

Felecia Stratton

Navigating New IT Pathways

Logistics information technology is many things, but static isn’t one of them. In the supply chain, cloud computing opened new ways for logistics managers to deploy best-of-breed solutions, capture and disperse information, and execute change. Mobile communication enables practitioners to seed the cloud from anywhere, then feed off that shared data. Social media offers a […]

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Alan Tonelson

To Rebuild America’s Economy, Keep Products at Home

Despite anecdotal evidence of a comeback brewing in domestic industry, wide-ranging new data repeatedly point to major—even mounting—manufacturing woes, including flatlining growth and record trade deficits. More importantly, advanced domestic manufacturing keeps failing a crucial competitive test: holding onto markets in its own enormous American backyard. Imports continue to gain at the expense of U.S. […]

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Sweta Ashwarya

Five Tips for Landing a Successful Supply Chain Internship

From the Editor: Our Smart Moves column usually features insights from academic experts, but this month we feature a student’s perspective. MBA candidate Sweta Ashwarya’s sound advice on finding an internship applies to anyone delving into their professional network to pursue career advancement. Albert Einstein once said, "The only thing that interferes with my learning […]

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Keith Biondo

America’s Hardened Arteries

Over there: They plan to build an island where none exists. And a modern port. And road and rail connections. In five years. Over here: We study for more than two decades whether or not to dredge the Savannah River. Over there: They measure port operation productivity in multiples of what we have here. "Compared […]

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Ronald Leibman

Understanding Warehouseman’s Liens

When a warehouse operator believes it is owed storage and handling charges from a customer, it will often assert that it holds a “warehouseman’s lien” over the customer’s goods stored in the warehouse. By asserting such a lien, the warehouse operator is attempting to prevent the customer from shipping or otherwise making use of any […]

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Justin Woulfe

Performance-Based Negotiations: Simulation as Support for Decision-Making

Performance-based logistics (PBL) contracts have the potential to reduce cost to the buyer, while also increasing capability. This is contingent on the right set of metrics and cost targets being developed to ensure the right contractor incentive. Today, less than five percent of work performed in both government and private sectors is under PBL deals. […]

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Chuck Fuerst

Leveraging Technology to Accelerate Productivity and Profit

Companies are increasingly turning to logistic services providers to run their manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation operations more efficiently and at less cost than they can run it themselves. Particularly in the past few years, many companies have outsourced logistics to save on operations costs and labor. This puts the crowded third-party logistics (3PL) market at […]

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Paul A. Myerson

Plan Ahead to Avoid Overproduction

Sometimes too much of even a good thing can be bad. Such is the case with excess inventory. Companies need sufficient inventory to meet customer demand, but too much stored product can result in negative consequences, such as high carrying costs. When companies produce or purchase too much inventory, it is often the result of […]

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Felecia Stratton

Learning on the Job

Today’s supply chain is vastly different than 10 years ago—and positively futuristic compared to 1981, when this magazine first espoused a novel approach to managing transportation and logistics. The pace of change has been swift and sweeping. Technology innovation and proliferation have broken down functional silos and torn asunder geographic boundaries and constraints. Shrinking computers […]

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Tom Kozenski

You’re Faced With a Recall. Can You Find That Product?

Product recalls cost the U.S. economy $7 billion annually, according to the Washington Post. Yet most U.S. companies still struggle with real-time inventory visibility, and managing inventory across their network of suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers. With the average product recall costing $10 million, the inability to quickly and effectively recall product presents a huge risk […]

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Paul Dittman

Five Core Competencies Every Supply Chain Manager Should Master

The maze of challenges that makes up the global supply chain demands that logistics professionals never stop developing new skills and enhancing existing ones. Here are five core competencies that supply chain professionals need to master—and continually improve. Global business leadership. If your supply chain isn’t global now, it probably will be soon. Supply chain […]

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Chad Eichelberger

Trends and Predictions for 2013 and Beyond

2012 was another banner year for many in the third-party logistics (3PL) sector. Shipper procurement strategy has continued to evolve, and there are certainly some notable trends that will shape future decision-making with respect to shippers, asset-based providers, and 3PLs alike. Technology, innovation, and transparency seem to be on the minds of many in our […]

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Tim Nowak

St. Louis: New Gateway to Asian Markets

Nicknamed the Gateway to the West nearly 200 years ago for its presence as an economic powerhouse, St. Louis, Mo., is making significant progress as a key partner for international trade relations and economic growth. For new businesses or those seeking to grow trade relationships, St. Louis now represents a gateway to Asian markets. St. […]

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Emily P. Davis

Wasting Away to Meet Sustainability Goals

An average distribution center generates or handles anywhere from 100 to 1,000 tons of solid waste each year—or approximately 30 pounds per square foot—that could be reduced, reused, or recycled. Typical distribution center waste streams include corrugated cardboard, office and breakroom waste, plastic strapping, pallets, paper, batteries, yard waste, accumulated scrap such as defective or […]

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Juan D. Morales

Training Tomorrow’s Logistics and Transportation Executives Today

A volcanic cloud descends on Europe, disrupting flight plans. A tsunami in Thailand ripples across the Pacific and affects port activity in California. Forest fires in Los Angeles close highways for days. Threats of a terrorist attack in Brussels halt all transportation. Today’s logistics and transportation executives must be prepared to handle these scenarios. Their […]

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Foster Finley

Surveying the Home Delivery Landscape

Shortly after Claude Ryan and Jim Casey began delivering telegram messages in 1907, they seized on the idea to solve a business problem between department stores and the growing urban population in Seattle: managing home delivery of store-bought products. These new urbanites mostly walked or used streetcars, with only a few owning early automobiles. Safely […]

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