Bruce Moore

Analyzing Freight & Logistics Operations

Disruption is the new normal in freight and logistics. Customers now demand greater speed and value, and want detailed information on the status of their shipments. Shoppers are increasingly mobile and connected, and shop across multiple channels. Manufacturers and retailers are rushing to re-introduce direct-to-door deliveries. The emerging Internet of Things allows companies to capture […]

Chris Cotter

The Trials and Errors of Preventability Determinations

After a motor vehicle accident, it is common for motor carriers to determine whether their driver could have prevented the accident. This positive, safety-oriented process is known as a preventability determination. Carriers make this assessment for several reasons: to evaluate and possibly change company policies and procedures to prevent similar accidents, to determine whether it […]

Lauren Willison

How STEM is Revolutionizing the Future of Logistics

All across higher education, we have seen an increase in the number of students who decide to pursue a degree in logistics. With the logistics sector adopting new technology, more businesses and organizations are looking to hire graduates with a logistics background and the ability to plan, execute, and strategically maximize efficiencies within their role. […]

Kirsten Wallerstedt

Europe Raises the Compliance Bar. Is Your Supply Chain Prepared?

Sweeping regulatory changes in the European Union (EU)are raising complex questions for businesses and introducing new tensions along the world’s supply chains. Manufacturers and importers will soon be tasked with reporting the origin of some metals and materials used in their products. They also will be responsible for disclosing aspects of their suppliers’ human rights […]

Alaska: The Vast Frontier

Alaska: The Vast Frontier

By offering air, barge, ocean carrier, rail, and trucking services, logistics providers excel at transporting goods to, from, and within Alaska.

Rick Erickson

Freight Audit and Payment: An Untapped Source of Working Capital

Q: You said recently, "The art of working capital management has declined." Why isn’t it a focus? A: The no- to low-interest-rate environment following the 2008 market crash made it easy. Debt wasn’t as big of a concern, so many companies let their attention to working capital management slip. Now that the Federal Reserve has […]

Chris Timmer

Leveraging a TMS for Domestic and Global Transportation

Q: What are the biggest challenges facing shippers in today’s economic environment? A: In today’s market, managing transportation domestically and globally in one system with a single workflow is a key factor for a more efficient and cohesive supply chain. Many businesses still use manual methods or multiple systems to manage freight, with no way […]

Shannon Vaillancourt

Customized and Integrated to Create One Strategic Logistics Platform

Q: Why is it important for businesses to create a customized and integrated strategic platform for logistics operations? Why are businesses struggling to achieve this? A: Changing freight from a tactical necessity to a strategic asset is possible if you have a customized platform for logistics. A customized and strategic platform provides a company with […]

Greg Braun

SaaS Breathing Life Into Yard Management Systems

Q: How has SaaS rejuvenated Yard Management? A: Cloud-based systems have been an enabler in many industries and yard management is no exception. The type of operations that are looking to better manage their yards today don’t want to be bothered with installing complicated infrastructure and initiating the type of complex projects that go along […]

Tom Heine

Facilitating a Software Switch

Q: We bought our TMS over 10 years ago and have upgrades coming up. We’re considering something cloud-based. What is it like to switch software? The last time it took one year. A: There are a lot of factors that play into this, but generally it’s a lot easier than it used to be. Even […]

Chris Noble

Avoid Pricing Pitfalls When Selecting a Logistics IT Solution

Q: One of the common gripes voiced by organizations implementing logistics IT solutions is that the solution ends up costing more than expected. Why does this seem to happen so frequently? A: The roots of this complaint can be traced back to improperly managed expectations during the sales process. Pricing between providers competing for the […]

Tom Barnes

Shippers Should See Positives from the Trade Promotion Act

When the U.S. Congress passed the Trade Promotion Act (TPA) in June 2015, debate over its benefits and how its passage would affect the U.S. economy lingered. U.S. Congress felt that the goal of TPA and its historical record were solid proof of the benefits this legislation would provide. Although TPA is not a trade […]

Eric Allais

Two Key Factors Drive WMS Adoption Today

Do you need your distribution or warehouse sector to be faster and leaner? If so, the warehouse management system (WMS) has emerged as a valuable tool that can be used to track and streamline tasks, the workforce, and material/equipment flows. In fact, the ARC Advisory Group’s WMS Global Market Research Study showed the WMS industry […]

Sue Rutherford

Protect Your Cargo With Vehicle Tracking

Transit cargo is one of the most vulnerable parts of the supply chain and the level of theft sophistication is on the rise. According to TT Club, a leading international transport, freight, and logistics insurance provider, theft is a top reason for claims. The total value of TT Club claims over a five-year period starting […]

Bill Johnson

How the Hub-and-Spoke Model Can Improve Distribution for Rail Networks

Ever since Federal Express implemented a hub-and-spoke model and famously demonstrated its efficacy in Roger Frock’s Changing How the World Does Business, the well-known distribution model has been adopted by organizations in the transportation, healthcare, and aviation industries for the distribution of goods and services. With the success of the hub-and-spoke model in the transportation […]

Josh Roffman

Enterprise Labeling for a Connected, Flexible, and Efficient Supply Chain

Looking toward the future, businesses are taking a more standardized approach and respecting the key role that labeling solutions play in the supply chain. Companies are beginning to understand that they need to develop a labeling strategy to meet all of the challenges of today’s global supply chain. This new focus on the strategic value […]

Robert Walpole

Key Factors Shaping World Trade and Global Logistics

By all accounts, 2016 will be a year in which major agreements and more open markets will shape world trade and increase the global logistics that move commodities to manufacturers, and finished goods into the hands of consumers virtually everywhere on the globe. From the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans Pacific […]

Keith Biondo

Global Trade: The Certainty of Uncertainty

During times of economic growth and prosperity, global trade impacts the supply chain and how you match demand to supply. But what is the impact on the practice of supply chain management in today’s uncertain world? One thing is certain: Many government policies are disruptive to global supply chains and to the businesses and consumers […]

What Fictional Character Would Make a Great Logistician?

What Fictional Character Would Make a Great Logistician?

MORE TO THE STORY: Comments from LinkedIn Professor X, the leader of the X-Men, would be a great supply chain leader. He is the brains behind a successful organization. He is a strategic thinker and influencer. The professor and his team make use of technology that enables them to achieve their goals. Marcia Connors Operational […]

Simplifying the CFR Shipping Rules

Even Einstein would have trouble understanding hazardous materials or dangerous goods (DG) regulations, agree 56 percent of respondents to a recent Labelmaster survey. And simply keeping pace with the changes in regulations is an inherent challenge, say 59 percent of respondents. With their daunting appearance, and massive word count, regulations can seem intimidating. They aren’t. […]

Richard Foley: Charging Hard Against Chargebacks

Richard Foley: Charging Hard Against Chargebacks

Richard Foley is logistics manager at SDI Technologies in Edison, N.J. He has held this position since 2014. Responsibilities: Inbound and outbound transportation. Experience: Traffic manager, Chronar Corporation; distribution manager, Fleer Corporation; international trade show coordinator, R.E. Rogers; domestic traffic manager, Conair Corporation; corporate logistics manager, NBTY. Education: AAS, business administration, Mercer County Community College, […]

Trends—March 2016

Trends—March 2016

Trucking Companies Hit the Brakes on Driver Wages The capacity crunch that has plagued the trucking industry since 2013 appears to be easing as poor economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2015 has trucking companies lowering their freight estimates. Only one-third of carriers expect to have any increase in freight volume in 2016, according […]

Global Logistics—March 2016

Global Logistics—March 2016

What Keeps Supply Chain and Risk Managers Up at Night? Every type of business risk has an impact on the supply chain. And when risk becomes reality, risk managers and supply chain managers work in tandem to keep goods and materials flowing. In 2016, companies need to be prepared and ready to meet the following […]

Three Imperatives for Managing Carrier Rates

As the annual freight rate contract negotiation process is underway, it is imperative that shippers fully evaluate options across carriers utilizing knowledge of historical changes and past performance in their trade lanes. The complexity of freight rate contracts places a strong burden on shippers and NVOCCs to comprehensively understand the proposed rates and surcharges, including […]

Thomas W. Derry

Three Keys to Global Supply Chain Prowess

The world’s increasing interconnectedness presents opportunities for supply management professionals to be more efficient and effective as they work to help companies achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. That same interconnectedness, however, poses three serious challenges that must be addressed if we are to continue to be successful. The ongoing security threat to companies’ networks, computers, […]

Jan Markill

Flying High With Electronic Air Waybills

On March 1, 2016, 15 airlines introduced the single-process approach for one of the industry’s most important transportation documents: the electronic Air Waybill (eAWB). Developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), in collaboration with industry stakeholders, the eAWB is a digital version of the paper air waybill (AWB). The air cargo industry still relies […]

Saving Green While Going Green

While good for the environment, supply chain sustainability can also be good for the bottom line if incorporated into a company’s supply chain strategy. In the past, most companies were concerned primarily with forward logistics processes, and, to some degree, returning product to suppliers. Today, companies also focus on reverse logistics processes, not only from […]

Georgia: The Gem of The Southeast

Georgia: The Gem of The Southeast

A central geographic location, highly skilled workforce, warm climate, and business-friendly environment make the state sparkle. But it’s Georgia’s logistical advantages that are the jewel in the crown.

George Kontoravdis, PhD

Leveraging Collaborative Logistics for Increased Visibility

Q: How can value chain partners cooperate to create and share efficiencies? A: Significant efficiencies can be realized across the supply chain when all stakeholders (enterprise, vendors, carriers) can collaborate in real time through a standardized logistics execution platform. This type of interaction is also known as collaborative logistics. The cornerstone of collaborative logistics is […]

Michael Kukiela

Improve Your Supply Chain’s Stability During the Next Procurement Event

Q: Why is now the right time to consider a transportation procurement event? A: The transportation industry consistently faces capacity volatility, demands for improved service, and relentless focus on cost containment. Two years ago, shippers witnessed on-time delivery fall as low as 80 percent while the spread between contracted and spot rates exceeded 25 percent. […]

Bill Powell

What Is Your Fleet Trying to Tell You?

Each day, every vehicle in a fleet generates hundreds of pieces of data. Everything, from miles driven and fuel consumption to the repairs conducted and driving habits, generates data points that together, compile the overall view of a fleet. While this data can be extremely valuable to fleet managers, it also presents a daunting challenge. […]

Felecia Stratton

You Are Never Too Cool for School

When I was in college pursuing an English degree (it doesn’t matter how many years ago), I learned the rules of grammar, how to punctuate a sentence correctly, and the difference between it’s and its. I could diagram a sentence like no one else. And those skills were enough to lead me to my dream […]

What’s the first thing you would do to address the truck driver shortage?

What’s the first thing you would do to address the truck driver shortage?

The first thing that needs to be addressed is driver pay. Other industries offer higher wages for workers with similar skillsets, so we need to ensure that driving is economically competitive in the marketplace. Secondly, we need to tap into the next generation and let them know that transportation is a viable profession. Steve Pitt […]

Optimizing Freight Spend

Managing your transportation budget is the key to shedding excess cost. Working in today’s competitive market provides many options to help slim down freight spend. As freight transportation continues to change, service providers are using technology to improve and meet the dynamics of the supply chain. Tim Quinn, director of procurement for Freightquote, offers the […]

Michael Fries: No Small Potatoes

Michael Fries: No Small Potatoes

Michael Fries is senior business intelligence logistics analyst at U.S. Foods in Rosemont, Ill. He has held this position since 2014. Responsibilities: Analyzing data on inbound operations and carrier performance to support process improvement. Experience: Member service representative, Alliant Credit Union; project coordinator, Best Messenger Service; supply chain coordinator, CF Industries; logistics sourcing analyst, ITW. […]

Trends—February 2016

Trends—February 2016

UAV Operators Wait As FAA Guidelines Drone On Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced in 2013 that Amazon Prime Air would use unmanned drones to deliver packages to your door in 30 minutes or less. The online retailer has since claimed that it is only waiting for the government to make drone package delivery legal. Unfortunately, […]

Global Logistics—February 2016

Global Logistics—February 2016

Global Infrastructure Projects: Building for the Future A $305-billion transportation infrastructure bill passed the U.S. Congress at the end of 2015, but the United States isn’t the only country looking to spend big money on infrastructure projects, according to the 2016 Global Infrastructure Report from CG/LA Infrastructure. The report details 100 infrastructure projects in 71 […]

Sheik M. Ayube

Corporate Citizenship Starts With the Supply Chain 

In recent years, a noticeable paradigm shift has taken place in the business world. Driven by the realization that business and society can no longer intersect at the crossroads of profits first and society second, business is adopting a new order that puts the interests of society on a level that is at par with […]

Jannine Miller

Georgia: Enabling Business Growth Through Collaboration

The business environment in Georgia is rich in everything a shipper might seek for responding to customers and competing in the global marketplace. From well-designed redundancies across intermodal shipping methods to creative solutions when the unexpected happens, Georgia’s logistics advantages can help shippers of all sizes and industries connect and grow. Shippers are the lifeblood […]

Chase Sowden

Tapping the Power of Performance Management

In today’s workplace, performance improvement and the role of performance management are increasingly important. Organizations are under more pressure than ever to become more efficient and improve business strategies to remain competitive. Consider, for instance, a manufacturer with five warehouses that decides to implement a new enterprise resource planning system. The goal is to increase […]

Nick Cicero

Leverage Dashboard Technology to Improve Decision-Making Capabilities

As a logistics professional, you’re familiar with the value of high-quality data. Experienced supply chain practitioners recognize that the value of data is directly related to its utility: Raw data without context or consequence is virtually meaningless. With even more tracking systems contributing to a dramatic increase in the volume of available data, companies are […]

Jon M. Van Winkle

Getting Fleets Mobile Ready

Many transportation fleets are now embracing mobile technologies, and there are clear reasons why. Today’s smartphones and tablet computers put more computing power in the palm of a driver’s hand than what was available in the earliest NASA computers that put man on the moon. Furthermore, the ongoing R&D investments by chip and device makers […]

Clint Lasher

Fine-tuning the Modern Distribution Center

Not long ago, people changed their own oil and did other maintenance on their vehicles. To be sure, some auto buffs still enjoy the thrill of DIY on their cars, but many are content with letting experienced professionals handle the job. After all, vehicles and the technologies behind them are a lot more complex than […]

Raymond G. Monteith

Is Your Business Prepared for the Worst?

Disasters and tragedy happen every day. From fires and theft to severe weather events, we experience disruptive incidents on a regular basis. So how prepared is your business to withstand a crisis? How well have you incorporated risk analysis and crisis preparation into your business operations? Effective risk assessment depends on using our imagination to […]

Keith Biondo

The Supply Chain of the Future?

We have achieved a good measure of being able to match demand to supply, and have aligned enterprise operations to support that purpose. But now that we have achieved that goal, we begin again—with a new global supply chain metastructure that is always on, never off. Consumer impatience drives supply chain impatience. For example, Adidas […]

Felecia Stratton

The Supply Chain of the Past

The publisher talks about a coming global supply chain metastructure, citing an Adidas “speedfactory” where robots manufacture running shoes. Is this the supply chain of the future? Maybe. But let’s take a look at an imaginary supply chain of the past Meet Gan McManus, the hero of Strikepoint, a logistics novella we originally published in […]

Who’s more important—your customers or your employees?

Who’s more important—your customers or your employees?

This one is easy for me: employees every time. Customers come and go, but it’s employees who determine the frequency. Treat your employees well, invest in their skills, promote and reward customer-centric behaviors, and you’ll never need to answer this question again. Nick Foy Director of Operations, ModusLink Whether they are your employees or your […]

Becoming a Shipper of Choice

Supply chain partners are instrumental to business success. Taking steps to become a shipper of choice delivers benefits across the supply chain, and helps sustain and grow your bottom line. Greg Braun, senior vice president of sales and marketing at C3 Solutions, offers these tips for becoming carrier friendly. 1. Offer a flexible delivery window. […]

Al Morris: Perfect for the Part

Al Morris: Perfect for the Part

Al Morris is director, global supply chain, at TERiX Computer Service in Sunnyvale, Calif. He has worked for the company since 2004. Responsibilities: Procurement and logistics. Experience: Procurement manager, Marathon International Group. Education: BS, Private and Commercial Recreation, San Jose State University, 1991. I graduated college during a recession, and was glad when a friend […]

Trends—January 2016

Trends—January 2016

Of Potholes and Politics Transportation infrastructure became a hot topic at the end of 2014. So hot, in fact, that it was on the short list of items that had Congress prepared to shut down the government again. This was an interesting development for those who depend on our nation’s highways and waterways—especially because there […]

Global Logistics—January 2016

Global Logistics—January 2016

It’s Not Easy Beijing Green China reached its highest level of air pollution on record in December 2015. The smog in Beijing was so bad that the government issued a series of red alerts (the highest alert on a four-tier scale) spanning days. The alerts forced more than 2,000 factories to reduce or shut down […]

Doug Waggoner

Advantages of Partial Truckload Shipping

Less-than-truckload (LTL) and full truckload transportation are regularly discussed, but an often overlooked mode is partial truckload, or volume LTL. This mode has benefits shippers should consider when looking for faster transit times, less handling, and a more cost-effective solution. Logistics professionals begin to look at partial truckload or volume LTL as an option when […]

Ken Wacker

Accelerating Enterprise Logistics With Top-Tier Multi-Modal Solutions

Logistics has evolved into a strategic business concern—from a back office function to a boardroom agenda item—and as a result, enterprises now seek 3PLs with multi-modal capabilities for complete end-to-end integration. By linking all transportation modes, enterprise shippers leverage the entirety of the supply chain to achieve economical logistics performance. Today, it is important for […]

George Prest

Education, Outreach Keys to Changing the Face of Supply Chain

The supply chain has an image problem. Although modern operations no longer resemble the dark, dirty, stagnant facilities of the past, we’re still challenged by that popular perception. In reality, supply chains are global enterprises led by a diverse group of professionals who routinely utilize innovation, creativity and smart thinking to drive operational efficiency as […]

Tom Heine

It’s All About Risk: The Case for the Cloud

Use cloud software, buy enterprise software, or write your own—which is the best choice for your company? Companies in the transportation business traditionally bought enterprise software or built their own. That has changed. Over the last 10 years, cloud software has become a popular alternative, and for good reason. It’s the choice that exposes your […]

Jim Hoefflin

A Five-Step Blueprint for 3PL Success

Companies are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their supply chain operations and make them more efficient. But 3PLs, in particular, face the unique challenge of regularly improving how they work with shippers, and, in the face of regular rate increases, finding new ways to reduce freight costs to keep prices down for […]

Radek Maly

Multinational Diversity Drives Measurable Success in Logistics Operations

The logistics industry is international by its very nature. Logistics providers—particularly freight forwarders—manage relationships with companies around the world as shipments are moved globally. As a result, the United States is more diverse than ever before, which presents an opportunity for companies to partner with a logistics provider that hires staff from many countries and […]

Andrew Reiff

Using Data Analysis to Minimize Transportation Costs

In today’s data-rich world, the logistics industry as a whole is surprisingly behind the times. It’s been said that there are two ways to increase profits: raise prices or reduce expenses. Moving product around spends money. Whether a shipper is taking inbound deliveries of raw materials or sending a finished product to an end user, […]

Jeff Siewert

Spring Clean Your Trade and Compliance Processes

This is the time of year when many of us begin our spring-cleaning projects around the home. Yet it is a good idea to also consider some spring cleaning of your organization’s trade compliance processes, perhaps dusting off some plans set earlier and readying programs for developments coming in the remainder of the year. Prep […]

Tom Madzy

So You’ve Decided to Invest in a Global TMS – Now What?

The benefits of a Transport Management System (TMS) are well recognized, allowing users to replace separate management systems for their different logistical needs with an end-to-end solution that allows shipments to be booked in just a few clicks, saving vast amounts of time and money. It’s no wonder then, that so many companies are moving […]

Cindi Hane

Transportation 2016 (And Beyond): The Old Rules Don’t Apply

Transportation is ever-evolving with current shipper concerns of growing truck driver shortages, severe capacity crunches, supply chain talent shortfalls, and tenuous customer service levels. Traditionally, shippers would pick up the phone to call a favorite carrier who would carry the load for an acceptable rate at the day and time requested. These manual transactions were […]

Jimmy Shafer

What Effect Will 3D Printing Have on Logistics and SCM?

The worldwide market for 3D printing grew at a compound annual growth rate of 35.2% to $4.1 billion (USD) in 2014, according to Wohlers Report 2015. The industry expanded by more than $1 billion with 49 manufacturers producing and selling industrial-grade 3D machines. If 3D printing is going to have a major impact on how […]

Maria Baker

Thoughts on Independent Contractor Pitfalls

Hire. Employ. Train. These are a few words that can cost you dearly, should a governing entity decide it wants to look at your business model and how you utilize independent contractors (ICs). Do they wait at your location for their next job? Are your drivers in uniform? Do their vehicles have your logo on […]

Robert Walters

Inbound Vendor Programs

A lot of attention is paid to the control and management of outbound shipping to someone’s customers, but many times the expense of inbound vendor traffic and its impact on landed cost is overlooked. Sometimes because the buyers get no credit for managing freight costs of inbound shipping and expertise of the shipping staff is […]

Henry Kardonski

Panama’s SEA Change Boosts Access to Global Markets

Panama is quickly becoming the business capital of Latin America. The country is an attractive location to the international business community due to the $5.25-billion expansion of the Panama Canal, allowing for increased access to global markets. In addition, the country’s economy is surging, and the Panamanian government is attracting foreign direct investment through the […]

Richard Newbold

Five Driving Forces Behind Driverless Trucks

The introduction of driverless trucks could be the biggest change the transportation industry will ever see, and the concept is closer to reality than you might think. Vehicle manufacturers say drivers will still be essential in the next 10 years, and the technology will be there to assist drivers rather than take their jobs. Daimler, […]

Chris Cotter

Driver Coercion Rule: What Shippers And Carriers Need to Know

As a new truck driver coercion rule goes into effect, the need for communication with drivers is greater than ever. Motor carriers, shippers, receivers, and transportation intermediaries need to train drivers on the updated policies and procedures. In November 2015, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) adopted regulations that prohibit drivers from being coerced […]

Dave Silva

Shedding Light on DIM Weight Returns

Volume shippers who send most of their goods to customers via parcel carriers know that a pound is not always a pound. Dimensional, or DIM, weight is a significant issue that can add up to millions of dollars in shipping expenses. For e-commerce shippers, customer returns are inevitable. Without a clear understanding and plan for […]

Steve Wood

Serialization: It’s the Real Thing

To help combat counterfeiting, the premium beverage industry is taking advantage of serial numbers on product packages to uniquely identify products for increased connectivity throughout packaging operations and the supply chain. Premium beverages such as expensive wine, whiskey, and cognac have become an increasingly active market for counterfeiters in China, India, and Russia. It’s easy […]

Mark Morley

Greening Your Supply Chain With B2B Automation

Today’s businesses are under increasing pressure to develop more sustainable supply chains, typically part of a broader Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. With reducing carbon emissions a cornerstone of many CSR-related programs, developing greener logistics and supply chain networks is key. Replacing manual, paper-based processes with fully automated systems that use electronic business-to-business (B2B) transactions […]

Shay Scott

Eight Ways to Find and Retain Qualified Supply Chain Talent

The burgeoning need for talent to operate today’s complex supply chains has begun to garner significant attention. Not only are supply chain management roles expanding at a rate outpacing qualified new graduates, but supply chain is also rapidly becoming more complex, creating the need for existing personnel to dramatically retool their skill sets. These trends […]

Jim Barnes

Building Strong Supplier Relationships: Procurement Takes the Lead

As external forces change the expectation of procurement to be more than just the cost police, it’s up to procurement professionals to embrace the role as strategists and advisors. As a leader, it is important to cultivate and maintain good supplier relationships to ensure profitability. Companies struggle in relationships with suppliers for many reasons. For […]

Steve Leavitt

How to Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace

Whatever your business, the success of any company depends on its ability to define its value proposition, and then execute the vision precisely and consistently throughout the organization. Defining a company’s core value proposition requires patience, as well as a deep understanding and appreciation of your customers’ needs and your core competencies. Nearly 30 years […]

The Automotive Aftermarket: Time for a Tuneup?

The Automotive Aftermarket: Time for a Tuneup?

By diagnosing and responding to three service alerts—omni-channel retail migration, Mexican plant expansions, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership—automakers, parts suppliers, and 3PLs keep the aftermarket engine purring like a kitten.