
U.S. Airlines Need an Attitude Adjustment
Airlines in the United States contain a hidden treasure. But through indifference, disinterest, and even disdain, this treasure never will reveal its true worth unless and until senior airline management realizes the importance of freight operations. The passenger side of the industry is doing comparatively well five years after the Sept. 11 attacks—with packed airplanes […]
Read More8 Common-Sense Rules for Inventory Management
Inventory management is a hot topic. Books about the subject abound and there are many detailed techniques and practices, which vary by industry. When looking at the big picture, however, you can reduce much of the philosophizing about inventory management to the following eight common-sense principles. 1. If you don’ t know where you are […]
Read MoreHow Do You Spell Transportation Budget Relief? TSM
The increasingly complicated nature of global shipping, coupled with a shift in transportation budgeting from basic transportation costs to a base plus accessorial charges billing standard, has made managing transportation budgets extremely challenging. The good news? This cloud has a silver lining—it is called Transportation Spend Management (TSM). TSM is the practice of targeting specific […]
Read MoreThe Human Touch (Felecia Stratton)
When was the last time you shared a drink with your WMS, complimented your forklift, or gave your computer a pat on the back? Accidental coffee spills and wishful coaxing aside, probably never, and for good reason. Machines may help get the job done faster and more efficiently, but the real power behind the supply […]
Read MoreHidden Heroes Power the Supply Chain (Keith Biondo)
Some people manage simple logistics systems. Others face logistics complexities that stretch beyond their ability to master them. Some people oversee logistics flows across the globe. Others run a seemingly never-ending closed loop of highly disciplined product flow within the confines of a single state. Some logistics managers operate a transport program that flat-lines for […]
Read MoreVirtual Container Yards Net Real Results
Waste is the sworn enemy of the supply chain. Whether time and money is squandered because of excess inventory, unnecessary cargo moves, manufacturing foul-ups, under-utilized technology systems, or inaccurate sales forecasting, logisticians are tasked every day with avoiding waste and inefficiency. One particularly vexing source of waste for transportation carriers today is empty containers. Thanks […]
Read MoreShortcuts Sound Appealing, But at What Cost?
I recently facilitated a panel discussion at an industry conference that many of you probably attended. The topic was: How 3PLs and their customers can develop and maintain the right relationship. I asked three Total Logistic Control (TLC) customers—all household-name companies—to answer a series of questions about how they worked with their 3PLs, and how […]
Read MoreTechnology Moves Forwarders Forward
Freight forwarders are hardly a lonely breed; more than 10,000 ply their trade in the United States, according to government statistics. In this brutally competitive business, what makes one freight forwarder or logistics provider rise above the pack to be among the few that evolve successfully into genuine partners to their customers? There is no […]
Read MoreThe Six Hidden Costs of Reverse Logistics
Due to both human nature and training, logistics professionals tend to be forward focused. They are learning, however, that their companies can realize dramatic cost savings by applying forward-focused processes and automation to optimize reverse logistics operations. Reverse logistics is no small matter in the supply chain. Industrial equipment return rates are approximately 4 percent […]
Read MoreAll the News…?
Walking past the newsstand last weekend, a New York Times headline caught my attention: As Trucking Rules Are Eased, A Debate on Safety Intensifies. I picked up the article, hoping to learn about safety concerns and actions the industry is taking to address them. Sandwiched between the first and last paragraph of the article, both […]
Read More2006: A Year of Supply Chain Changes
The logistics industry continued to undergo fundamental changes in 2006, as shippers demanded increased services from their providers. To meet that need, numerous logistics providers contemplated expanding their core services. One European forwarder, for example, weighed the benefits of providing domestic trucking to a company wanting an integrated service for shipping goods to the United […]
Read MoreTMS Soothes Transportation Woes
Thanks to increased global trade and visibility demands, TMS applications are enjoying widespread popularity. Transportation management may never be the same. With all the negatives swirling around the transportation industry these days—high fuel prices, tight capacity, and the driver shortage, to mention a few—it is hard to imagine any company sustaining, let alone decreasing its […]
Read MoreCarrier Challenges Are Your Challenges, Too
One attractive component of the logistics industry is the variety of problem-solving opportunities it offers. Currently, inflationary costs pressuring carriers is the biggest problem-solving opportunity in the supply chain. The entire industry is wrestling with this challenge—and will be for the foreseeable future. Discussing the prospect of ongoing cost escalations is a challenging conversation to […]
Read MoreThe Time is Right for Wireless Automation
The public for-hire motor freight market has been growing consistently, while significant consolidation has occurred. Even for the best operators, however, margins remain in the low single digits. Motor freight carriers are challenged to improve service levels, reduce damage, optimize pick-up and delivery, and significantly improve shipment visibility. To date, mobile communications solutions aimed at […]
Read MoreTis the Season to be Shipping
The peak season for holiday shipping used to start in September, but carriers now say November is their busiest month, thanks to manufacturers and retailers better matching demand to supply. You can make the case that demand-driven logistics practices drive retailing excellence by speeding inventory and slashing the sourcing-to-sales cycle. You might even say that […]
Read MoreTalking Tech at CSCMP
The annual Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) conference in San Antonio last month provided a great opportunity to catch up on the latest innovations in logistics technology. The Supply Chain Technology Solutions educational track, and the many sessions that dealt with logistics technology, expertly dissected top tech capabilities in everything from global trade […]
Read MorePort Diversion Strategy: Consistency Beats Velocity
A steady increase in imports from Asia during the last five years has helped create a logistics dilemma for U.S. businesses using West Coast ports. The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and their key partners—rail, labor, stevedores, truckers, and distribution centers—were not properly prepared to handle these volumes, leading to significant receiving and […]
Read MoreWireless Capabilities: A Must-Have for Fleet Operators
Wireless technology has become a mainstay for today’s distribution, wholesale, and retail fleet operators—especially in the area of last-mile delivery. The ability to communicate information in real time is key to controlling costs and maintaining efficient operations on the road. Wireless technology’s features and options, as well as its service and hardware costs, continue to […]
Read MoreU.S. Manufacturers: Have Logistics, Will Prosper
For generations, small and medium-sized manufacturers have been vital to the innovation and productivity of America’s economy. These manufacturers—defined by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) as those with fewer than 500 employees and fewer than 2,500 employees, respectively—underpin our nation’s success in international markets, and play a critical role in the future of America’s […]
Read MoreSAFE, At Home
The shipping community, with government assistance, is the defensive line protecting us from threats caused by nuclear proliferation. Where’s the global anti-nuke movement? They must be sitting this one out, waiting for the next power plant to open. We know exactly where Congress is, however. The Security and Accountability for Every Port Act (SAFE) offers […]
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