

Jose Fernando Nava

Capitalizing on Mexico’s Economic Growth

Continuing economic development across Mexico is opening the doors to exciting growth opportunities for U.S. businesses. Mexico is already the United States’ third-largest trading partner, while the United States ranks first among Mexico’s trading partners. Mexico’s established manufacturing base has created many jobs and an increasingly prosperous working class. As a result, Mexico is attracting […]

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Balancing Risk Management With Your Operations Strategy

As the nation’s economy recovers from the recent downturn, the domestic freight industry represents a leading indicator of commercial activity and (hopefully) corporate profits. Asset-based carriers, a segment that has taken it on the chin the past few years, are thought to have pricing power because increasing freight volumes—albeit off severe lows—have been met with […]

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Keith Biondo

First They Came For Our Trucks

The War on Trucking. Are You Prepared? That’s the headline of the ad on page 111 of this issue, sponsored by NASSTRAC, an association comprised of a cross-section of shippers. Citing the challenges posed by CSA 2010, cap and trade, and Hours-of-Service changes, NASSTRAC is undertaking advocacy to guard the interests of anyone using trucks […]

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Conflict in the Supply Chain

Everyone wants a smooth-flowing supply chain, free of conflict, says Perry A. Trunick, associate editor, Inbound Logistics. But the U.S. government has added a new wrinkle to the issue of supply chain management in the context of global politics and human rights.

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Keith Biondo

Inbound 3.0 at Walmart

During the almost three decades that this publication has been preaching the benefits of matching demand more closely to supply, we’ve published scores of articles on Walmart’s efforts to master inbound logistics. The first major milepost along that road was acknowledging the value of controlling inbound logistics, making it a company-wide mission, and developing the […]

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Ike Ortiz-Luis

Oversized Shipments: Good to Grow

Although container shipping remains the dominant form of ocean transport, breakbulk shipping, in which heavyweight freight is transported without being packed in containers, has seen significant growth. Non-container cargo covers a variety of shipments, ranging from oversized tires for earth-moving equipment to complete electrical power plants. One reason breakbulk shipping grew despite the economic downturn, […]

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Kyle Burns

It’s Time to Implement Cross-Border Trucking

When the United States signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which included a commitment to open our roads to Mexico’s cargo trucks, we were paving the way for economic opportunity, job growth, and prosperous foreign investment. Unfortunately, the United States has never fully complied with NAFTA’s cross-border trucking program, costing our country billions […]

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Keith Biondo

What We’ve Got Here is Failure to Communicate

Remember that great line from the movie Cool Hand Luke, “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate”? That’s what popped into my head as I reviewed the more than 4,700 responses from readers and 3PLs participating in our annual third-party logistics survey. We asked both 3PLs and their customers the same question: What is […]

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Felecia Stratton

Are You Talkin’ to Me?

Some results from our annual third-party logistics survey caused the publisher of this magazine to quote a line from Cool Hand Luke: “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.” When 3PLs and their customers were asked the same question, but provided diametrically opposed answers, the publisher suggested that more shipper/3PL communication may be called for. […]

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Jim Butts

10 Paths to Supply Chain Innovation

Leaders ask, “How can businesses be more innovative?” But successful innovation is rare. It requires hard work and creative thinking, and its value as an activity is often viewed skeptically. To move your business along the road to supply chain improvement, take a journey down the following paths to innovation. Borrowing. Many of the past […]

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Simon Kaye

Freight Forwarders: The Vital Link in Logistics Communication

Building a logistics system for today’s sourcing needs requires a quantum leap from past shipping practices, in which companies too often neglected transportation in their strategic planning. A poorly constructed or outdated supply system with inadequate communication can create unnecessary delays and expense caused by information snags, missing or ill-prepared shipping documents, and inappropriate cargo […]

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