
Supply Chain

What hobbies/activities make you better at  supply chain and logistics management?

What hobbies/activities make you better at supply chain and logistics management?

MORE TO THE STORY: Comments from LinkedIn Supply chain management is like cooking a complicated meal. You must plan well, execute with excellence, and serve perfectly and promptly. Have great tools and multitask. Be creative to create outstanding results. Hannah Kain President & CEO, ALOM Staying active and participating in team sports definitely translates to […]

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Creating a Lean and Green Culture

Focusing on saving money or going green doesn’t have to be an either/or proposition. Fabio Duque, global head of consumer vertical for APL Logistics, offers tips for creating efficiencies that have both environmental and financial benefits. 1. Re-examine your international expedited transportation mix. If you routinely use air cargo to expedite global shipments, consider switching […]

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Jim Lambo: Eye on the Sky

Jim Lambo: Eye on the Sky

Jim Lambo is director of supplier management and procurement at Insitu in Bingen, Wash. He joined the company in 2007. Responsibilities: Procurement and supplier management for all goods and services, including both indirect procurement and production. Experience: Assistant plant manager, Merlino’s Italian Foods; procurement manager, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, material division; senior manager, international programs, […]

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Gary Barraco

The “Direct-to-Consumer” Trend: Retail Shift Affects Logistics Operations

Lured by the promise of bigger sales, better access to consumers, and even their ultimate survival, wholesale brands are increasingly looking to circumvent traditional retailers and reach their customers directly—with “direct-to-consumer selling” or DTC. Recently, several prominent apparel and footwear brands have announced plans to expand their own retail stores in the U.S. and globally, […]

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Bruce Moore

Analyzing Freight & Logistics Operations

Disruption is the new normal in freight and logistics. Customers now demand greater speed and value, and want detailed information on the status of their shipments. Shoppers are increasingly mobile and connected, and shop across multiple channels. Manufacturers and retailers are rushing to re-introduce direct-to-door deliveries. The emerging Internet of Things allows companies to capture […]

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Chris Cotter

The Trials and Errors of Preventability Determinations

After a motor vehicle accident, it is common for motor carriers to determine whether their driver could have prevented the accident. This positive, safety-oriented process is known as a preventability determination. Carriers make this assessment for several reasons: to evaluate and possibly change company policies and procedures to prevent similar accidents, to determine whether it […]

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Kirsten Wallerstedt

Europe Raises the Compliance Bar. Is Your Supply Chain Prepared?

Sweeping regulatory changes in the European Union (EU)are raising complex questions for businesses and introducing new tensions along the world’s supply chains. Manufacturers and importers will soon be tasked with reporting the origin of some metals and materials used in their products. They also will be responsible for disclosing aspects of their suppliers’ human rights […]

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Shannon Vaillancourt

Customized and Integrated to Create One Strategic Logistics Platform

Q: Why is it important for businesses to create a customized and integrated strategic platform for logistics operations? Why are businesses struggling to achieve this? A: Changing freight from a tactical necessity to a strategic asset is possible if you have a customized platform for logistics. A customized and strategic platform provides a company with […]

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Greg Braun

SaaS Breathing Life Into Yard Management Systems

Q: How has SaaS rejuvenated Yard Management? A: Cloud-based systems have been an enabler in many industries and yard management is no exception. The type of operations that are looking to better manage their yards today don’t want to be bothered with installing complicated infrastructure and initiating the type of complex projects that go along […]

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Mark Sell

Should I Work With a Third-Party Logistics Provider Offering Foreign Trade Zone Services?

As products continue to be sourced globally, companies that import goods are always looking for ways to make their supply chains more efficient. Working with a 3PL partner who also offers foreign trade zones (FTZs) can provide big benefits in the right scenarios. Q: What is an FTZ? A: An FTZ is a designated area, […]

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Tom Heine

Facilitating a Software Switch

Q: We bought our TMS over 10 years ago and have upgrades coming up. We’re considering something cloud-based. What is it like to switch software? The last time it took one year. A: There are a lot of factors that play into this, but generally it’s a lot easier than it used to be. Even […]

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