

Suzanne Richer

CBP’s ACE Reporting Will Reduce Global Trade Risks

Even though the rollout of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) has had a bevy of delays, quicker and easier data access will benefit government agencies and the trading industry. As the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) continues to roll out the ACE Single Window program throughout 2016, the goal remains the same: to eliminate […]

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Rob Kriewaldt

Three Key Points to Communicate to Become Your Customers’ Dream Provider

Communication and transparency are key to being a good partner to your clients. If your logistics organization is in the process of responding to RFP questions from a plum potential customer, positioning your logistics organization as the ideal fit for that customer depends on clear communication of three defining factors of your business: specialization, size, […]

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Jay Moris

Advantages of Waveless Order Fulfillment

Q: What is waveless order fulfillment? A: It is a software-driven order fulfillment processing methodology that continuously pulls orders into a fulfillment operation based on the availability of the resources, people, and inventory needed to fulfill orders. Q: How does waveless order fulfillment differ from wave processing? A: In traditional wave processing, a warehouse management […]

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Michael Kukiela

Unleash the Full Potential of Your Supply Chain

Q: What are the compelling reasons a shipper seeks outsourced logistics support? A: Companies are realizing the differentiated value their supply chains provide in the areas of customer retention, brand reputation and overall bottom-line performance. However, the focus and commitment to enhance supply chain programs are often viewed as a distraction from core functions. Shippers […]

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Alan Miller

An Incremental Approach to TMS Acquisition

Q: If savings from a TMS deployment can be significant, what are the benefits of an incremental approach to acquisition? A: It’s true, studies show that savings from a TMS deployment can exceed eight percent of annual freight spend in some verticals. These savings are derived from visibility, analytics, optimization, process improvement and enforcement. In […]

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Rich Chrzanowski

Best Practices for Effective Carrier Management

Q: Can you share some best practices for effective carrier management? A: There are three that I always recommend. First, seek a TMS platform supporting the use of carriers of all sizes—small to mid-sized to large. It should support EDI and other contemporary technologies utilized by the larger carriers, but also deliver things like a […]

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Gary Barraco

The “Direct-to-Consumer” Trend: Retail Shift Affects Logistics Operations

Lured by the promise of bigger sales, better access to consumers, and even their ultimate survival, wholesale brands are increasingly looking to circumvent traditional retailers and reach their customers directly—with “direct-to-consumer selling” or DTC. Recently, several prominent apparel and footwear brands have announced plans to expand their own retail stores in the U.S. and globally, […]

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Bruce Moore

Analyzing Freight & Logistics Operations

Disruption is the new normal in freight and logistics. Customers now demand greater speed and value, and want detailed information on the status of their shipments. Shoppers are increasingly mobile and connected, and shop across multiple channels. Manufacturers and retailers are rushing to re-introduce direct-to-door deliveries. The emerging Internet of Things allows companies to capture […]

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Rick Erickson

Freight Audit and Payment: An Untapped Source of Working Capital

Q: You said recently, "The art of working capital management has declined." Why isn’t it a focus? A: The no- to low-interest-rate environment following the 2008 market crash made it easy. Debt wasn’t as big of a concern, so many companies let their attention to working capital management slip. Now that the Federal Reserve has […]

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Chris Timmer

Leveraging a TMS for Domestic and Global Transportation

Q: What are the biggest challenges facing shippers in today’s economic environment? A: In today’s market, managing transportation domestically and globally in one system with a single workflow is a key factor for a more efficient and cohesive supply chain. Many businesses still use manual methods or multiple systems to manage freight, with no way […]

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Shannon Vaillancourt

Customized and Integrated to Create One Strategic Logistics Platform

Q: Why is it important for businesses to create a customized and integrated strategic platform for logistics operations? Why are businesses struggling to achieve this? A: Changing freight from a tactical necessity to a strategic asset is possible if you have a customized platform for logistics. A customized and strategic platform provides a company with […]

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Greg Braun

SaaS Breathing Life Into Yard Management Systems

Q: How has SaaS rejuvenated Yard Management? A: Cloud-based systems have been an enabler in many industries and yard management is no exception. The type of operations that are looking to better manage their yards today don’t want to be bothered with installing complicated infrastructure and initiating the type of complex projects that go along […]

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Tom Heine

Facilitating a Software Switch

Q: We bought our TMS over 10 years ago and have upgrades coming up. We’re considering something cloud-based. What is it like to switch software? The last time it took one year. A: There are a lot of factors that play into this, but generally it’s a lot easier than it used to be. Even […]

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Chris Noble

Avoid Pricing Pitfalls When Selecting a Logistics IT Solution

Q: One of the common gripes voiced by organizations implementing logistics IT solutions is that the solution ends up costing more than expected. Why does this seem to happen so frequently? A: The roots of this complaint can be traced back to improperly managed expectations during the sales process. Pricing between providers competing for the […]

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Robert Walpole

Key Factors Shaping World Trade and Global Logistics

By all accounts, 2016 will be a year in which major agreements and more open markets will shape world trade and increase the global logistics that move commodities to manufacturers, and finished goods into the hands of consumers virtually everywhere on the globe. From the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans Pacific […]

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Three Imperatives for Managing Carrier Rates

As the annual freight rate contract negotiation process is underway, it is imperative that shippers fully evaluate options across carriers utilizing knowledge of historical changes and past performance in their trade lanes. The complexity of freight rate contracts places a strong burden on shippers and NVOCCs to comprehensively understand the proposed rates and surcharges, including […]

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