National Truck Driver Appreciation Week Celebrates Our Unsung Heroes of the Road
More than 80 percent of U.S. communities depend solely on trucking for delivery of their goods and commodities. In this country, we all rely on truck drivers in some way or another. Whether it’s to enjoy basic modern conveniences, receive life-sustaining medical supplies, or keep businesses thriving, our lives depend on the transportation industry and more importantly, our nation’s truck drivers.
September 10-16, 2017 marks National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. This is an opportunity to recognize the 3.5 million trucking professionals across the country whose work is some of the most personally demanding and economically significant in the United States.
Truck drivers work long, and often grueling hours, sacrificing personal time with family and friends to move more than 10 billion tons of freight across 432 billion miles each year. They are the lifeblood of the supply chain.
With the continual rise of e-commerce and the need for brick-and-mortar retailers to meet the demand of the “need it now” economy, truck drivers have never been more vital to moving the U.S. economy forward.
Oftentimes, it is not until there is a catastrophic event or natural disaster that our eyes are opened to the impact truck drivers have on our daily lives.
Unfortunately, in recent weeks it’s become much more evident given the effects of the massive storms in Texas and along the Gulf Coast. These difficult times have caused us all to adjust, and many truck drivers are going the extra mile to get much-needed goods and supplies to those who need it most.
With one out of every 16 jobs in America tied to the trucking industry, we are all connected in some way. We owe it to our unsung heroes of the road to acknowledge their contribution.
We at GlobalTranz have been out in force this week, visiting truck stops to say thank you and offering gift cards to share our appreciation with drivers on the road in cities such as Phoenix, Ariz., Hudson, Wis., Bolingbook, Ill., and Franklin, Ky. to celebrate the contributions and recognize the sacrifices of our country’s truck drivers.
Beyond National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, we at GlobalTranz along with our partners and carriers are reminded to continue to support truck drivers and their families for all they do year-round, both on and off the road. Be courteous on the roadways and show your support for truck drivers through social media using #NTDAW. Truck drivers and our carriers are instrumental not only to the transportation industry, but cities and rural communities nationwide.