Brian Hatfield’s Supply Chain Stylings<br />

Brian Hatfield’s Supply Chain Stylings

NAME: Brian Hatfield TITLE: Vice president of supply chain COMPANY: KPSS Inc., Linthicum, Md., since 2006 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Production supervisor, The Dial Corp.; logistics manager, Sealright/Hutemaki; general manager, Lake River Corp.; regional logistics manager, director of supply chain, Alcoa Corp. EDUCATION: BS, finance and production management, Illinois State University, 1985; MBA, Keller Graduate School of […]

Trends—March 2011

Trends—March 2011

Texas Holds ‘em, Amazon Folds In 2005, announced plans to build a new distribution center in Irving, Texas, near the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The city council cleared the way for the facility by approving an economic development incentive package that provided tax rebates to the company for six years, with options to extend […]

Global Logistics—March 2011

Global Logistics—March 2011

A New Suez Crisis? The 2011 revolution in Egypt and eventual overthrow of President Hosni Mubarek’s regime reminded global shippers how quickly political undercurrents can gnarl supply chains. Rumors persist about a closure at the Suez Canal, extended delays at nearby ports, and a shortage of ocean capacity between Asia and Europe as a consequence. […]

PETCO’s Pet Project<br />

PETCO’s Pet Project

For pet supply retailer PETCO, honoring its commitment to superior customer service meant finding a loyal logistics partner.

Christopher Chung

Efficient Use of State Resources Keeps Transportation Flowing

States have fewer dollars to spend on transportation these days, but that does not mean that highways and roads are destined to fall into disrepair. How can transport departments ensure the smooth, safe travel of goods and people in cash-strapped times? The Show-Me State’s answer: Change the way business is done. Missouri, on track to […]

Jim Bengier

Retail Recovery Depends on an Integrated Supply Chain Strategy

Although retail sales have shown some increase in early 2011, many economists caution that spending will remain modest as long as wages stay flat and job creation weak. Even as consumers begin to loosen their purse strings, it is essential for retailers to remain cautious and operate at the most efficient levels possible to ensure […]

John Haber

Five Market Concerns Driving Shipper Cost Increases

It has never been more expensive or frustrating to be a shipper. Rates are up, capacity is down, and, while Wall Street analysts are bullish on the transportation sector, many businesses are still struggling. It’s a disparity that contributes to billions of dollars of shipper overspending each year. The following market concerns will have the […]

The Last Mile’s Lasting Impact<br />

The Last Mile’s Lasting Impact

From traditional heavy goods shipments to the new influx of e-commerce-fueled home deliveries, the last mile plays a crucial role in the supply chain. Get it wrong, and you risk alienating consumers; get it right, and you may just gain a customer for life.

C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.

Global Air Service That Inspires Customer Confidence

When you buy global air transportation services, what you are really buying is confidence. That’s because when you send freight by air— and when your customer is anxiously waiting for that shipment to meet production schedules or avoid penalties— no one can afford uncertainty. The freight has to be there on time, period, no matter […]

Kevin Shoemaker

Who’s Comparing Your Import Data?

If you don’t file accurate import data with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, you put your company at risk for penalties and fines, warns Kevin Shoemaker, director, global solutions for Integration Point Inc.

A New Day Dawns for 3PL Partnerships

A New Day Dawns for 3PL Partnerships

Most logistics outsourcers today use an RFQ to select their 3PLs. But that model is outdated and ineffective. A handful of forward-thinking shippers and logistics providers are instead embracing a collaborative outsourcing method, with powerful results.

Trends—February 2011

Trends—February 2011

Where Demand Moves, DCs Follow Businesses are always keen to identify where populations are migrating and demand is building. Demographic shifts keep retail locations and distribution networks in constant flux. They also illuminate states that are attracting or losing people and business. If Atlas Van Lines’ 2010 Migration Patterns study is any indication, consumers are […]

Global Logistics—February 2011

Global Logistics—February 2011

Largest Airlines Target Asia, Latin America The world’s five largest airlines now hail from Asia and Latin America, reflecting industry’s shift away from U.S. and European markets to higher-growth countries, according to a recent report by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The data suggests that airline expansion for both freighter and passenger activity will […]

The Perfect Storm: Weathering a Chassis Crisis

The Perfect Storm: Weathering a Chassis Crisis

Economic recession, cost-conscious ocean carriers, a half-baked federal mandate, and ambivalent ports have dropped another heavy load on the U.S. trucking industry. But who’s the real victim of a widespread chassis shortage? And who’s to blame?

Mark Laufer

Balancing Shipper and Carrier Interests

The past two years have been a roller coaster ride for both carriers and shippers. After the financial crisis, carriers dropped their rates to unprecedented levels. Service contracts locked in these non-compensatory rates, and volumes dropped precipitously. Ocean carriers took ships out of service, and capacity cuts were steep and drastic. The financial viability of […]

Joe White

How the Driver Shortage Impacts Capacity

It is likely that a driver shortage is coming, due to pressures such as an aging driver workforce, the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Compliance Safety Accountability program, and the anticipated DOT-mandated reduction in driving hours. Yet many supply chain professionals have yet to grasp how a driver shortage impacts capacity. Simply put, a driver shortage […]

Jerry Levy

White Glove Services: Ask for What You Need

White glove service is one of the supply chain’s most complex specialty areas, encompassing everything from first- and final-mile value-added services, to delicate or high-value product handling. Because of white glove services’ specialized nature, shippers must define their specific requirements for these projects in their RFPs, and service providers need to thoroughly evaluate the scope […]

Keith Biondo

Gaining Ground

The fortunes of many companies were balanced on the backs of their supply chain, logistics, and transportation managers during the past year. In concert with their carriers, and technology and logistics partners, business logistics professionals across the country produced real supply chain gain by aligning demand to supply. That’s why we chose “Supply Chain Gain” […]

Felecia Stratton

Gaining Even More Ground

Building the January Logistics Planner is always a process of incremental addition. That’s the only way you can even approach, let alone execute, a 528-page issue during the busy holiday season. Along the way, there are measured benchmarks: meetings, deadlines, rough drafts, edits, designed proofs, polished articles, then a print date. The final product, which […]

David Holt

Growing a Statewide Logistics Sector

Recognizing that advanced manufacturing and the logistics sector represent a key economic development opportunity for Indiana, local leaders formed Conexus Indiana, a statewide forum for key logistics and manufacturing employers, academia, and government. Its goals are to attract and grow logistics and advanced manufacturing companies, add value to the goods that move through the state, […]

John Pattullo

Making Sustainability a Reality

The logistics and transport market sector contributes 5.5 percent of total global greenhouse gas emissions, according to 2009 research produced by the World Economic Forum. The sector’s lack of understanding about the current emissions baseline is the biggest obstacle to establishing a meaningful green supply chain strategy. Even with a starting point of such magnitude, […]

Freight Equals Politics

As the population shifts and Republicans gain control of Congress, it is time to strengthen the connection between our economic engine and political tide.

Rick Register

Top Five Ways Warehouse Management Systems Deliver ROI

As the economy recovers, many companies are considering upgrades to their existing warehouse management systems (WMS) or deciding to invest in a WMS for the first time. All executives making these decisions want to know when they can expect to see a return on investment (ROI) for their technology selection. Here are five areas where […]

Eric Cohen: Making a Clean Sweep<br />

Eric Cohen: Making a Clean Sweep

NAME: Eric Cohen TITLE: Vice president of logistics COMPANY: Waxie Sanitary Supply, San Diego, since 2000 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Captain, supply and logistics officer, U.S. Marine Corps; factory representative, Volvo Cars North America; assistant director of logistics, Kaiser Permanente; corporate operations director, senior director of logistics, Waxie Sanitary Supply EDUCATION: University of California, San Diego, B.A. […]

C. Daniel Negron

Do You Know Who You’re Doing Business With?

Q: My company’s cargo volumes are increasing now that the economic slowdown is beginning to turn. We are receiving orders from new customers we developed through international marketing efforts. What should we look for when screening new clients? A: As you enter into new business relationships, it is important that you know your customer. Five […]

Discovering Savings Through Freight Payment Services

Freight payment services can make it easier to process carrier invoices. They also enhance freight spend visibility, which can drive better strategy and planning. Today’s systems often include Web services to help shippers streamline information exchange. Some freight payment systems even deliver mobile access to transportation spend for immediate reporting and decision-making. Discover savings through […]

Brad Constantini

Protect Your Supply Chain From Merger Mania

In recent months, several third-party logistics (3PL) providers have merged to form large conglomerates, and consolidation in the 3PL market is likely to continue. Although the trend is not new, the New Year is a good time for companies to take a closer look at 3PL relationships and consider how they impact supply chain performance. […]

4PLs Take Control<br />

4PLs Take Control

Much like air traffic controllers, 4PLs guide transportation operations, manage product flow, and sometimes help avert disaster.

Supply Chain Gain: Global Growth

Contingency suppliers, sourcing differentiation, special incentives, and a host of other strategies generate improvements in supply chains that reach around the world.

The Wheels of Change: Questions & Answers with Ed Melching<br />

The Wheels of Change: Questions & Answers with Ed Melching

When Navistar sought to position itself for worldwide growth across all divisions by recasting its supply chain operations, it wiped the slate completely clean and put an engineer with zero logistics experience in charge. Here’s the story of how Ed Melching led Navistar to global growth—and significant supply chain gains.

Following the LEED

Following the LEED

Industrial property developers are cultivating greener distribution facilities and nurturing Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards compliance.

Certifiable Results<br />

Certifiable Results

SmartWay Partner. ISO. C-TPAT. Cargo Network Service. Cargo 2000. FAST. Logistics service providers attain a multitude of certifications, but what does it mean for shippers? Find out how providers qualify, and what you can gain from working with certified partners.

Trends—January 2011

Trends—January 2011

Supply Chain Influences That Have Made Their Mark Supply chain innovation is as old as history. Consider the very beginning, that first impulse to sow seed. Flint-sharpened sticks enabled hunters and gatherers to stop roaming, then grow and harvest staple crops. Animal husbandry soon followed. This created an impetus to store and transport goods. Surplus […]

Global Logistics—January 2011

Global Logistics—January 2011

Russia and China: Eurasia’s Odd Couple For two countries that geographically touch and have historically close trade ties, Russia and China are worlds apart in terms of economic vitality. While Russia idly pumps oil for export, leaving its economy vulnerable to global commodity price fluctuations, China is fastidious to a fault, protecting its own economic […]

On the Road: Midnight in Memphis

FedEx primary package facility processes 2,500 items an hour. A behind-the-scenes look reveals how the bustling facility operates. MORE TO THE STORY: A Matter of Choice   Destination: Memphis, Tenn. Location: Memphis is the largest city in Tennessee, third-largest city in the U.S. Southeast, located in the southwest corner of the state along the Mississippi […]

Ask the (M)experts 2011

Ask the (M)experts 2011

For an update on what’s new in security, infrastructure, and manufacturing in Mexico since last year’s edition of Ask the (M)experts, Inbound Logistics checked in with a new crop of supply chain leaders and economic development experts— and some of last year’s MVPs.

Joe Perillo: The Persuader

NAME: Joe Perillo TITLE: Director of supply chain, logistics, and lean enterprise COMPANY: PTR Baler and Compactor, Philadelphia, since 2007 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Aircraft technician, U.S. Marine Corps; FAA-certified aircraft maintenance supervisor, Continental Airlines; production plant manager, Cardone Industries; advanced lean manufacturing specialist, DVIRC EDUCATION: University of Phoenix, BS in business management, 2007 Joe Perillo’s business […]

Danny Halim

Navigating Global Supply Chain Risks

Risk management is an essential ingredient in global logistics planning. Unexpected events such as natural disasters, political unrest, regulatory constraints, and product recalls can disrupt the supply chain and, in turn, negatively impact sales, profit, and a company’s reputation in the market. Many companies, however, are still in reactive mode when it comes to adapting […]

Dan Steere

Driven to Succeed: Building a Safer Fleet

When it comes to managing fleets, we all want to make safety a top priority. But creating a safety culture isn’t easy. And the unfortunate fact is that much of what we do to promote safety simply isn’t effective. States that passed anti-texting bans actually saw an increase in accidents, according to a study by […]

Richard Metzler

Riding Out the Recovery

An ancient Chinese proverb states, “To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable.” After the recent economic turmoil, we can all appreciate the accuracy of that statement. Although the Great Recession itself appears to be over, the feeling of uncertainty clearly isn’t. If anyone knew how the recovery will play out for the transportation and logistics […]

Global Logistics – December 2010

China Full of Beans China’s consuming population continues to expand without pause, as demand for American Joe is now competing with a long-standing cultural mainstay —green tea. Starbucks has inked a deal with the Chinese provincial government of Yunnan to set up its first coffee bean farm. The Seattle chain is partnering with local growers […]

Trends—December 2010

A Cellular Distraction Exposes DOT’s Blind Spot When U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood recently took one hand off the Department of Transportation (DOT) steering wheel long enough to field another call about the dangers of cell phone use while driving, freight industry outsiders were eavesdropping. Truth be told, they’d prefer riding shotgun, even at their […]

Cutting Costs When Shipping Perishables

Timing is crucial when shipping perishable products because shelf life is at stake. Moving perishables domestically requires product to be inspected and released for delivery, and each state has its own agricultural regulations. Importing perishables involves a host of other issues, including clearance by three U.S. government agencies. To avoid costly delays when shipping perishables, […]

Felecia Stratton

Customer Service: Who Needs it?

Last weekend, I finally compiled my holiday shopping list and headed out to brave the crowds. I live within 10 miles of Kmart, Walmart, and Target, but I will never again set foot in one of those. I usually have patience when shopping, but several bad customer service experiences— long checkout lines, unhelpful help, and […]

Cutting Costs From Your Logistics Budget

If you want to reduce logistics costs, you have to take the time to review your processes. Nathan Pieri, senior vice president of marketing and product management for Rutherford, N.J.-based Management Dynamics, offers these tips for trimming your logistics budget. 1. Eliminate supply chain bottlenecks. By periodically reviewing and analyzing their supply chain networks, companies […]

Todd Stewart: All Wired Up <br />

Todd Stewart: All Wired Up

NAME: Todd Stewart TITLE: Vice president supply chain, since 2008 COMPANY: WireCo WorldGroup, Kansas City, Mo. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Merchandise manager, JC Penney; product manager, then manager of distribution and customer service, then VP of distribution, transportation and customer service, WireCo WorldGroup EDUCATION: Missouri Western State University, BSBA in marketing and management, 1992; Benedictine College, Executive […]

Hillary Femal

Pallet-Sharing Programs: Better for the Planet

When evaluating a pallet program against your operational criteria— including environmental concerns— the best result comes from looking at the issue in two parts: the pallet itself, and the pallet program. The pallet’s source material, production method, size and specifications, and impact on transportation efficiencies has received much attention and discussion. But the pallet program— […]

Charlie Jacobs

Lean: The Next Best Thing to ‘Clip-and-Save’

Everyone respects the cost-cutting power of a good coupon. It’s simple to use, easy to grasp, and highly effective for easing pain at the cash register. The logistics sector has an equivalent that saves far more than just a few pennies. It’s called Lean. This popular quality-improvement process leads to documented savings that you can […]

Jeremy Woods, CCIM, SIOR

Tapping Into the Power of Supply Chain Integration

In 4 B.C., Greek philosopher Plato said necessity is the mother of invention. That statement is as true today as it was then. During the past few years, it became a necessity for companies to find cost savings and run their businesses more efficiently to survive tough economic times. In addition to network rationalization, inventory […]

CSCMP Annual Conference: Can We Talk?<br />

CSCMP Annual Conference: Can We Talk?

Discussed in general sessions and overhead in the hallways: Shippers are focused on reducing risk and managing volatility, developing supplier relationships, and creating supply chain resilience.

How to Select Expedited Services<br />

How to Select Expedited Services

MORE TO THE STORY: 5 Steps to Expediency, Efficiency, Economy Expedited delivery is a necessity for all companies, whether they are meeting unexpected seasonal demand or managing shipments by exception. They use expedited service to move parcel and temperature-sensitive packages, specially packaged product, oversized equipment— and everything in between. Cost is secondary to timeliness and […]

How to Drive Collaborative Distribution<br />

How to Drive Collaborative Distribution

MORE TO THE STORY: Playing the Part In the retail space, competition among small and medium manufacturers is fierce. But many are missing out on significant cost savings by failing to recognize and execute shared strategies that consolidate shipments in the interests of all supply chain stakeholders. The collaborative distribution concept leverages freight consolidation as […]

How to Develop a Direct-to-Store Delivery Model<br />

How to Develop a Direct-to-Store Delivery Model

MORE TO THE STORY: Is a Direct-to-Store Delivery Model Right for You? Speed is the name of the game in today’s retail landscape. How quickly products are purchased from store shelves depends on a myriad of factors: consumer preference, special promotions, and brand recognition, to name just a few. The real trick to gaining speed […]

How to Find the Best EDI Solution For Your Operations<br />

How to Find the Best EDI Solution For Your Operations

MORE TO THE STORY: 7 Rules to Finding the Best EDI Solution In today’s supply chain, change is a constant. Businesses have to gather and communicate information in real time to manage variability and efficiently match supply to demand. Flexibility and scalability are important. But with new sets of transactional requirements and data elements emerging, […]

How to Enable a Proactive Supply Chain<br />

How to Enable a Proactive Supply Chain

MORE TO THE STORY: 5 Steps to Supply Chain Empowerment Tomorrow’s supply chains will be intertwined supply networks predicated on responding to supply and demand changes as they happen, not after the fact. Transaction and shipment exceptions are common, so businesses must be able to account for these variables by enabling a proactive supply chain. […]

How to Leverage Rail/Intermodal For Refrigerated Freight<br />

How to Leverage Rail/Intermodal For Refrigerated Freight

MORE TO THE STORY: A Refrigerated Case Rail/intermodal solutions are fast gaining traction among shippers looking for additional capacity, exploring more cost-effective transportation options, and seeking means to reduce their impact on the environment. While there has always been a captive rail audience among bulk commodity and dry goods shippers, more specialized freight, including refrigerated […]

How to Ship to Alaska

How to Ship to Alaska

MORE TO THE STORY: Finding the Right Partner Alaska RFP/RFI Alaska can be a challenging place to move freight. The state’s vast and varied terrain, harsh and unpredictable weather, and distance from the rest of the United States present unique challenges for shippers. Whether the task is transporting consumer goods to cities in southeastern Alaska, […]

How to Select a Transportation Management Solution <br />

How to Select a Transportation Management Solution

MORE TO THE STORY: The TMS Revolution Selecting a new transportation management system (TMS), whether fully outsourced, hosted, or internally installed, requires much due diligence to pair functional need with strategic vision. Shippers can get the most out of their TMS solution and service provider by following five progressions. Know what you need before you […]

How to Ship Air Freight in Alaska<br />

How to Ship Air Freight in Alaska

MORE TO THE STORY: 4 Air Freight Takeaways Spanning 570,374 square miles of land mass— more than twice that of Texas— Alaska has the third-lowest population in the United States and the lowest population density at approximately one person per square mile. North to south, the state covers 1,400 miles, compared to 2,700 miles side […]

Duane Sizemore

Gaining Alignment With Your 3PL is Key to Supply Chain Success

When choosing a supply chain partner, it is essential that goals, expectations and strategy are all in alignment. In order to achieve this synergy, open and honest communication between business partners needs to be in place to move the relationship beyond one of simply executing services to one of real collaboration. Measurement, monitoring, and corresponding […]

Keith Biondo

Elephants Chasing TIGERs

It wasn’t that long ago that Rajahs in India used elephants to hunt tigers. It seems the hunt is on again. The recent Republican resurgence is hunting for a very specific type of TIGER: Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grants as part of the TARP fund. The latest round of grants continues the spending […]

Trends—November 2010<br />

Trends—November 2010

A Break in the Chain: Solving the Port Chassis Problem When the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) started enforcing its discursive Requirements for Intermodal Equipment Providers and for Motor Carriers and Drivers Operating Intermodal Equipment rule in December 2009, there weren’t enough containers flowing through U.S. ports to cause immediate alarm. Shippers and trucking […]

Global Logistics – November 2010

Global Logistics – November 2010

Heineken Tests Beer Float Heineken’s business is all about flow—from the brewery to the beer tap, and all logistics touches in between. Thanks to the new Alpherium inland container terminal in Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, the beverage manufacturer’s supply chain flows a whole lot smoother. Heineken now ships export containers from its Zoeterwoude brewery […]