
Supply Chain Management

Curtis Greve

How to Profit from Outsourcing

More companies outsource the reverse logistics function than any other part of the supply chain. In fact, most Fortune 1000 retailers and consumer goods manufacturers outsource part or all of their reverse logistics processes, and experts expect this trend to continue growing globally over the next 20 years. Why do companies such as Walmart, Dell, […]

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Felecia Stratton

Benchmarking Career Development

When a professional discipline evolves at hyper speed, career development follows. But actually, it should lead. Keeping up with change—often precipitated by new generations of talent, innovation, and technological know-how—instinctively raises expectations, and inspires personal growth and enrichment. That’s particularly true of supply chain management. In a literal sense, learning on the job is part […]

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Jason Shefrin: Asset-Light, By Design

Jason Shefrin: Asset-Light, By Design

Jason Shefrin is executive vice president, global sourcing, at InterDesign Inc., a major designer and producer of housewares and home fashions. He has worked for the Solon, Ohio-based firm since 2011. Responsibilities: Product development, quality assurance, vendor management, global supply chain operations, logistics and transportation management. Experience: Senior consultant, Cleveland Consulting Associates (CSC Consulting); founding […]

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Paul A. Myerson

Collaborative Programs: Not a Chore But an Opportunity

Many corporate executives view the supply chain and logistics function as a source of savings through cost reduction. Their position is understandable, as supply chain and logistics costs can represent 50 to 70 percent of a company’s sales dollars. Making these operations more efficient and effective can have a great impact on the bottom line. […]

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