity
The rules of business in a global world are thorny and often intractable. As supply chains grow more complex and outsourcing gains favor, long-range risks become harder to judge, or even understand. One consequence of a complex global supply chain is a subtle shift in the nature of intellectual property and how it factors into […]
Is Your 3PL a Brand Builder?
Abrand represents many intangible aspects of a product or service; it’s a collection of perceptions about quality, image, lifestyle, and status. In short, a brand represents a promise made and honored. When was the last time you challenged your third-party logistics provider (3PL) to help you build your brand? For most shippers, the answer lies […]
How to Outsource Wind Logistics
As demand for renewable energy sources grows and green best practices take root, the wind energy industry keeps blowing across the United States. Regardless of whether wind turbine components are sourced globally or domestically, the demands placed on shippers and transportation and logistics service providers are extreme. Planning, organizing, and executing wind turbine moves requires […]
How to Gain Reverse Logistics Efficiency
Forward thinking companies increasingly need to consider reverse. With so much attention, time, and capital spent on exploring ways to move the enterprise in new directions, what’s left behind is often overlooked and under-controlled. Reverse logistics covers a wide array of services—from inspection, repair, and remanufacturing to consumer returns and aftermarket recycling. It can reduce […]
How to Create a Lean Warehouse Culture
MORE TO THE STORY: Lean in Principle There are three core parts to orchestrating lean tactics in a warehouse: tools, methods, and culture. Most companies have the equipment and processes to embrace lean. Culture, however, is often missing. Crafting an organizational culture that empowers lean concepts is a recurring challenge for companies, yet it yields […]
How to Standardize Fuel Surcharges
MORE TO THE STORY: DRILLING DOWN FREIGHT SPEND A wise person once stated that if you have two watches, you never know what time it is. When considering the effects of fuel surcharges on line-haul rates, this analogy is appropriate. If both are allowed to fluctuate, making sense of total freight spend and the intrinsic […]
Trends-November 2009
The green movement is many things to different parties. But the common element all environmentally conscious supply chain practitioners and consumers should take a vested interest in is transparency—from source to self. Environmental watchdog Greenpeace, whose mission is to bring clarity to environmental issues and threats, knows something about transparency. Proof to point, the organization […]