
10 Tips for Preparing for Supply Chain Ransomware Attacks
Cyberattacks in the manufacturing industry and supply chain have increased — here’s how leaders can reduce risk and prepare for responding to an attack today.
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DC Diversification: Direct-to-Consumer Reigns
Despite research to the contrary, direct-to-consumer sales will continue to grow.
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The Benefits of Procurement Technology Platforms: A Closer Look at Return on Investment
Businesses can achieve transformational efficiencies and returns on investment with procurement technology platforms. Here’s how one company pulled off its digital transformation.
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How Artificial Intelligence Is Improving Supply Chain Operations
AI may better describe augmented intelligence rather than artificial intelligence. While AI systems can help alleviate labor shortages, they often perform best while working alongside people and augmenting human intelligence.
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3PLs and AI – A Historical Combination
I am not much for predictions, but here’s one you can bank on: When artificial intelligence (AI) is truly applied to logistics operations, that combination will be a defining moment like few that have come before.
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GOOD QUESTION: Who Would Be Your Lifeline During a Logistics Crisis? Why?
Dwight D. Eisenhower. I make use of the Eisenhower Matrix (pictured). I would want to have heard from the man himself. Planning, preparing, and executing a moment in history like the Normandy invasion puts any logistics crisis in perspective. Do everything in your power to prepare. And at a certain point you need to have confidence in that preparation—and your people—to get on with the task at hand.
–Richard Kohn
Director, Global Logistics & Optimization
SeaCube Containers

Autonomous at Last?
One of the most difficult and expensive areas of the supply chain is last-mile and home delivery. It can also be the most memorable and important aspect of the customer’s buying experience. So, it’s no surprise that last-mile delivery of goods is a key application for driverless technologies.
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Reducing the Impact of Global Events
The global supply chain became even more connected in 2022. The U.S. Commerce Department reported record exports to 73 countries last year, and record imports from 90 nations. But the supply chain remained highly fragile and became a bigger responsibility to manage.
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What to Consider Before You Shift
One trend driving the growth in manufacturing jobs has been reshoring–the practice of bringing manufacturing back to the United States. Reshoring activities were estimated to create more than 225,000 jobs in 2022, according to a Reshoring Initiative report.
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Could Ocean Be the Best Solution?
Since COVID, businesses worldwide have had to contend with increased demand, limited storage capacities, and the need for fast, reliable transportation of goods. Many businesses have focused on ocean transport as a potential solution to their shipping issues.
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Strategies to Overcome Cross-Border Obstacles
Brands selling internationally know that their cross-border strategies must accommodate changes in import taxes, localized prices, or governmental sanctions. What many may not initially consider is the complexities of country restrictions, and the possibility that certain products can be deemed a threat and held up in the customs process.
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What You Don’t Know About Your Suppliers Can Hurt You
Most companies run credit checks to make sure their suppliers are stable. But how can executives keep up with the news and other crucial reports to see if those suppliers will keep their commitments?
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The Future of Work is Already Here
Some supply chain employees may feel wary about job security with advancements in automation and technology. The truth is technology isn’t the enemy; it’s a necessity.
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Asset Management is Everyone’s Job
When it comes to keeping the supply chain as efficient as possible, asset management is a vital priority that mustn’t be overlooked. Keeping careful track not only of goods, but of the shipping containers and platforms needed to transport these goods, should be everyone’s responsibility.
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Greening the Last Mile
Last-mile delivery—the end stage of delivery from a pickup point or sortation center to a package’s final destination—is the most expensive aspect of the supply chain, from high fuel costs and address location to labor and first delivery failure. It also has the highest environmental impact of any other part of the supply chain.
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3 Ways Predictive Analytics Improves Fulfillment
Organizations need the technical tools to provide operational insights that lead to smarter decisions about automating inventory management, warehousing, and distribution processes. With improved operational visibility, businesses can strengthen their order fulfillment and supply chain processes while keeping pace with customer expectations.
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Thinking Inside the Box Truck
While most people are at least somewhat familiar with box trucks, these little workhorses don’t get enough credit. Also known as straight trucks or bobtails, they are usually 26 feet long and can carry up to 10,000 pounds of freight. They can also come in small (12 ft.) and medium size (14-18 ft.) configurations.
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Auto Industry Shifts Logistics Strategies
While companies across industries and sizes are making changes to mitigate supply chain risk, the automotive industry seems to be leading the way on some of the top trends.
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Market Swing: Prepare Now or Lose Later
Market indicators are pointing to a stronger second half of the year—in carriers’ favor—signaling to prudent shippers that the time is now to reevaluate both short- and long-term plans.
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