Thought Leaders

The Best of Both Worlds: The Benefits of TMS with Integrated Fleet Management Tools
Q: With transportation management systems (TMS) solutions achieving maturity as a technology, what will be the next innovation in transportation automation? A: The continually tightening trucking capacity in North America is prompting shippers to dramatically increase their use of private and dedicated fleets. Adding to this dynamic, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s mandate to […]
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Inbound Logistics: A Grassroots Revolution
Q: Many companies neglect their inbound supply chain operations in favor of their outbound supply chain. Why is that? A: Senior executives are more attuned to customer needs, and, in turn, the outbound, customer-facing supply chain. Its gravity naturally pulls their attention, and, as a result, policies and tactics abound for outbound material flow. This […]
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Understanding the Auto Aftermarket Supply Chain
Q: What are some trends in the automotive aftermarket supply chain? A: One ongoing development is suppliers are increasing their ship-direct activity. They are shipping parts directly to the dealer, or they may ship to a primary distribution center or field DC, bypassing the national distribution center. This approach benefits the shipper during a surge […]
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Connect, Secure, and Manage the Supply Chain
Q: How are transport and logistics firms using mobility to improve employee engagement? A: Mobility once meant giving each driver a cell phone. Today, however, connected devices with communication applications allow drivers to get news and road updates, connect with family, and do business anywhere and anytime. By accessing training programs while waiting for a […]
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Maximizing the Benefits of Your TMS
Q: What are the best ways to get the full benefit of a transportation management system (TMS)? A: First, work with your solution provider to configure the system to meet your unique requirements and workflow, and to automate managing your transportation network. A system you can implement quickly and that meets your requirements enables you […]
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Accessible Capital, Trustworthy Partners Key to Managing Freight Costs
Q: What is the key to managing freight spend in today’s environment? A: In addition to the slow growth economy, the transportation industry has been hit with significant economic and industry challenges, including increasing regulations, driver shortages, fluctuating fuel costs, and a tight credit environment. Carrier costs are going up—costs that will likely get passed […]
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The Fundamentals of Successful Value Chain Partnerships
Q: How can value chain partners cooperate to create and share efficiencies? A: With an unprecedented global reach, access to new markets, increased regulation, and huge advances in technology, today’s supply chain environment is more complex than ever. Coupled with increasing customer demands for speed, flexibility, cost efficiency, quality, and customization, it is very difficult […]
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Big Data Tools Enable Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics
Q: What is different in transportation technology today compared to five years ago? A: Two words: big data. It has become significantly less expensive in the past five years to store and analyze large amounts of data. Due to these decreased costs, companies can now afford to use data to gain additional insight into their […]
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Get Real: What ROI to Expect from Your TMS Implementation
Q: Transportation management system (TMS) solution providers routinely claim their automation tools will deliver cost savings as high as 25 to 30 percent of annual transportation spend. Is this accurate? A: Sales representatives have a tendency to oversell things in their pursuit of new clients. This is problematic for the industry because it discredits TMS […]
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Avoiding Pitfalls to TMS Implementation
Q: What can go wrong when launching a transportation management system (TMS)? A: Implementing a TMS is a proven way to reduce cost and gain control of your organization’s transportation expenses. Yet many companies implement systems only to fall short of the return on investment (ROI) they expected. Sometimes the problem stems from failure to […]
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Untangling the Complications of Free Trade Agreements
Q: Why should companies consider trade agreements when looking to find the best sourcing option? A: Companies need to factor into their sourcing decisions the opportunities provided by free trade agreements if they are to truly reduce lead times and take advantage of cost savings available throughout their supply chain. By incorporating trade agreements into […]
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Keys to Developing Strong Supply Chain Partnerships
Q: How can value chain partners collaborate to enhance performance and efficiencies? A: Collaboration among supply chain partners can improve supply chain performance, create new capabilities, and increase efficiencies. Meeting to review performance objectives helps build stronger partnerships based on definable measurements and greater transparency, and encourages more effective supply chain practices. Part of this […]
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Efficient and Compliant Hazmat Shipping: Today You Can Have Both
Q: What are the common hazmat violations, and what are the consequences for shippers and carriers? A: In the United States, both the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulate hazardous material (or dangerous goods) transportation. Penalties can range from a few thousand dollars to more than one million dollars, and […]
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A Strategic Approach to Strengthening Supply Chains
Q: What is a leveraged platform? A: A leveraged platform means a logistics service provider employs the same best practices to manage its own supply chain needs as it does for its client base. Benefits to shippers include mode optimization and greater usage of co-load products, as well as intermodal conversion from truckload (TL), or […]
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Transforming Liquid Assets into Capital Gains
Q: What is the current state of the bulk liquid transportation market? A: Over the past several years, the only viable option for bulk liquid transport has been specially designed tank trucks. These trucks are expensive to produce and maintain, and their quantity is limited. A single truck can only carry a specific type of […]
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Packaging Postponement: A Game Changer for F&B Companies
Q: Why is packaging postponement an important consideration for food and beverage (F&B) companies? A: Market demands are constantly in flux as holiday seasonality dictates inventory needs. Also, consumers enjoy an unprecedented variety of food formats. Consider the different product quantities and sizes that one might find in a vending machine, a convenience store, a […]
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Technology Supports 3PL-Carrier Partnerships
Q: How has technology enhanced the relationship between third-party logistics (3PL) providers and carriers? A: The term "shuttle diplomacy" typically describes foreign negotiations between governments and political entities across great divides. Technology has served the same role in the transportation industry, particularly in strengthening partnerships between 3PLs and carriers. In the past, carriers and brokers […]
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The Benefits of an Integrated Transportation Solution
Q: What market trends are compelling shippers to reconsider their transportation management strategy? A: For one, a capacity shortage is happening. Shippers are also pressed by equipment investment and maintenance, transportation regulations, and the costs incurred trying to recruit and retain qualified drivers. As a result, some private-fleet owners are questioning that model. Should transportation […]
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Using In-Truck Technology to Cut Costs
Q: What cost factor should shippers prioritize during carrier selection? A: Invoice price is often the driving factor in carrier selection— which is logical, because everyone operates with very thin margins. But that may be flawed thinking. Instead, consider the total cost of utilizing a carrier. For example, administrative costs are a large part of […]
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Using Big Data to Build Tomorrow’s Supply Chain Today
Q: How can transportation and logistics companies use big data to differentiate themselves? A: Supply chain professionals in all industries and government sectors must transform their supply chain process to meet organizational strategies and goals. Information fusion breaks down the barriers spanning all demand-supply enterprises. A critical requirement is real-time, high-quality, reliable data and information […]
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