Lufthansa Expands Access to Capacity, Rates

Speed and reliability play a major role in transportation even when cargo is not in transit. For instance, during the booking request, sometimes every second counts. To address this need, Lufthansa Cargo now offers shippers two new programming apps: GetCapacity and GetRates, which provide direct access to capacity and rate data.
Companies can use the data quickly and easily in their own system and process it further without having to manually upload it. In addition, real-time data exchange on capacity makes information on flight utilization available outside of office hours. It’s a service that not only speeds up the exchange of informationm but also simplifies it and minimizes errors.
Unlike its predecessors, these new APIs transmit data worthy of protection so Lufthansa Cargo makes them available to interested parties on request. Shippers can access its existing APIs—Tracking and GetRoutes—as usual.