

Matt Tillman

Trump Presidency Is Reality. Let’s Talk Supply Chain Implications.

As the 2016 Presidential election results were announced, it became clear that the candidate with the least concrete trade policy had won. This created a fair amount of concern for supply chain professionals everywhere: Would the new president implement the protectionist measures he campaigned on, or were those statements made primarily to appeal to an audience? […]

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Keith Biondo

Blockchain Supply Chain?

Anyone doing business in a global environment knows that a lot of friction in trade activities is directly related to finance: regulatory and compliance speed bumps, fraud, letters of credit, manual and fax-based documentation. In trade finance, the sheer number of borders, intermediaries, regulatory authorities—and lack of technology—can sometimes stall your product, no matter what […]

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GOOD QUESTION | When choosing a carrier/supplier, what’s more important: cost or customer service?

GOOD QUESTION | When choosing a carrier/supplier, what’s more important: cost or customer service?

While reducing operational costs is top of mind for businesses, customer service comes first to ensure rising expectations are met with improved visibility and accuracy—especially in today’s increasingly competitive environment where loyalty must be earned and options are many. Steve Rice Director of Product Management, TAKE Supply Chain Bang for the buck. There are a […]

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Paul A. Myerson

How Supply Chain Strategies Impact
E-commerce Success

E-commerce has emerged as part of a company’s omni-channel marketing program. Achieving success requires not only an agile, lean supply chain, but also a strategy to get there. Many e-commerce companies sell a variety of products, and each type of product establishes different strategic needs. For example, functional products require lean and flexible network strategies, […]

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Renee Roe

Export Control Reform Strikes Again

The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security revised almost every section of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR) on Sept. 20, 2016. The fairly significant changes impact most U.S. companies. Here’s what you need to know. Although you may not sell product that would be defined as hardware, software, or technology under the EAR, you […]

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Kristi Montgomery

Using IoT to Enable Tomorrow’s Supply Chain

The Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to change warehouse and distribution services around the globe, with an estimated 5.5 million new devices being connected every day. The supply chain is next. Scary? Not really. Worthwhile? Absolutely. Billions of traditional networking devices—including hubs, routers, servers, personal computers, and mobile phones—are already connected to the internet […]

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Sue Welch

Why Retailers Need the TPP

In recent months, the acronym “TPP” has made international headlines, and has been a somewhat unexpected cause of dissension and acrimony among governments and citizens. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, more commonly known as TPP, is a trade agreement that aims to deepen economic ties among 12 countries along the Pacific Rim by reducing tariffs and stimulating […]

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Preston Charles

Communication Insights Boost Shipper-Supplier Relationships

Shippers who acknowledge that they have the power to enable their own supplier base to satisfy their needs as well as their customers’ are on the right track. In particular, North American importers would be well served to emphasize stronger communication practices with Asian exporters to boost supply chain efficiency. Stronger communications go beyond monitoring […]

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Jeff Broadhurst

Panama Canal Expansion to Spur East Coast Shipping Boom

After nearly 10 years and $5.4 billion, worldwide shipping is in for a major shakeup. With the nearly triple-the-size expansion of the Panama Canal completed in late June 2016, a vastly increased quantity of goods will be able to easily traverse one of the world’s most important waterways. This change comes amid a slump in […]

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Felecia Stratton

Starting a Logistics Love Affair

What is it about our profession that attracts smart, dedicated, hardworking young people who love logistics? I spent some time recently reviewing applications for the annual Inbound Logistics/APICs scholarship, granted to an undergraduate pursuing a supply chain career. Applicants submit an essay describing why they want to enter the field, and what they hope to […]

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GOOD QUESTION | What disruptive innovation will have the greatest impact on the supply chain?

GOOD QUESTION | What disruptive innovation will have the greatest impact on the supply chain?

Supply chain advancement is a methodology that extracts hidden profit by connecting the supply chain to other core processes of a business: strategy, product life-cycle management, and sales and marketing. Companies that advance their supply chains to this next level of decision-making will be better positioned to adapt to changing customer needs. Robert Martichenko CEO, […]

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Chris Cotter

Accidents Happen: Is Your Transportation Partner Prepared?

When a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit is brought against a commercial transportation company after a motor vehicle accident, creative lawyers are increasingly including negligence claims. Such claims focus attention on how the transportation company hires, trains, supervises, and disciplines its drivers. Falling short in these practices can form the basis for a jury […]

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Robert Clesi

To Boost Shipment Productivity, Look to the Cloud

Deploying a cloud-based shipment execution system promotes a healthier ecosystem within the company, reduces costs, and pays big dividends via customer satisfaction. When corporate enterprises grow and evolve, their internal departments can develop a silo mentality and become more protective of their information. Because of these informational turf wars, the organization becomes disjointed and less […]

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Glenn Palanacki

Top 5 Things Shippers Need to Know about the Canadian eManifest

Moving data is often as important as moving freight. The Canadian eManifest is an important step toward improving security by receiving cargo and conveyance information before a shipment arrives at the border. The list below compiles the top five items that shippers, their carriers, drivers, and any company involved in U.S.–Canada highway transport should know […]

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