Readers’ Choice Top 10 3PL Excellence Awards 2014

Readers’ Choice Top 10 3PL Excellence Awards 2014

MORE TO THE STORY: About the Survey Respondents In Their Own Words: A Sampling of Reader Comments 3PLs to Watch When a company’s supply chain operations are firing on all cylinders, product flows through the distribution center without a hitch, shipments arrive on time, and customer satisfaction abounds. Such a finely tuned machine doesn’t occur […]

<em>Inbound Logistics</em>’ Summer Reading Guide 2014

Inbound Logistics’ Summer Reading Guide 2014

Before you hit the beach, make sure you have all your gear. Sunglasses? Check. Sunscreen? Check. Reading material to help streamline supply chain operations? Check. These books give you the information you need to improve operations, brush up on existing skills, or gain new ones.

Jim Preuninger

What Midmarket Companies Need to Know About Trade Compliance

Q: What is the status of midmarket companies in the global trade arena? A: Global trade has become increasingly attractive to the midmarket—defined as companies with revenues between $5 million and $1 billion—because of lower sourcing and production costs in some developing countries, as well as rising consumption in some overseas markets. Between 2012 and […]

Ray Greer

Getting a Handle on Regulations and Compliance

Q: How do regulatory changes impact capacity, service, and pricing? A: Numerous regulations and market dynamics have impacted the transportation industry. In North America, for example, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, which passed in 2012, resulted in the cancellation of nearly 9,000 bonds and freight forwarder licenses, removing 35 percent […]

Eric Meister

SaaS TMS Facilitates Carrier Management

Q: How can shippers navigate today’s tight capacity market? A: For companies to have the assurance of consistent, competitively priced, service-oriented capacity through the ups and downs of the transportation marketplace, being a shipper of choice is imperative. Here are a few tips to get started: Go beyond rates. Best practice suggests taking a multi-tiered […]

Tom Heine

Does Your Website Help You Stand Out from Your Competition?

Q: Why is an effective company website important? A: Your company’s website is your image to the outside world, so it should be as attractive, relevant, and well-organized as possible. When a potential client or vendor checks you out, more than likely, they will judge you based on your website, so put your best foot […]

Bill Fraser

Empowering Companies Through Integrated Data Flows

Q: What are some key data management challenges in logistics today? A: One key challenge is the different types of information flows. For example, some companies use electronic data interchange; others prefer XML or flat file. The choice often depends on the industry vertical, the company’s capabilities, and how their suppliers operate. For example, in […]

Chad Crotty

Partners and Process Management: Freight Business From the Inside Out

Q: What is the key to managing freight spend in today’s supply chain? A: Efficiency at every level of the supply chain is of the utmost importance in controlling costs. Carriers and shippers alike need to formulate their strategies based on key performance indicators (KPIs). Making routine a simple action such as generating useful reports […]

Luther Brown

Getting a Handle on Loss and Damage Claims

Q: Why are loss and damage claims a challenge for shippers? A: Global shippers face many challenges when it comes to managing loss and damage claims. The top three are a lack of knowledge about claims preparation and filing requirements (including documentation and time frames); a lack of resources to follow through on outstanding claims; […]

Dr. Matthew Waller

Innovation in Business Processes from Northwest Arkansas

Northwest Arkansas is a hotbed for innovations in supply chain management, the effects of which span the globe. Although some argue that various aspects of these innovations started elsewhere, they have, at the very least, been perfected and rolled out broadly in Northwest Arkansas. Though these innovations have been in areas of data science and […]

Bob McKee

Optimizing the Fashion Supply Chain

The debate in fashion over inventory as an asset or a liability may never see an end. Only a few years ago, the CEO of one the largest fashion retailers in the United States said, “I’d rather lose sales than carry (risky) inventory.” What an incredible statement. The head of a major retailer willing to […]

Dan Grimm

Taking a Smarter Approach to WMS RFPs

To understand where request for proposals (RFPs) for warehouse management systems (WMS) often go wrong, imagine for a moment you are being interviewed for admission to your dream college. You try to demonstrate the specific reasons why you would be a great addition to that school. But instead of engaging in a friendly dialog, the […]

Jim Gaskell

How to Create a Forklift Safety Culture

You’re going to remember the time when you thought it wouldn’t happen to you. One of your industry contacts was telling you how they paid substantial OSHA fines for allowing operators to use forklifts even after the operators completed pre-use operational compliance checklists that showed the forklifts were non-compliant. The individual said he didn’t know […]

Tadeusz Dyduch

Measuring the Value of Warehouse Data

In today’s highly global manufacturing and supply chain economy, it’s no surprise that manufacturers need to embrace better communication to manage cultural, geographic, and language differences so as to operate effectively. In the end, better communication means better efficiency, less waste, and higher customer satisfaction. Complex, global economic issues have only increased the difficulty in […]

Bill Pfleger, Richard Schieler

Forklift Design Reaches New Heights

The evolution of forklift design in the past 60 years has had a positive impact on overall building design and distribution productivity. The question of “when is high enough too high” is still being asked and the answer continues to be, not yet. The progression from almost exclusive use of the sit down counterbalanced truck […]

Kevin Pollack

Defending Against the Global Recall Threat

As international supply chains and distribution networks grow in prevalence and complexity, operating risks and logistics are becoming increasingly difficult to mitigate. The challenge of managing the multitude of variables is compounded by the speed at which today’s supply chain must operate. One key area affected by the global economy is product recalls. The number […]

Felecia Stratton

Reaching for the Stars

The United States is challenged by a lack of skilled and technical workers. Some claim widespread offshoring created a generation of job attrition and lost experience. But offshoring is only a symptom of the real problem. Previously, the U.S. education system failed to see and appreciate the true worth of blue- and gray-collar workers, and […]

Implementing an ERP System

Using an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system can significantly enhance supply chain management performance by improving purchasing, inventory control, and information exchange between internal departments, as well as external partners. Mark Butler, manager of professional services at software solutions provider Cincom Systems, offers these insights on implementing an ERP system. 1. Understand your current system’s […]

Senthil Arumugam: Building a Better Way

Senthil Arumugam: Building a Better Way

Senthil Arumugam is vice president of logistics and inventory management at US LBM Holdings, in Buffalo Grove, Ill. He has held this position since 2012. Responsibilities: Benchmarking best practices, implementing technology, consulting on supply chain and continuous improvement, developing mobile applications. Experience: Lean materials coordinator, Alliance Laundry Systems; senior Lean consultant, Caledonia Group; director, logistics […]

Trends—June 2014

Trends—June 2014

Panama Canal Countdown: Port of Los Angeles Goes Big With the completion of the Panama Canal project just around the corner, conjecture about how the expansion will affect shipping patterns continues. East Coast ports and players are bullish. Elsewhere, opinions are more muted. The Panama Canal is making a loud impact, however, on the Port […]

Global Logistics—June 2014

Global Logistics—June 2014

Light at the End Of the Chunnel UK and continental shippers can expect a price reprieve after Eurotunnel announced plans to reduce freight rates through the Channel tunnel. The move comes after the European Commission began legal action to reduce charges and increase traffic. Paris-based Eurotunnel, which operates trains through the tunnel, will cut tariffs […]

Richard Erickson

Best-in-Class Supply Chains Won’t Overlook Freight Payment

As a shipping professional, you play an important role in your company’s physical supply chain. But did you know your role is just as important to your company’s financial supply chain? In today’s global supply chains, encompassing multiple transportation and financial partners, all stakeholders need visibility into transactions, parameters and results of the financial supply […]

Paul A. Myerson

Lean Retail: It’s About Time – and Money

Thanks to forward-thinking retailers such as Walmart and OfficeMax, Lean thinking is spreading in a variety of manufacturing sectors, including consumer goods, apparel, and food and beverage. These retailers have dramatically changed how products are ordered, moving inventory rapidly through their distribution centers to stores by gathering and sharing point-of-sale data with suppliers, and using […]

Need Warehouse Capacity? Outsourcing Gives You an In

To find the right solutions to today’s complex warehousing, real estate, and supply chain challenges, growing companies have three options: hire someone with the expertise you need; train someone on your staff; or enlist help from someone outside your company who already has the skills you need. Shippers should consider seeking that outside help from […]

Michelle Comerford

5 Issues to Consider Before Selecting Your Next Site

For companies evaluating prospective manufacturing sites, transportation cost and service considerations are paramount. Here are five critical supply chain issues businesses must consider when evaluating sites for expansion or relocation. Fuel costs. The price of U.S. diesel fuel has remained higher than $3 per gallon for more than three years, with no sign of dropping. […]

Freight Bill Payment: Meeting the Pepsi Challenge

Freight Bill Payment: Meeting the Pepsi Challenge

When Pepsi Logistics Company Inc. (PLCI) was thirsty for an automated system for billing customers, and processing and paying carrier freight bills, it whet its whistle with Epay Manager from Level One Technologies. To understand Plano, Texas-based PLCI’s thirst for automation, consider its size and scope. PLCI manages parent company PepsiCo’s private fleet, one of […]

Jay Coughlan

Technology Convergence of Forces Offers Improvements for Logistics Sector

A convergence of technology trends is transforming the logistics sector, creating enormous opportunities to operate more safely, efficiently, and competitively. Technology research firm Gartner describes what’s happening in business and our society in general as a nexus of technology and human forces: Social – the technology linkage between people, and the connectivity that enables work […]

Brian Sutter

Fight Inventory Pain Points

We’ve all experienced inventory management pains. Inaccurate inventory counts that cause mishaps, delays because of inaccuracy resulting in dissatisfied customers, costly end-of-year write-offs, and wasted time spent looking for lost inventory, are the most common pain points sited by businesses. While all these things can happen, the best part is, they don’t have to. There’s […]

Brad Brennan

The Importance of Contingency Planning in Automotive Supply Chains

Emergency logistics specialists have been championing the benefits of focused supply chain management for a long time, and the adoption of such policies by vehicle manufacturers is enabling the introduction of new, dynamic, and higher-risk logistics strategies. Supply chain contingency can not only safeguard current operations, but provide support for the increasingly fleet-footed manufacturing footprint […]

Mike Miller

Dispelling Five Common Myths about Voice-Directed Work

Nearly one million workers use voice-directed technology daily in warehousing and logistics applications. These tools can help improve worker safety and reduce employee-training time. Yet many companies still resist investing in voice-directed solutions – often because of one of the following five common misconceptions. Myth: Voice is only applicable for picking workflows. Fact: Voice is […]

Scott Vanselous

What Transportation Providers Gain From an Integrated TMS Platform

Transportation service providers with trucking assets have an edge with customers. Compared to their non-asset counterparts, they can directly control the equipment, drivers and facilities to ensure capacity and customer service, keeping commitments and adapting quickly to market change. Keeping pace with the demands of the marketplace has become increasingly complex, however. Few carriers operate […]

Matt Goodman

Preparing for New Trade Regulations

Major trade regulation changes are affecting the global supply chain, unprecedented in both number and magnitude. Although the changes impact some industries more than others, every company that imports into, or exports from, the United States or Canada will be affected. The majority of the regulations require new licensing, while others mandate significant software updates. […]

Keith Biondo

You Say You Need a Bigger Warehouse?

If you think you need a bigger warehouse, you are not alone. Seventy-one percent of warehouse operators responding to an April 2014 Motorola Solutions survey have their sights set on expanding warehouse operations. Thirty-five percent of respondents say they want either more warehouse space or more locations, while 38 percent want to expand the size […]

Ensuring Import Compliance

Companies moving products into the United States must not only develop expertise about U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations, but also make a continual effort to stay up to date on changes to the rules. Paul Rasmussen, CEO of Zepol, a Minnesota-based provider of international trade tools, offers these tips for ensuring customs clearance […]

Bud Snodgrass: Oils Well That Ends Well

Bud Snodgrass: Oils Well That Ends Well

Bud Snodgrass is director of logistics at Universal Lubricants in Wichita, Kansas. He joined the company in 2013. Responsibilities: Distribution, including warehousing and customer service at 17 distribution centers; all inbound and outbound transportation. Experience: Several positions in marine claims, scheduling and distribution, sales, and other areas, Koch Industries; account executive, Trane – Asset Management […]

Trends—May 2014

Trends—May 2014

TOTO Plumbs the Benefits of Green To gain favor among ethically conscious customers, retailers and manufacturers continue to put a marketing spin on sustainability. Greenwashing has many shades. Often it surfaces in buzzwords such as eco-friendly and recycled. Sometimes it reveals itself as trust in a brand, or the type of ingredients found in a […]

Global Logistics—May 2014

Global Logistics—May 2014

U.S. Welcomes European Invasion A European invasion is coming, but no need to worry—U.S. retailers will be welcome beneficiaries. Many U.S. companies are exploring European materials handling and last-mile strategies as omnichannel complexity, delivery urgency, and urban logistics complicate new market opportunities. A few notable examples of this European invasion were on display at the […]

Tim Minnich

Supply Chain Relationship Management

In a world where trucking capacity becomes constrained, relationships matter. Managing those relationships strategically versus tactically can make a huge difference in the viability and reliability of each company’s supply chain. The first ingredient to successful supply chain relationship management is having the ability to measure a supply chain partner’s performance. The next is possessing […]

Curtis Greve

Liquidate Inventory or Leave Money on the Table

Reverse logistics programs aim to efficiently remove returned and obsolete inventory from the primary sales channel to maximize recovery values while minimizing related financial risk. Retailers and manufacturers liquidate more than 95 percent of overstock inventory and customer returns on the secondary market. When evaluating the effectiveness of their returns process, many executives focus on […]

5 Steps to Revolutionize Your Corporate Culture

Successful business leaders understand that a company’s culture is just as important to the bottom line as tools and technology. But workplace culture involves more than a company T-shirt and zone cleanup competitions. In strong companies, it is a highly structured and repeatedly measured discipline. Company culture is a sustainable platform for long-term performance, encompassing […]

Eng Keat Lee

Managing Complex Supply Chains in Emerging Asia

Capitalizing on Asia’s emerging markets requires the ability to effectively manage the complex supply chain challenges that the region presents. Often the first step to turning economic potential into actual growth is creating a strong and secure logistics hub. Global businesses commonly centralize their logistics and supply chain management functions in a stable, secure location […]

Nicholas Carretta

The Best of Both Worlds: The Benefits of TMS with Integrated Fleet Management Tools

Q: With transportation management systems (TMS) solutions achieving maturity as a technology, what will be the next innovation in transportation automation? A: The continually tightening trucking capacity in North America is prompting shippers to dramatically increase their use of private and dedicated fleets. Adding to this dynamic, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s mandate to […]

Kerry Loudenback

Inbound Logistics: A Grassroots Revolution

Q: Many companies neglect their inbound supply chain operations in favor of their outbound supply chain. Why is that? A: Senior executives are more attuned to customer needs, and, in turn, the outbound, customer-facing supply chain. Its gravity naturally pulls their attention, and, as a result, policies and tactics abound for outbound material flow. This […]

Tom Kroswek

Understanding the Auto Aftermarket Supply Chain

Q: What are some trends in the automotive aftermarket supply chain? A: One ongoing development is suppliers are increasing their ship-direct activity. They are shipping parts directly to the dealer, or they may ship to a primary distribution center or field DC, bypassing the national distribution center. This approach benefits the shipper during a surge […]

Sue Delve

How the Hub-and-Spoke Model Transformed the Transportation Industry

In the past, the transportation and distribution industry was guided by the principles of point-to-point or direct-route operations. Transportation networks were disorganized, and shipping, aviation, and transit companies were losing money. As technology has developed, the logistics sector has found faster and more cost-effective ways of shipping freight. The hub-and-spoke model was born from industry’s […]

Jerry Lucente

Is Your Freight Payment Company Equipped to Audit Your Invoices?

Businesses use freight payment companies (FPCs) to decrease internal administration costs and maintain detailed back-up information for their finance departments. They rely on FPCs to review weekly transportation invoices for accuracy and make payments on their behalf. Some companies also count on FPCs to audit their invoices. Companies can gain several benefits by partnering with […]

Dr. Ernest L. Hughes

Leading Change and Innovation in Transportation and Logistics

Online retailer has been experimenting with small, unmanned aircraft for package delivery for implementation perhaps as early as 2015. Amazon is not alone in evaluating drones as a means to improve its transportation and logistics. The German Deutsche Post is also currently conducting tests. Time will tell whether or not drones will join other […]

Garret Lazenby

Georgia’s Supply Chain Industry Steers the Next Generation of Workers

Today’s global economy is a vast competitive network, challenged by increased government regulation, changing technology, jittery financial markets, and a myriad of niche-specific customer requirements. Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and early Millennials built this system in the 1980s and ’90s, but as they retire it is vital to groom a new generation to pass their […]

Dr. Abdullatif “Bud” Zaouk

Networked Track Sensors Keep Rails and Workers Safe

The current state of rail integrity and safety is a critical issue for logistics managers who increasingly rely on intermodal transportation. Intermodal rail traffic has significantly increased during the past two decades, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. In addition to increased rail traffic, aging infrastructure complicate intermodal shipping. In 2011, the Federal Railroad […]

Felecia Stratton

The Power of Demand-Driven

The inbound logistics concept has a lot of pull in today’s marketplace—and for good reason. Consignees want control. Having visibility to product and processes at different supply chain touch points empowers you to make smart decisions about positioning and moving inventory. Companies embrace this enthusiasm for demand-driven practices in countless ways. For example, some importers […]

Tapping Social Media to Power Your Supply Chain

Social media provides a platform for companies to share knowledge and opinions, and broadcast information to an audience of followers. It also generates valuable data about how your customers think, shop, vote, and spend their leisure time. Many companies have jumped into social media to improve supply chain operations. Cindi Hane, vice president of technical […]

Bob Kalland Knows the Drill

Bob Kalland Knows the Drill

Bob Kalland is inventory and logistics manager for Atlas Copco Mining and Rock (MR) Excavation, located in Commerce City, Colo. The company is a unit of Atlas Copco, a Swedish manufacturer of industrial tooling and equipment. He has held this position since 2011. Responsibilities: Managing all inventory and logistics for the MR business. Experience: Inventory […]

Trends—April 2014

Trends—April 2014

Shopping for Retail Trends The National Retail Federation (NRF) drew a record 30,000-plus attendees to its January 2014 BIG Apple Conference to "touch and feel" the latest hot trends and innovations in the retail industry. For some attendees, like Mark Ledbetter, global vice president for SAP Retail, the reality is even more compelling. Ledbetter, who […]

Global Logistics—April 2014

Global Logistics—April 2014

U.S. Creates ‘Single Window’ for Import/Export Data Transmission The U.S. government has always been light years behind the private sector in technology innovation and implementation. So President Barack Obama’s executive order to streamline U.S. import and export documentation shines a ray of light on the trade community as the government emerges from the Dark Ages […]

Donn Deffebach

Plan Better Truck Routes: Long-range Itinerary Generation Enhances Operations

Not so long ago, route planning, fleet optimization, and driver allocation relied almost exclusively on the guile, instincts, and experience of operations managers and dispatch personnel. Long-range forecasting was theoretical at best. The tools used static data, and couldn’t handle the inevitable adjustments required by the dynamics of day-to-day operations. This is changing fast. While […]

Jim Taylor

Fusing Big Data and the Supply Chain: The Future is NOW

Only 8% of shippers and 5% of 3PLs surveyed have implemented Big Data initiatives involving the supply chain, according to the 2014 18th Annual Third-Party Logistics Study produced by Dr. C. John Langley and Capgemini Consulting. Conversely, nearly all shippers and third-party logistics providers believe Big Data is vital in future 3PL efforts to help […]

Tom Heine

Invest in Productivity

Start with what I consider low-hanging fruit—any investment in productivity that pays for itself in less than one year. Think about that return: 100 percent in one year. If you bought a portfolio of stocks and it went up 15 percent in one year, you would be a savvy investor. Earn 20 to 30 percent, […]

Ty Bordner

Automating Key Steps to Strategically Optimize Inbound Supply Chains

The increasing growth and complexity of global trade means organizations must work with a range of partners, suppliers and functional teams within the organization. Best in class companies use a variety of global trade automation tools to lower inbound costs and improve processes. According to a recent AberdeenGroup report, "Strategic Inbound Optimization: Foreign Trade Zones […]

Sean Coakley

Laying the Foundation For a Long-Term 3PL Partnership

Many companies start working with a third-party logistics (3PL) provider to fix an isolated problem at the lowest possible cost. Unfortunately, these relationships are often short-lived and serve only to fill an operational gap. But thoughtfully planned 3PL partnerships can produce invaluable results using a long-term approach that focuses on sustainable operational gains, rather than […]

Paul A. Myerson

Streamlining Inventory Through SKU Rationalization

While supply chain and logistics managers pursuing Lean operations generally seek to eliminate excess inventory, sales and marketing programs often lead companies to increase the volume of products they keep in stock. During the past few decades, the number of stockkeeping units (SKUs) retailers offer has soared. For example, in 1970, the average grocery store […]

2014 Top 100 Logistics IT Providers

Information is power. Inbound Logistics’ annual logistics IT research survey uncovers the latest trends powering the supply chain, and reveals the Top 100 sector leaders.

Bruce Moore

Connect, Secure, and Manage the Supply Chain

Q: How are transport and logistics firms using mobility to improve employee engagement? A: Mobility once meant giving each driver a cell phone. Today, however, connected devices with communication applications allow drivers to get news and road updates, connect with family, and do business anywhere and anytime. By accessing training programs while waiting for a […]

Daniel Vertachnik

Maximizing the Benefits of Your TMS

Q: What are the best ways to get the full benefit of a transportation management system (TMS)? A: First, work with your solution provider to configure the system to meet your unique requirements and workflow, and to automate managing your transportation network. A system you can implement quickly and that meets your requirements enables you […]

Rick Erickson

Accessible Capital, Trustworthy Partners Key to Managing Freight Costs

Q: What is the key to managing freight spend in today’s environment? A: In addition to the slow growth economy, the transportation industry has been hit with significant economic and industry challenges, including increasing regulations, driver shortages, fluctuating fuel costs, and a tight credit environment. Carrier costs are going up—costs that will likely get passed […]

George Kontoravdis, PhD

The Fundamentals of Successful Value Chain Partnerships

Q: How can value chain partners cooperate to create and share efficiencies? A: With an unprecedented global reach, access to new markets, increased regulation, and huge advances in technology, today’s supply chain environment is more complex than ever. Coupled with increasing customer demands for speed, flexibility, cost efficiency, quality, and customization, it is very difficult […]

Shannon Vaillancourt

Big Data Tools Enable Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics

Q: What is different in transportation technology today compared to five years ago? A: Two words: big data. It has become significantly less expensive in the past five years to store and analyze large amounts of data. Due to these decreased costs, companies can now afford to use data to gain additional insight into their […]

Nicholas Carretta

Get Real: What ROI to Expect from Your TMS Implementation

Q: Transportation management system (TMS) solution providers routinely claim their automation tools will deliver cost savings as high as 25 to 30 percent of annual transportation spend. Is this accurate? A: Sales representatives have a tendency to oversell things in their pursuit of new clients. This is problematic for the industry because it discredits TMS […]

Steve Wilson

Avoiding Pitfalls to TMS Implementation

Q: What can go wrong when launching a transportation management system (TMS)? A: Implementing a TMS is a proven way to reduce cost and gain control of your organization’s transportation expenses. Yet many companies implement systems only to fall short of the return on investment (ROI) they expected. Sometimes the problem stems from failure to […]

James Meares

Untangling the Complications of Free Trade Agreements

Q: Why should companies consider trade agreements when looking to find the best sourcing option? A: Companies need to factor into their sourcing decisions the opportunities provided by free trade agreements if they are to truly reduce lead times and take advantage of cost savings available throughout their supply chain. By incorporating trade agreements into […]

Tom Sproat

Keys to Developing Strong Supply Chain Partnerships

Q: How can value chain partners collaborate to enhance performance and efficiencies? A: Collaboration among supply chain partners can improve supply chain performance, create new capabilities, and increase efficiencies. Meeting to review performance objectives helps build stronger partnerships based on definable measurements and greater transparency, and encourages more effective supply chain practices. Part of this […]

Forest Himmelfarb

Efficient and Compliant Hazmat Shipping: Today You Can Have Both

Q: What are the common hazmat violations, and what are the consequences for shippers and carriers? A: In the United States, both the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulate hazardous material (or dangerous goods) transportation. Penalties can range from a few thousand dollars to more than one million dollars, and […]

Cold Storage: Optimization by Degrees

Cold Storage: Optimization by Degrees

As the food industry gets a taste of rising prices, fluctuating energy costs, and new regulations, shippers develop a growing appetite for 3PLs and refrigerated public warehouses to help drive greater efficiency inside the four walls.

Keith Biondo

A New Spin on Global Trade

Some important trends shaping global logistics and supply chain activity may not get the wide coverage they deserve. Sure, plenty of analysis and commentary point to the usual—changing economies and currency values impacting supply lines, nearshoring and reshoring, burgeoning consumer markets affording growth opportunities to those with agile enterprises and flexible supply chains, and lane-altering […]

Selecting a Bar-code Scanning System

Bar-code tools can rapidly streamline inventory processing, but choosing the proper system requires examining the current technology, understanding the types of providers, and reviewing internal processes to match needs with a solution. Brian Sutter, director of marketing at Wasp Barcode Technologies, offers these tips for navigating the process. 1. Take a test drive. Training staff […]

Ax Torres: Plowing Ahead

Ax Torres: Plowing Ahead

Ax Torres is outbound shipping supervisor at AGCO Corporation, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery. Based at the AGCO Parts Division in Batavia, Ill., he has worked in this position since 2013. Responsibilities: Supervise outbound processing and shipping of parts; monitor warehouse functions and supervise materials handling operators; work with carrier procurement […]

Trends—March 2014

Trends—March 2014

Is the Jones Act Worth its Salt? A briny tale about a man named Jones, complete with international intrigue, American protectionism, twisted truths, and misplaced blame unfolded recently when a 40,000-ton shipment of road salt bound for New Jersey got waylaid in Searsport, Maine. The man in question is Wesley Jones, the U.S. senator from […]